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Old 01-24-2012, 11:00 PM   #34 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Andrew James Preston
Seventh Year

Melly Bean | aussiegirl | a Supernatural freak

Originally Posted by nups21 View Post
Ira skipped into the classroom and was suddenly rock-still at the door. o__O What was this? Merlins! Had she even come to the right classroom? Then she saw the new professor of Runes sitting on... grass? Ira hoped her mind wasn't playing games with her!

It looked beautiful! The tree, the fountains, the grass, Ira was loving it. She came inside the classroom and wondered where they were going to sit. On the grass? Seriously? Wow!

"Hello Professor.." Oops! Ira had forgotten the new professor's name already! "Good Morning!" she greeted him, as she too went and sat on the grass, but before that made sure to take a sticker and wrote the details:

Then taking the sticker, she stuck it onto her robes.
Hello? Good morning? Two greetings in the space of two seconds. Oliver chuckled. "Hello..." he peered at her sticker, "Ira."

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi entered the...classroom? Wait...she WAS still indoors, wasn't she? Kurumi's eyes scanned the space, falling on the tree and stone carvings first before moving onto the fountain and finally the professor. Kurumi spun around slowly, taking everything in before the finally made her way towards the man.

"Good day, Professor Jenkins," she said with a small bow. She then picked up one of the stickers from the ground and found a spot on the grass. Seriously? No desks?! How was she going to take legible notes?! Kurumi took her book and some parchment out of her bag, laid the parchment on her book, and then set the sticker there to write her name and house on it as instructed.

Kurumi then removed the backing from it and stuck it to her robes. Now..what did she do with the trash? Not seeing a trashcan anywhere, Kurumi pocketed it. She could just throw it away after the lesson.
"And good day to you too Miss Hollingberry. No cakes or cookies today?" he asked with an amusing grin.

Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post
Zhenya walked to the new Ancient Runes classroom, but as she walked in something that she heard made her really busting. She looked at the Professor, gave a tiny wave, and walked back out the room to the Girl's bathroom.

After finishing, she made her way quickly back to the Ancient Rooms class. She walked in and said "Hello Professor Jenkins, hope you had a good summer. I'm Zhenya, by the way," and she got a sticker. She went to sit down next to Ira and pulled out her quill and ink and wrote on the sticker, before sticking it on the front of her robes.
"I had a great summer thank you for asking." Such polite students. "Nice to meet you Zhenya."

Originally Posted by tomewitch View Post
Sigh. Ancient Runes.

Beezus couldn't help but admit the fact that she really did miss their former Professor. She did not understood him quite well because of his unusual accent and diction but Christiansen boosted her confidence that she try to understand the whole subject. Yet now, he was no more in Hogwarts. Beezus really felt bad that she didn't even had the chance to thank him and bid farewell.

And so, with loose shoulders she entered the classroom. She was bowing her head so low that she didn't notice the new things inside until she stood on the spot where her desk was supposed to be placed. No desk. Instead, there was grass. GRASS? Beezus blinked and looked around. "Am I in the right classroom?" But her question was answered when she saw their new Professor seated near the large tree. "Err--good day Professor." She greeted and walked towards the Professor and finally settling herself on a spot near his left after taking a sticker. Then, she wrote the needed information.

After doing so, she stuck the sticker on her robes.
"Good day." he said with a nod of his head.

Originally Posted by Kimalia View Post
Huh, what an odd classroom, if Kimalia wasn't as awake she would've thought she went outside. "Well, Good day Professor." Kimalia greeted before taking a sticker to write her said name, before 'parking her bum' in the grass.
Oliver couldn't help the small chuckle. "Well good day to you too."

Originally Posted by DeathEater1 View Post
Cardigan walked in and her mouth practically dropped to the floor.Where the heck was she?She couldn`t unerstand what a rather large tree had to do with ancient runes.Well,half of the time,she couldn`t understand what anything here had to do with anything!Alas,she still walked through and grabbed a sticker while she said,"Hello Professor!",and sat down on the grass,making sure she was close to the professor,but not too close.Cardigan took out a quill and neatly wrote the needed information on her sticker before sticking it to her robes:
"Hello." Apparently the room was making some sort of impression.

Originally Posted by natethegreat View Post
"Good day Professor." Nate said as he took a sticker.
"Good day."

Originally Posted by alchemist_18 View Post
Ancient Runes? Well... Raven had a bad interest in last Ancient Runes class. She remembered the Viking professor with bad English accent. But.. since the teacher was new, maybe it will be more... interesting.

"Good day, Professor." she smiled. She took a sticker, wrote her name and stuck it in her robes
Oliver smiled back. "Hello."

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Selina was feeling oddly optimistic about Ancient Runes this year. Hopefully this new Professor would not insist on dressing everyone as vikings, it was irrelevant to the lesson and just made Selina feel stupid. Because Professor Jenkin's looked nice enough when she saw him first at the opening feast.

As she stepped into the classroom Selina stopped dead in her tracks. Oh Merlin, he was a hippy, but the classroom was sort of cool. So she shrugged her shoulders and smiled at the Professor, "Good morning Professor Jenkins."

Then she wrote her name on the sticker and took her seat.
"Good morning."

Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Louisa, half-asleep, dragged her feet into the classroom.. and.. wait, this wasn't a classroom! Did she mistaken her way down here and gone into the grounds instead? The girl, pausing at the door, looked around widening her eyes more to see if she was sleep-walking to the Topiary Garden or not.

Apparently not.

"Hello Professor." She greeted him, staring at the big tree in the middle... the three huge structures.. and the cute fountain in the back! It was way better than the DADA professor's attempt at decorating her classroom and ending up with a cult conference room. Heh.

The girl walked further in, flopped down on the grass and started writing on the sticker her information before sticking it to the front of her robe.
Oliver raised his eyebrows as he watched the young Ravenclaw drag herself into the room. "Hello..." She better not fall asleep in his class.

Originally Posted by HOPEendures View Post
Walking into the classroom felt like walking outside without the cold wind nipping at her nose and the leaves all scatted on the ground, and Jezzabelle loved it. She grabbed a little sticker and scribbled onto it

She made her way to the tree and sat up against the trunk. "I am allowed to sit here, aren't I Professor Jenkins?" If not she would move but she would much rather prefer sitting up against the tree.
Well that was quite unexpected but he saw nothing wrong with it. "You may...Jezzabelle. So long as you don't peek at my notes." he said with a grin.

Originally Posted by ShadowButterfly View Post
"Good day professor." She said and sat down in the grass. She wrote her name on a sticker and waited.]
Another nod of his head. "Good day."

Originally Posted by Poolicious View Post
Ancient Runes. Messer didn't really looking forward to this class, because he's not into an ancient thing but in the end he made his way toward the classroom. When he stepped his foot inside the classroom all he saw was that he's not in the classroom, he's indoor. Wow! It seem Ancient Runes wasn't so bad at all.

"Hello Professor. How are you?" he greeted the Professor with a polite node before he sat down on the grass.

Messer stick the sticker with his name on it in his robe.
"I'm fine. And you?" Was it just him or were the students rather resigned about coming to this class?

Originally Posted by sevensnared View Post
Hades highly anticipated the Ancient Runes class. Therefore, he didn't eat much for lunch as he wanted to go early. His lightly muscular body was used to climbing up the levels of staircases. Seeing a widely opened door, the boy entered the room and was shortly stunned at the view.

The classroom didn't look like any normal classroom, but Hades admitted he preferred it this way compare to the conventional intense-feeling classrooms. Professor Jenkins was already there leaning against the tree trunk, apparently flicking through a magazine. He bended to take a sticker before passing right in front of the elder man. "Good afternoon, sir," he smiled cheekily before settling down several feet in front of the man. Then, he layed his bag on his left and took out a quill and a bottle of ink.
Well at least this lad looked somewhat excited to be here. Oliver smiled back. "Hello there."

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella wasn't sure how she was going to like Ancient Runes as the subject seemed quite confusing to her. She entered the classroom dragging her feet and then her mouth dropped open in awe. She looked around wide eyed at the springy grass and lovely tree that was shading the professor. "Brilliant!" She said aloud to no one in particular. "Hello Professor." Ella said with a small as she grabbed a sticker. Once she found a seat on the ground, she filled out her sticker and stuck it to her robes, wondering what this lesson would be like.
Another one who liked the way the classroom was set out. He would have to remember that. "Hello."

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva walked into class. "Good Day professor." she found an empty spot and put her things down. She then put the sticker on her robes.
"Good day."

Originally Posted by Katergirl View Post
How exciting Ancient Runes, Angelina has never took this class before. She wondered what the main subject point of the class was. Well she would find out soon. Walking into classroom Angelina didn't see what she thought she would. It's was pretty cool actually. "Hello Professor Jenkins," She greeted. Smiling she sat down on the grass like everyone else

Almost forgetting Angelina picked up a sticker and wrote her name and house upon it.
"Hello. Nice of you to come." Well since they were all being so polite he should be polite back, right?

Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
Taylor came in and followed the teacher's instructions.
Well apparently not all were so polite. Oliver watched the girl come in and take a seat. He was tempted to make a comment but he kept quiet. Maybe she was shy.

Originally Posted by EW_FAN View Post
Harvey entered the classroom.. "Hello Professor.. how are you?" he greeted his professor before taking a sticker and sitting down on the grass.. and taking out his quill he wrote on the sticker

He then stuck the sticker to his robes and took out his parchment and quill and got ready for the professor to start the lesson.
"I am rather well, thank you...Harvey. And you?"

Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ View Post
Amelia had to admit that Ancient Runes was always her worst class, so she'd usually rather not come to it. But since the classroom looked like it was actually outside... she figured she could always adjust her opinion of the class. Unless I don't like this Professor, she thought to herself. But she was sure she'd like him fine.

She wrote her information on the parchment now:

When she was done, she attached it to her robes.
Another shy one it seems. Oliver gave the girl a nod of his head. Yes, you have been seen.

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa quickly walked into the Ancient Runes classrooms and was relieved to see that class hadn’t started in. She looked around and realized that the new Professor had changed the arrangement of the classroom. There weren’t any chairs. In fact, there was grass where there was supposed to be a floor and in the middle of the classroom, there was a very large tree. What she liked the most was the small water fountain in the back of the classroom and the large stone dotted around the classroom.

She saw the new Professor, Professor Jenkins sitting on the grass with his back against the tree trunk reading a magazine, and so she walked up to him to greet him. “Hello Professor Jenkins.” Alyssa smiled before she made her found her way around the students already seated on the grass. She spotted Minerva already seated and made her way towards her. She whispered a "hi" before sitting down and writing her information on the sticker and sticking it to her robes.

Then she sat and waited for class to start.
"Hello there."

Originally Posted by SilverDragon View Post
This was a classroom? Silvia thought as she stepped through the door. Some of these Hogwarts professors had very interesting ways of setting up the classroom. Oh well, at least it was never boring here. "Hello professor," she said, as she took a sticker and found herself a spot on the grass.

Silvia was eager for class to start. She had heard that Ancient Runes was a difficult subject, but it sounded very interesting to her. She pulled out parchment and quill and a book to set the parchment on, ready to take notes.

Originally Posted by Frankie View Post
Autumn walked into the place. She wasn't the first there, yet she wasn't last perfect!
It was a pretty place, it was more than pretty it was beautiful.
She chose a spot and sat down, preparing some parchment, quill and ink.

She took a sticker from a pile beside her:

She stuck it neatly on her robe.
And that makes three shy girls. Oliver hoped that they weren't going to be this quiet during the class.

Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart View Post
Justin walked into the Runes classroom and was amazed at the changes that had been made over the summer. With a smile he greeted the professor. "Good day, Professor Jenkins.' he said as he passed by and found a seat next to Minerva and quickly wrote his information on the sticker provided.

Justin Wellheart
second year
"Good day to you."

Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
Hannah had to admit that she wasn't really looking forward to this class. Ancient Runes just seemed hard, but you gotta do what you gotta do. She looked around and actually felt pretty calm. It seemed like an enjoyable enough setting. She would see for herself though when class actually started. She spotted the professor and considering Hannah was taught to open her mouth when she entered a room she thought a simple greeting would do."God day Professor" She popped a squat on the grass and filled out the sticker.
Another that seemed a bit apprehensive. He had his work cut out for him. "Hello."

Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
It was time for Ancient Runes and Gideon made his way down to the classroom. Here's to hoping with a new professor other then their previous Norwegian companion they would have a better chance of a clearer understanding of the already challenging subject. He didn't know what to expect and as he stepped through the doorway he was certainly greeted with the unexpected and it was probably a good thing he was used to classrooms being morphed into something out of the ordinary.

The fifth year stepped further into the room and followed the example of his classmates, taking a seat on the transfigured grass, opting for a spot a short distance from Selina. He offered a smile before speaking up to the professor as he spotted him against the tree trunk. "Good day professor," he greeted with a polite nod, retrieving a sticker as he spotted them and picking up what they were to do by the ones already worn. The boy taking out a quill from his bag and writing it out for himself before sticking it to his own robes.
"Good day."

Originally Posted by McFeisty View Post
India was excited to say the least for the first Ancient Runes class of the season. It wasn't merely because Professor Jenkins was well - attractive. But who could despite that fact? Except for every single guy in the school who was obviously just jealous.

Skidding to a stop as she entered the room she couldn't help but notice the oddities in the room. A tree? Really. The large stone structures were, actually rather intriguing.

Grabbing a name tag off the table she quickly wrote down her name peeled it off the plastic backing - the sticky name tag nearly sticking to her fingers for a moment. Humph. That was not fun. Quickly transferring it to her robes she just smiled. There. Her name was known to the Professor now.

"Hello Professor" she smiled and had to stop herself from curtsying - awkward girl.
Oliver had to purse his lips together to keep himself from laughing. He liked this girl already. "Hello India."

Originally Posted by Lady of the Lake View Post
Park your bums? Really? Ari had to chuckle at that. This class made a good impression on her already, hehe. The girl wondered whether they were still inside the castle. They had to be. Still, it was nice to sit on grass rather than chairs for a change, especially since you couldn't really do that outside now, because it was already close to winter and all that.

'Good day, Professor!' the girl greeted cheerfully enough, grabbing a sticker and quickly scribbling her details on it. After sticking it to her robe as instructed, Ari moved a bit further and sat down, waiting for the class to properly begin.
And he decided he was going to like this one too. She was so cheery. he liked that. "Good day to you as well." he replied just as cheerfully.

Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter View Post
"Hello Professor" said Lily as she entered the classroom, to see that there was a tree in the middle of it. Is that a tree... Lily thought as she grabbed a sticker, and found a place to sit. This is going to be different she thought as she pulled out a quill and some ink before writing her name on the sticker.

Once she was finished writing on the sticker, she placed it on her robes. Then Lily took her parchment out of her bag, so that once class had started, she could take notes.
"Hello." he said nodding his head at the girl.

Originally Posted by Orla View Post
LuLu walked into the Runes classroom, hopefully the new teacher didn't have a ridiculous accent that is very hard to understand! She could possibly miss the teacher since it was two whole years he were there but out with the old in with the new! She wandered over for an empty seat and wrote down all the card info stuff they did in nearly every class
Make that four shy girls.

Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Woo hoo! Ancient ruuuunes! Those were the pretty pictures on the old rocks. Right? That's what this class was about... right?

She grabbed a sticker as she entered the most amazing classroom ever. It was just like being outside.

"Hello Professor." she greeted as she passed him.

She then picked a spot in the grass and took a seat. Then she scribbled her name and house on her sticker before sticking on the front of her robes.
"Hello there." he said as the girl passed by him. She was so little.

Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose View Post
Whoa now, wait one moment. There was a tree inside the class. Oakey wasn't sure why he was surprised by this, there have been plenty stranger things inside a classroom as he walked in. He looked around the classroom and noticed the three stone slabs. He picked up a sticker and wrote his information on it and sat himself down onto the soft grass.
Four shy girls and one shy boy. Oliver chuckled to himself. Perhaps they were overawed by the room.


Deciding that it was probably a good a time as any, Oliver put away his magazine and lent forward slightly. "Okay I think we should probably get started. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Professor Jenkins and I am your new Ancient Runes Professor." He spread his arms out and gestured to their surroundings.

"As you can see by the slight changes I have made to the room, my teachings are a little unorthodox. But I assure that while it is different and not what you are used to, you will learn." Oh yes he would make sure of that. "It may not seem like it but the things in this room do have significance to Runes. Well except for the fountain. I put that in here because I like the sound of running water." Five years of being a surfer, what do you expect??

"Runes have two purposes. The first being literal. They were used to write messages. The second is magic. They were used for rituals and spellcasting. I, myself prefer the latter and during the course of this term we will be learning how to do Runic magic." He paused for a moment to look around at the students. Was he boring them yet?

"But before we can get to that, I need to know who much you know about Runes. I know, this is the boring part but unfortunately it must be done." Folding his arms across his chest, Oliver leaned back against the tree.

"So the first question I'll ask is this. Why do we study Ancient Runes? In your own words. I want to know why YOU think we study this subject."

ooc: There is no right or wrong answer here. Just your charries opinion. Be as creative as you like.
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