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Hogwarts RPG Name: Andrew James Preston Seventh Year
| Melly Bean | aussiegirl | a Supernatural freak SPOILER!!: The bad student Quote:
Originally Posted by JennyWeasley06 Ariana ran in\\to the room hoping not to be late. Ariana opened the door to the classroom to see that it had already started & on top of that she had gotten Fully dressed & forgot to put her robe on so she stood there in the doorway like an embarrassed purple duck in a pond full or orange ones.
Oliver looked up at the sound of the door opening and frowned at the young student standing in the doorway. A quick glance told him that she was not just a little late because he might have forgiven that but she was a lot and that he wouldn't wear. "So nice of you to make an appearance." he said coolly. "That'll be ten points from Slytherin for your late arrival and another five for not being properly dressed." And here he had been hoping to prove Thea wrong about the students. He had been hoping to make it through the whole class without having to take points. "I suggest you take a seat next to your Prefect and I'll let him finish reprimanding you." SPOILER!!: The Good Students Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Alex smiled when the professor said he was going to like him. Whoa. No professor EVER said that to him!! He was definitely going to like this professor as well. Not only did he think Alex was cool, but the professor just LOOKED awesome. All rough and tough and stuff.
He raised his hand. "Well, I know the Elder Futhark is the oldest runic alphabet, I know that much," he said with a nod. That was pretty much the extent of it too. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassandra Taylor mentally slapped herself for not listerning completely to the teacher.... a new question.... elder futhark? Taylor racked her brain then raised her hand, "It is the oldest runic form and was used by the Germanic tribes from 2nd century to 8th century." She said a little on the soft side. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Alyssa was very familiar with the Elder Futhark runic alphabet since that was what they were taught last term in Ancient Runes class. So she raised her hand and answered.
"Professor, the Elder Futhark is the oldest form of the Runic Alphabet, and it was first used by the Germanic tribes back in the early 2nd to 8th centuries for inscriptions on artifacts such as jewellery, amulets, tools, weapons and runestones. There are 24 runes in the Elder Futhark alphabet." Alyssa could have said more, but she wanted to let the others have a chance in adding more to the subject. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Zhenya had a think about that - the Elder Futhark, and raised her hand, "Professor the Elder Futhark is a runic alphabet consisting of twe...twenty four letters, I believe," she said. That was her little tidbit. She didn't want to go on about the origin and everything, because she only knew the basic information of that - someone else would know that information much better. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva wasn't sure exactly everything about the Elder Futhark, but she did know a little. "Professor isn't it the oldest form of the runic alphabet." Quote:
Originally Posted by Symphora Gustav raised his hand to answer Professor Waylon.
"Elder Futhark is a runic alphabet used by the Germanic tribes..umm perhaps 4th to 8th century, some of the rune letters are quite similar with the one we used today...for example, letter 'R','B' and 'F'...I think...and all of them have a meaning as well..."he replied. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi leaned forward a bit and flashed a smile in Vickers' direction. And he had been worried about finding his place in Hogwarts? He seemed to be doing just fine to her. Returning to her relaxed sitting position, Kurumi tapped her quill against her parchment a few times as she thought about what little tid bit she could add that others hadn't. It was a little out of the box compared to what the others had offered up, but at least she knew she wouldn't be repeating things? After a few moments, Kurumi raised her hand.
"Knowledge of the Elder Futhark was forgotten for centuries since it was sort of a secret that only the literate elite knew about. Another runic language, the Younger Futhark, was developed and based off the Elder Futhark, although knowledge of it was more widely known and its uses were different." Her eyes glanced around at all the stone tablets with runic scriptures carved into them...a back at the tree. "It was deducted that the Elder Futhark was used mainly for documentation on stone." Quote:
Originally Posted by Nat nat Tennessee had been sitting there the whole time listening to what her classmates and the professor has to say. now probably she might try her luck in answering. She raised her hand shared, "The elder Futhark Professor is the runic alphabet which is a composite of the runic symbols which are most commonly used. It is also known as Old Germanic Runic alphabet which has twenty four runes. The first six runes spell Futhark." Quote:
Originally Posted by nups21 Oh! So professor had wanted the literal meaning of the word, 'rune'! And Ira had given the answer to what a rune was.
Then when asked the next question, Ira thought about it. The basic information hat she knew about it had already been given by others. So what could she add more? Whatever it was, Ira decided to answer something.
She then raised her hand up and answered, "Professor, the Elder Futhark has 24 runes. It got its name after the sound of the first six runes in this alphabet" She hoped her answer was good enough. Quote:
Originally Posted by Katergirl Raising her hand Angelina called out, "Professor, isn't runes just like some sort of old alphabet they use?" ah, she didn't know any of this… she was wondering if she was going to even get thru the class, but she will try hard. Quote:
Originally Posted by sevensnared Others spoke, but Hades continued to write. The piece of parchment laid on his lap with small writings were seen on it. When Professor Jenkins asked a question on what they knew about the Elder Furthark, he was about to answer that iwas the eldest form of rune. However, refrained from doing so as other students had answered it. "It has twenty four runes," said the boy as he raised his free hand when the other was still writing. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Vickers smiled back at the Professor shyly to appreciate his acknowledgement but as he shifted his sight to Kurumi he started to feel his face warm up. Errr right, onto the next question.
He leafed through a bit more of the text on Elder Futhark before raising his hand "Professor, scholars have been guessing as to what brought about the invention of this script. Some are guessing that it could've been one person or a group of people-- possibly merchants or even mercenaries-- that came in contact with the Roman culture, and derived their own "Roman script" for their own use. It was initially used for epigraphic purposes, but as it developed and became a more established form of writing, it was inscribed in practically anything and everything, since artifacts unearthed ranged from jewelry to weapons, even utensils. " Quote:
Originally Posted by tomewitch Hmmm..Beezus hadn't thought that new Ravenclaw student, what was his name again? Oh, Vickers! He was good in this subject. He knew a lot. And she was astounded upon discovering that she was now just looking at her fellow eagle with admiration and no more raised eyebrows. He really was a Ravenclaw indeed.
She didn't even had the chance to answer the questions asked for she was still absorbing the fact that they have a new eagle who was committed and excels in a certain subject. You can't blame her though, there were some Ravenclaw students who won't even bother attending classes.
Then..the next question. Yes, thankfully. She had managed to notice that Professor Jenkins was asking them something. The Elder Futhark eh? She raised her hand and shared her idea, "Professor, the Elder Futhark is the oldest of all the rune alphabets. It's origin is really unknown yet many believes that it has come either from certain Germanic tribes or old Italic alphabets. And I think it is composed of twenty-four runes." Quote:
Originally Posted by Poolicious Messer frowned at the Professor next question he didn't know much about Ancient Runes but he raised his hand anyway "Its the oldest form of the runic alphabet, Sir. And some believe that this runes are originally from the Old Italic alphabets." That's all he know about the Elder Futhark. Quote:
Originally Posted by vijaya Zack looked around still watching the water fall. It somewhat interested him to look at it all the time. This fountain is making me crazy! he thought. But why was that, maybe it was reminding him about his muggle life and fun he had there. It wasn't like he wasn't having fun here in Hogwarts but still he missed home especially his dad. He wasn't away from his home from this long. Maybe he would get a habit of it in the coming years. He was only a first year now.
He looked back at the professor as he called out a question. Hmm....Elder Futhark, what do i know about this? He looked back again at the fountain. Oh! i have to stop looking at it. he reminded himself and looked back up at the professor and said "Professor, Elder Futhark, is one of the oldest form of runic alphabet" he said as that was all he could say at the moment. Quote:
Originally Posted by natethegreat Nate raised his hand and said "The name "futhark", like the word "alphabet", is derived from the first few letters in the runic sequence." Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul Raising her hand, Louisa replied, "I know, sir, that Futhark is named after the initial phoneme of the first six rune names: F, U, Th, A, R and K." It was a very cool fact and one that got caught in her head since the third year when she first took the subject. Quote:
Originally Posted by EW_FAN Harvey wrote down the meaning of the word rune for future reference.. he then put up his hand to answer the next question "It contains 24 runes.." he answered.. that was one bit he knew.. he knew another but would let others get that.. he was nice like that.. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar Hannah wasn't too sure about this one. It seemed Greek to her. She decided to take a stab in the dark anyhow. "Professor is it one of the oldest forms of the runic alphabet? she said with a raised hand. That much seemed obvious enough, but she didn't want to say too much and make a fool out of herself. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kimalia Kimalia merely wrote down the meaning of Rune in her little notebook, it was too simple to answer and by the time she finished jotting down to answer it, there was another question already. Now she was ready to contribute, "The Elder Futhark is the oldest alphabet for runes that was used by the German tribes back then." Quote:
Originally Posted by Orla She looked around everyone seemed to be answering the question correctly so somthing unique to say wasn't really a choice at hand... her hand went up ''The Elder Futhark is one of the oldest rune alphabets ever! The name is composed from the first six letters of the alphabet, namely f, u, th, a, r, and k. In this way, "Futhark",'' she replied Quote:
Originally Posted by grangerfan8 Arya hadn’t had a class with a grassy floor since her first term. There were some distracting memories that kept her from answering the first few questions. But she was back and ready to attempt to respond to the nice professor.
She raised her hand. "Runes within the Elder Futhark are associated with Norse Mythology, their gods and godesses and such." This still wasn't one of her strongest subjects, so she couldn't say much more than what she and others had given. And she wanted to give others a chance to respond, like the professor said.
And she just liked lounging back and tugging at the grass absently. Quote:
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart ' Professor that is the oldest Rune alphabet. They are also associated with Norse Mythology. " Justin said after having raised his hand. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ Amelia was busy scribbling down notes for this class, because she really wanted to have some grasp of it if she was doing her NEWTs this Term. Thank God this Professor was doing some background information now, because otherwise she'd be totally lost here.
She raised her hand at the question. "I do know that there are 24 different Runes in this alphabet. And that it's named after the initials of the first six." She just couldn't remember what the bloody Runes meant. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Sierra hated Ancient Runes, but at least they were only reviewing so far. It hurt her brain to learn new concepts about Runes. The Elder Futhark, though, was at least something they'd talked about in some of the earlier classes she'd taken. "I know that it's named Furthark, because of the first six runes in the Furthark alphabet," she said, raising her hand. She mentally reviewed the runes that F-U-TH-A-R-K stood for. "That would be Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raidho, and Kenaz." Quote:
Originally Posted by Eve. Why was she taking this class? She had no idea about runes and wasn't to pumped up to learn about it. But she had just taken it for fun and see what it was like so she wouldn't take it later. After going off in her own mind she heard the Professor say something as she turned her eyes on him. What was elder furthark? She had not known anything about it besides it was the oldest runic form. Raising her hand she responded and said "Elder Furthark is the oldest runic for Professor. It was used through the second to the eighth centry." Quote:
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 Well...Auggie's first answer wasn't exactly what the Professor had been looking for but he still wrote it down. It WAS right after all, just not what was asked.
The Edler Furthark was the topic of the next question posed to them by the curiously young Runes Professor. Trying to concentrate on the question, the Gryffindor continued to get distracted by thoughts of the new Professor's age and the possible whereabouts of Professor Christiansen--not that he was missed. Auggie didn't know the guy very well. "Sir, the Elder Futhark is the language of the Runes, and is the oldest form that we have found." That was really all he knew about it. He had attended the lessons last term but wouldn't call himself an expert. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter Lily looked up again when the professor asked another question. Lily didn't know the answer to this question either, so she looked back down at her notes, before pulling out her textbook to look up the answer. Lily found something that nobody else had said so she raised her hand. "Well, it is split into three different groups, called Aetts. and they seem to be named after people." Lily answered closing her book for the moment so she could return to her notes. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bubbles Kennedy raised his hand and said, "Elder Futhark is one of the most ancient form of runic alphabet. They were used by the Germanic tribes and some rune symbols can still be found on some of their artifacts like on jewelry, tools, weapons...among other things." He was going to say that it was used now a days on the bluetooth thingymabob people use to talk into, but that was more of a muggle thing, wasn't it? Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of the Lake Ariadne got distracted by the grass and trees and everything around her, and it took her about ten minutes to stop daydreaming and realize she was in class. Snapping back to reality, the girl focused on the question she had vaguely heard, thinking that if she answered, she had a chance to demonstrate that she had, in fact, paid attention.
Raising her hand, the Gryffindor summarized what she knew about the Elder Futhark: 'It is the oldest form of the Runic alphabet, and it was initially used by Germanic tribes in the Late Antiquity. The word Futhark derives from the initials of the names of the first six runes. The simplification of the Elder Futhark by the Scandinavians resulted in the creation of the Younger Futhark, a variation of the Runic alphabet.' And that was all her knowledge on the subject.
Shaking his head, Oliver turned away from he girl and addressed the rest of the class. "Very good. The Elder Futhark is a runic alphabet. Made up of twenty four runes. Which in today's talk would mean twenty four letters." He paused momentarily. "Runes were often inscribed into stone, metal and wood. Clay is also used but not until later times. The most famous runic inscription is found on the Kylver Stone, in Gotland Sweden. It is famous because this the only stone structure to have the entire Elder Futhark inscribed into it. Others, like these ones." He gestured to the stone structures in the room. "Are less complete but as you can see they show continuity in the order of the runes. These are only replicas of the originals." Maybe one day he could show them the originals. "So as we can see, one purpose of the runes was to write messages." "Okay, we have established that there are twenty four runes to the Elder Futhark, I would like you to tell me what they are. Just name me one rune person please."
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