Thread: Harry Potter: Flora Riddle 2 - Sa13+
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Old 02-09-2012, 02:49 AM   #1 (permalink)
Ivana R
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Default Flora Riddle 2 - Sa13+
Portuguese Hippogriff Harrys Schokofrösche

Summary: Sequel of Flora Ridle’s story, a new stage of her life. After being introduced to the wizarding world, the Brazillian witch Flora and her husband Felipe decide to move to Hogsmead with their family. Gradually Flora gets in contact with her origins, Black, Riddle, Gaunt, Slytherin, Perverell… She gradually wins her place in the world to which she belongs with Harry Potter’s help, who isn’t sure of his feelings for her, and under Hermione’s care.

"This story was based on the Harry Potter series, created by JK Rowling, on which I have no property rights and is not my intention to infringe any copyright.
It's a fan fiction story That Incorporate characters she created."

Translatio into English: Rogerio C. Migliorini;
Beta-reader: Nups 21

Chapters list:

1. The careful and watchful Harry
2. Preparing to be born again
4. Lost and Found
5. Hermione and Hogwarts
6. Was she bewitched?
7. Flying Yan
8. Returning to the origins
9. Grimmauld Place
10. Tom Marvolo Riddle
11. I'll fly
12. The Gaunts
13. Slytherin
14. The Secret of the tower
15. Concerns
16. Flora Riddle
17. The new secrets of the Shrieking Shack
18. Wating for the dust to settle
19. The Christmas Party

This story is being posted on and simultaneously (my nickname in those sites is Mrs. Borgin... ), and I'm posting the credits of my beta-reader Nups21 and SS over there.

1.The careful and watchful Harry

It was late at night, and Harry couldn’t sleep. He got up quietly so as to not to wake his wife up and went to the living room. There, he picked up the Daily Prophet that like quite often, had his picture on the front-page. However, it wasn’t the one he was looking for... There she was: facing back; long black hair; graceful silhouette... He read the head-line as if to fool himself that he wasn’t looking for the photo, but to the editorial content.

Mr. Harry Potter, head of the Aurors, tells how they subdued and subjugated a group of former Death Eaters, being organized under the authority of Lucius Malfoy in an attempt for the return of power of darkness. Lucius’ son, Draco Malfoy, too actively took part in the action.
Lucius Malfoy had convinced the other Death Eaters that a Brazilian woman visiting the country, Flora Gressler Ferreira, was a direct descendant of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. He believed that the Dark Lord’s daughter shared plans with Lucius himself to regain the power…

Harry stopped reading for a moment. Fortunately, he had succeeded, in his interview to the Prophet, to convince people that Flora didn’t share her uncle’s plans. So she was free to move around the magical world without being pointed at as a threat ... Maybe one day they’d bump into each other when shopping in Diagon Alley ... No. It wasn’t likely.

He felt a little unclean as he couldn’t get Flora off his mind. It was the first time this had happened since he fell in love with his wife, back in the school days. However, Flora was like a magnet to him. Her beauty, sweetness, courage and skills fascinated him. He’d often catch himself thinking about her, even at work, and it was driving him mad. At home, he’d be embarrassed to even look at Ginny after the working day. It was impossible for him to look at her face as before. He couldn’t understand his feelings. He needed to see Flora again; it was like his need to breathe. It disgusted him.

He remembered Dumbledore telling him how Voldemort, at the time he worked in Borgin & Burkes, used his charm to trick people as well as to persuade them into giving or selling him items of great value. That was it. Flora had inherited her father’s power of seduction, and was using it on him, Harry Potter. She was cheating him. She had partaken in the Malfoy Manor break-in to prevent her uncle from taking over the power as she wanted to rule alone. He would stop her. That was his mission: after all he was the head of the Aurors. Yes, this would keep her under his eyes. He couldn’t let Flora have access to the dark arts. He needed to keep her away from the Malfoys and also to keep a close watch on every one of her step. By doing his duty he wouldn’t be doing anything wrong. Besides, this would work as a good explanation to Ginny. Finally, by fooling himself he managed to give himself what he desperately needed, an excuse to be close to Flora. Then, he fell asleep, tired but relieved.

The following day he discussed with Ginny about his mistrust of Flora. He said that she might be cunning and that it would be better to keep a close eye on her. He didn’t say anything about how much he was attracted to Flora as Ginny wouldn’t understand that part. However, he didn’t need to; Ginevra Weasley Potter knew her husband very well. Moreover, as a woman she didn’t need all the words to be spoken out for her to understand everything.

Ginny agreed with her husband. Yes, they should keep a close eye on Flora. However, she suggested that he get help from a trusted person. She suggested that no one would be better for that than her sister-in-law Hermione, married to her brother Ron. Hermione was very smart (besides being Ginny’s confidante), and wouldn’t be fooled by Flora. Harry agreed with Ginny. She had overwhelmed him with her argument as well as her deep blue eyes. When he looked at them, he couldn’t even think about disagreeing with her. Childishly happy, he was grateful to his wife for having saved him from temptation. He’d ask Hermione to keep Flora close under observation, and also to keep him informed about anything.

The same night they went to Ron and Hermione’s. In the wizarding village, the Granger-Weasley’s house stood out from the other ones that seemed to keep the style of the forties. It was a modern house that had a multitude of roofs and windows that opened to the day light in any season; it was well ventilated and the use of demolition materials could be seen in every room. All of that clearly showed their great concern for the environment.

Hermione was on the balcony at the back of the house writing in her notebook, an article for the Daily Prophet, while watching her husband and children play Quidditch in a mini-camp that was built in collaboration with their neighbor and her husband’s brother, George Weasley. Harry, Ginny and the children follow along the corridor that flanked the house, accompanied by the sound of the balls bouncing and brooms whizzing in the air,.

Harry and his family’s arrival took Hermione by surprise. She smiled and invited them to sit down:

“Although you’d certainly rather join them.” Hermione pointed out as Harry’s children were already climbing up brooms to meet their cousins in the air.

“It’s tempting, but in fact Ginny and I need to talk to you.”

So, Ron climbs off his broom with a smile, hugged his brother-in-law and tapped not so gently on his back, in a greeting that showed they were much more than relatives. Afterwards, he kissed his sister on her forehead and still smiling, asked them:

“What brings you here? Long time no see us?” He laughed because they had met just the day before at his mother’s for the Sunday lunch.

Harry explained to both, his suspicions regarding Flora’s moral integrity and intentions. Then he asked Hermione to help him to discretely keep a close watch on her.

“I thought that Flora and her family went back to Brazil?”

“They have, Hermione. But Prof. McGonagall told me that they intended to come back, and that their children have received the Hogwarts letters stating that they were registered by the magic quill. This confirms that they have decided to stay among us. I must closely follow each of her steps, and keep a close eye on her just in case she gives a hint of what we fear.”

“But I told Harry that I think a woman should do this, as we have a better understanding of what goes on in the head of another woman. Besides, we don’t take in certain charms” ... (Ginny winked to Hermione). “I myself would have done this for my husband if it wasn’t for the busy schedule I got this year.”

Ginny explained that she didn’t think it wise to ask Hannah, Neville’s wife, to help them. She wouldn’t be unbiased, as she was used to being kind in her judgment on people. Furthermore, she was emotional & vulnerable at the moment on account of her pregnancy.

Hermione agreed. She would approach Flora and Felipe to help them to adapt to the magical world so that she would be able to keep an eye on them. She also agreed that the Ferreiras should have the opportunity to experience different things than just the ones the Malfoys could offer them.

“Now, how about a light meal: fish and colorful salad?”

“Plus paste and sauce; it sounds perfect.” Ron completed in high spirits.

“Ron and his eternal teenager hunger!!”

The two women relieved their husbands from helping them in the kitchen to have a moment "girls-only" to chit-chat a little. Their husbands, then, enjoyed the sunset with the children, in a game of hide and seek on brooms. Quidditch had to be stopped since it is impossible to play it when the large balls could no longer be seen, let alone the snitch.

Last edited by Ivana R; 05-06-2012 at 12:39 PM. Reason: Chapter list...
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