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Old 01-26-2012, 10:40 PM   #152 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Andrew James Preston
Seventh Year

Melly Bean | aussiegirl | a Supernatural freak

SPOILER!!: Answers
Originally Posted by natethegreat View Post
Nate raised his hand and said "Professor one of the runes is kenaz." Nate said with alot of pride and joy. Well he didn't say it with to much that it could show.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
After hearing the other students explain about the Elder Futhark, Ella remembered reading something about it in one of her text books. She was sure she remembered at least one of the runes and so she raised her hand. "Professor, I believe f is one."
Originally Posted by SilverDragon View Post
Silvia thought for a moment, trying to remember at least one rune. She was new to runes and wasn't sure how to pronounce many of them. Finally she recalled one she had read about in the textbook just a brief time ago, so she raised her hand. "Isn't one of them called Isa?"
Originally Posted by Orla View Post
She looked at the awkward child that came in late, and then to the proffeser that seemed to take no funny buisness.. Oh well! LuLu then came back and was aware of her surroudings she looked at thhe proffeser again well instead of waiting to answer at last minute her hand raised into the air "The fehu, which stands for F the first letter of Futhark,"
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ View Post
Amelia looked up when she heard the Professor deduct points from a late student. She shook her head now, glad that the girl wasn't in her House.

And now it was time for her to turn to her textbook, because there was no way that she would be about to answer this question otherwise. She scanned the page with ther alphabet she wanted. "There is Uruz," she said after raising her hand. "It actually stands for the U in the name Futhark."
Originally Posted by HOPEendures View Post
Jezzabelle raised her hand, "wunjō is one of the runes." Another favorite of hers.
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter View Post
Lily again didn't know any of these from before, so she looked in her textbook, to find something to contribute since not many were answering yet. So she opened her book, and found the page. Raising her hand to answer, Lily replied, "One of them is known as Gebo and it looks kinda like a big X." Lily hoped that this would be sufficient since she didn't know what rune it stood for, or what it meant. She had just looked in her text and picked a rune and decided to share.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post

... did he just deduct FIFTEEN points for being late? Louisa could only deliver her thanks to Merlin that it wasn't from Ravenclaw. And... Scabior seemed to have some competition now. Well, she was going to make sure to sleep on the classroom's door for those two classes. Defo.

Raising her hand, she answered as carefully as possible, "There is ehwaz, sir." They were to mention the name only, right? No meanings or anything.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa raised her hand and answered. "Professor, another alphabet is dagaz."
Originally Posted by Katergirl View Post
Angelina knew this answer, raising her hand happily she said, "Professor isn't one Kenaz?" she hoped she said that right. She read it once, but she wasn't sure if that was the correct way to speak it.
Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
Taylor raised her hand, "Professor, i do believe that one is Jera."
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva put up her hand "Professor there is the raido"
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose View Post
Oakey looked through his text book and quickly found one, raising his hand up high to get the Professor's attention. Professor there is Sowilo.It's kind of shaped like an "S" Oakey didn't know much about the rune except for that, it was the first time he looked at it anyways.
Originally Posted by EW_FAN View Post

Harvey listened to the professor after he had taken points from the girl for being late.. and he noted down some of what the professor was saying on his parchement. Then the professor asked them a question.. Harvey smiled there was such rune that he remembered from last year that no-one had mentioned and for some reason that rune name had stuck with him.. he put up his hand "There is the rune called Ansuz." he answered the question
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi raised her hand. "Another is berkanan."
Originally Posted by Bubbles View Post

Kennedy had to resist the urge of letting his jaw drop, again. Those were just TOO many points for being late...and not being dressed properly. Okay, the young snake had it coming if she thought she was going to get by unnoticed. Why didn't the professor just take less points and give her detention instead?...Yeah.

He looked down at his notes and then his head snapped up.


He...he wanted Kennedy to to finish reprimanding her? Wait, he was talking to him right? Duh. He was the male Slytherin prefect. Where was Selena when he needed her? Kennedy nodded...mostly to himself and removed his bag that was resting beside him so the girl could sit there...where he was going to...finish reprimanding her?


The fifth year turned his attention back to the matter at hand. His eyebrow twitched as he tried to concentrate on the question rather than on the point loss. He raised his hand and said, "There's Laguz." SIGH.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Vashti thought for a few moments, trying to think of one that hadn't already been mentioned. She had never been good at memorizing all of the runes and their names, especially since some sounded really similar. Finally, though, she raised her hand. "I believe one is Hagalaz."
Originally Posted by Eve. View Post
Gotland, she had been to Visby and found it quite... weird and a bit... nice. Not knowing anything about this subject she had known one bit Raido meaning journey or ride. Raising her hand she spoke and said "One rune I think is raido meaning journey or ride."
Originally Posted by Symphora View Post
Gustav tried to remember as he jotted down notes on his parchment. He raised his hand," I think one is 'ehwaz' meaning horse?" he answered. He could easily mixed up another rune word which sounded similar to it such like 'tiwaz' or 'teiwaz'...but wasn't there was a god of single combat in proto-germanic language name 'tiwaz' back in the day...
Gustav wasn't sure.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Alex raised his hand. "Well, um, the one that looks like a backwards 7, that's laguz, and I believe it means water," he said with a nod. He had no idea how laguz was related at all to water, but that was what the book had said when he looked it over earlier. So he was going with that.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post

From reading his textbook, Vickers looked up and shifted in his seat to see who the Professor was docking points from. Wow, they are pretty strict on attendance and uniform here arent they? He winced when he shifted his gaze at the Slytherin Prefect and heard what he had to do. The Prefect didnt look pleased at all. He could imagine that if he held that position he wouldnt be a happy camper right now either.

He turned his attention back to front just when the next question was raised. "Professor there is the Algiz, it looks very similar to the letter Y. "
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Selina rose her hand straight up into the air when Professor Jenkins asked his next question. She had been hearing the names of these runes for three years now. If she could not simply name one then there was a bigger problem at hand then Selina realized. When she finally spoke she said, "Sir, one of the runes is called the fehu." Now Selina knew what it was called, but she did not know what it meant. That was not something she had exactly picked up on in her last three years at the school.
Originally Posted by JennyWeasley06 View Post
Ariana was So embarrassed she knew she was late but didnt think she was THAT late. She had to make up those points & quick. Ariana was really bad at this class though.

Ariana hung her head in shame & sat next to Kennedy. He was upset, more than upset maybe furious with her. She really didn't mean to be so late, she was just having an off day & really needed to get to this class. She took out her stuff 7 began to take note & catch up as quickly as she could. this day Could NOT get any worse.

Ariana was reluctant to answer but she needed points bad at this point she raised her hand Slowly.
" i know of sōwilō which means Sun." And that was about all the Runes Ariana could remember at this point.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Jory raised his hand. "There's the 'Ingus' rune which is shaped like a diamond, Professor,'' he said. He remembered it from a book he had read on Runes last year.
Originally Posted by McFeisty View Post
India raised her hand and looked at the pretty Professor. She had a wonderful rune to bring up. It was her favorite rune actually in all its simplicity.

"Professor, there is the rune Isa" she made sure to pronounce the 'ee' sound as carefully making sure it sounded more like she was saying ee-saw and not Isa. "It means Ice" she smiled and that was the color of her eyes. Mhm.
Originally Posted by nups21 View Post
Ira listened as the professor told them and explained all about the Elder Futhark. She nodded and absentminded, started to doodle on her parchment.

Then when asked the next question, she raised her hand up and answered, "One of the runes is Ansuz.." They didn't have to describe how it looked, right?
Originally Posted by affy7ann View Post
Tayla raised her hand. "One of them is the Wunjo. It looks a little like a 'P' but sharp," Tayla hoped she made sense, but she knew the professor would know what she meant. "It generally means joy or pleasure."
Originally Posted by tomewitch View Post letter from the Elder Futhark? She could remember them using those last term and they even had the chance to combine the said letters. After thinking hardly of another letter that hadn't been mentioned, Beezus raised her hand, "Professor, there's also the purisaz which uses the letter thorn," It was thorn right? That letter that seemed to look like a p.
Originally Posted by Kimalia View Post
Raising her hand, Kimalia spoke again, "There's also gebo, which looks like the letter 'X' for us today."
Originally Posted by Hermione345 View Post
Laura put her hand up. 'Professor, I suppose there's a rune called ehwaz that resembles represents horse,' she answered
Originally Posted by Poolicious View Post
One letter from the Elder Futhark?Hmm..

Messer thought for a few minutes thinking about the other runes that's not been mentioned by other students. He raised his hand "Umm..There's also Othala, Sir." Othala was one of the Elder Futhark, right? He hoped that no one haven't mentioned that.
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Looking, no GAWKING, at the Slytherin kid who showed up late, Auggie watched as Professor Jenkins took 15 points from slytherin house.

Awwwww SNAP!

He turned back to the front of the room to answer the querstion about individual runes. "Professor there's a rune called Sowilo." The Gryffindor nodded.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
When the door opened, and a late student arrived, Sierra glanced to the side, a displeased look on her face. Really? Did the girl need a pocket watch or something? Or a mirror maybe to check her uniform? Either way, she could have rolled her eyes at the fifteen points Jenkins took. She didn't, but she could have. Fifteen points was a little much for one student misbehaving, in Sierra's opinion. She hated how the whole house had to suffer when somebody stepped out of line. They should have some rule in place where the punishment only affected the offender. Yup. That sounded like a plan to her. Raising her hand, she said, "There's Ansuz." Well, he had just asked for the name.
Originally Posted by Lady of the Lake View Post
'I believe no one has mentioned Mannuz or Mannaz, which is commonly used as the letter M, and looks like a stylish sort of M.' Quite pretty, actually.

Oliver was indeed very impressed with how much the students knew off the top of their heads. Only a few needed to consult their textbook. "Excellent. You're all going to put me out of a job." Nobody tell Tate.

Originally Posted by sevensnared View Post
Fifteen points from Slytherin? Who was that girl? Hades secretly and curtly glared at her before he turned his attention back to the lesson. Kennedy was going to deal with her. That was his duty after all. Hades continued to scribble down the notes until Jenkins asked them to name a rune from the Elder Futhark. "There's the... Uhh... Hajalaz... Hegales... Galez..." the boy mumbled when he got confused over the pronounciation. His hand was still raised in the air.
Looking at the young man, Oliver smiled at him. "Hagalaz." he corrected. "They're a bit of a mouthful. It's pronounced 'Hag-all-az.' Took me a while to get them right as well but keep trying."

Giving his wand a flick towards the front of the room, words and symbols appeared on the board.

"The other two runes that got missed are 'Nauthiz' and 'Perthro.' So there are your twenty four runes that make the Elder Futhark. Now this is where we will move on from writing messages with the runes to the actual symbols and what they mean." He liked this part.

"So tell me the meanings of the runes. Again just one rune per person please so that everyone has the opportunity to answer."
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