last post for me for the night Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Right, the kids were coming up with some pretty good answers so far. Williamson pointed his wand at the wall just behind his bale of hay and the lists of knowns/want to knows suddenly appeared behind him as the students kept them coming. Quote: STUFF WE KNOW- magical creatures
- girls seem to like them
- resemble overly fuzzy hamsters
- round balls of fluff
- eat snot
- trainable
- found at WWW's in Diagon Alley
- first bred by Fred/George Weasley
- hum/purr
- miniature puffskeins
STUFF WE WANT TO KNOW- exception to the Ban on Experimental Breeding???
- eat what???
- why are they so adorable???
- can be trained to NOT eat snot???
- what does pygmy mean???
- how does one discover a puff's gender???
- what magical properties do they possess??
"This is a really good looking list so far," Williamson nodded approvingly. "Feel free to jot this down, as it will likely be useful when it comes time to do your homework. Then I want you all to partner up and try to answer ONE of the questions on this list. If you can't answer it, GOOD! I want you to think scientifically about the question and come up with some sort of process or method of discovering the answer to your question."
It was like detective work! The stuff of REAL Magizoologists! ooc: going offline for the night. Follow the directions above and I'll post again tomorrow afternoon (EST). =)
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |