Join Date: Apr 2007 Location: GMT +10
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Andrew James Preston Seventh Year
| Melly Bean | aussiegirl | a Supernatural freak SPOILER!!: Not quite what I was after Quote:
Originally Posted by natethegreat Nate raises his hand and says "Runes are the letters (symbols representing various sound values) of a runic alphabet. They are also magical symbols sometimes used in rituals." Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Ella raised her hand hesitantly. "Professor, runes are symbols used to represent different letters." Quote:
Originally Posted by ShadowButterfly "Does run mean a type of word or letter?" She asked. Quote:
Originally Posted by HOPEendures Jezzabelle smiled and raised her hand, "A rune can be any of the letters in the alphabets used by the Germanic peoples." She took a breath and then continued. "There are a eight different versions of the alphabet, I think. That adds up to a lot of runes though, either way." She nodded to herself and Professor Jenkins as well. A lot. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bubbles Kennedy grinned and nodded at the Professor for the compliment. It made him feel smart.
He raised his hand once again to answer the following question. "The word rune means any character from the Germanic alphabet...and each letter has its own magical significance," he said. Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul Louisa's face brightened at the mention of her FIRST name! She was probably going to love this professor right away! Only Bentley called her Louisa.. nobody else did! And she loved her first name WAY over her last one... it was special and far away from a neglected family.
Raising her hand, Louisa answered, a bit more excitedly than her sleepy self before, "Rune meant... alphabets? From older languages when people didn't have parchments to use and wrote them down on rocks... I guess." Or was he looking for the root of the word and all that language talk? Quote:
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart " Professor, a Rune is a symbol or incantation. " Justin piped up Quote:
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose Professor Oakey spoke up doesn't Rune mean a mysterious mark with magical significance. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverDragon Silvia raised her hand. "I think a rune is a letter or symbol from an ancient alphabet. They sometimes have magical properties." Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassandra Taylor hemmed and hawed on whether to answer this question or not since she answered last time and she didn't really like speaking up in class. She decided to give an answered since the professor did say excellent last time so she raised her hand slowly again, "Professor, a rune is a symbol representing the different sounds and letters......" She winced, "right?" Quote:
Originally Posted by EW_FAN Harvey was happy that he was along the right thinking.. it helped that he remembered his runes lessons from last year.. his first year.. he then heard the professor ask a question.. oh oh.. well lets at least have a go "Dont the runes have an ancient alphabet or something carved into them?" he said he tried to figure out what he meant by that.. hoping that the professor understood it more than he did.. Quote:
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 August was glad to hear that Kurumi had done so well as to get a great reaction from the Runes Professor and gave her a thumbs up before turning back to the front of the room to answer the Professor's next question. "Sir, Runes are magical objects used to help protect the reader or person being read for. They can also be used to help predict the future." He then added. "They are also physical little blocks of material that are tossed or drawn by the reader." Quote:
Originally Posted by nups21 Ira had been still fascinated by the look of the class, and so had forgotten to answer the first question.
But as the professor asked the next question, she raised her hand up and answered, "Rune is a poem or incantation of mysterious significance, especially a magic charm."
Oliver moved around the room listening to each of the answers that were given and it seemed that some of the students had not been listening to the question as well as others. "Your answers would have been correct if I had of been asking about the runes themselves. Good try though." SPOILER!!: The answers I was looking for Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Oh Merlin! The way that the man's face lit up just now was very surprising to the young lion and a stark contrast to what had happened at the opening feast when he had done more than a subtle eyebrow raise at her and her sweets. Jotting down a few notes, Kurumi looked back up when the next question was asked and raised her hand.
"The word I believe literally means secret or mystery. I think...it is Scandinavian in origin." Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva thought for a second. "Professor does Runes mean something with mystery." she wasn't completely sure, but thought it has something to do with that. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Alyssa raised her hand and answered.
"Professor does the word rune mean whisper or talk secretly? I believe that it comes from the old English word rūn." Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua SPOILER!!: First Q
OOC: Sorry - busy sleeping
Zhenya thought about that. She hadn't really had much to do with this subject before but was determined to understand it by the end of the year. It sounded so important! She raised her hand and said " Professor I can't help but think the Ancient means they have been used to centuries, and the Runes meaning what was used. So I think we study the subject to learn about how people used to communicate centuries ago, and how they made magic." she hoped that was right in some way.
Rune... rune... rune. What did it mean? She hadn't been prepared enough for this subject and made a mental note to study the text book when they got back in the common room. She raised her hand, remembering what her brother had told her, and said " I remember something about the word rune meaning secret and magic, and mystery, I suppose because of the alphabet..." she said. That was a short answer, but she thought it might be a decent answer to the question. She wasn't sure... Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Vickers paused and looked up from his notes. What did the word Rune mean? He didnt know. Not off the top of his head. Thats why he was in class, he needed to learn more about this subject given that it was his first time to take Runic anything. Given that he was already very nervous at drawing a complete blank on the Professor's question he did the next best thing--he reached out for his text book.
Reading through a few pages quickly he tentatively raised his hand "Professor, the word Rune goes as far back as the Old English word run, which had taken various meanings-- from to consult/ consultation to runic letter to secret or mystery . The modern meaning, which took that spelling from the Old Dutch word rune means utterance or whisper or message, it has even taken on further meaning such as song or poem" Quote:
Originally Posted by Presley Black Presley had just read a book on this subject, knowing that she was going to be taking this class this year. Her hand shot into the air. "Literally 'rune' means 'whisper' or 'secret'." She recited. "They are an alphabet used commonly as a divining tool. Runes can teach, protect, curse, call upon powers and can be used as an instrument with which to direct your own power, sir." Presley carefully rephrased the last part so that she wasn't directly quoting. She knew that it typically annoyed people when she recited from a teacher or a book. So she was careful to paraphrase when she could say something just as well as the book had.
She did think runes were so cool. She still had her protection rune from the previous year in her pocket. She carried it with her all the time. And it had protected her, several times she was sure she would have been severly hurt had she not had her rune carved onto a small wood circle with her. "Thank you." Oliver said glancing at each student who gave the right answer. "The question I asked was what does the WORD 'rune' mean? Mr Vanderbilt here as given us a rather thorough explanation." He tossed the the Ravenclaw a grin. "But basically the word means 'secret,' 'whisper' and 'mystery.'" And all those other ones but they got the idea. "Now since most of you mentioned the runic alphabet. There is in fact three runic alphabets. The most popular of course is the Elder Futhark. What can you tell me about it?" Oliver moved back over the tree and sat back down. "Just a little tidbit of what you know. Don't read out the whole textbook to me. Let others have a chance to answer as well." ooc: Okay I'm taking a rest for a few hours. Please just have your charrie answer the question and I'll continue later on. Don't go crazy either just because I might not be online Professor Jenkins is still in the room.
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