Join Date: May 2010 Location: Iowa , United States
Posts: 141
Second Year | Hello Everyone, I had a pretty good Christmas. My parents moved to another state and I miss them very much.
Disclaimer: Everything Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling
Chapter 13
For the next few weeks, Ella fell into a normal routine. Waking up at 3:30 became easier and her day to day life became the norm. “I see you’re in a chipper mood.” Madame Rosmerta said.
“Always.” Ella said with a smile. Their feud had subsided, but Ella still didn’t divulge anything other than work related stories to her. She was her boss and her landlord, and that’s all she would be.
“Professor McGonagall confirmed your meeting .She should arrive after your shift ends.”
“ Great, thank you.”
Making her way down the steep stairs, she began her laundry duties.
Mornings, in the basement of the old medieval inn drug on. The damp smell and darkness didn’t help wake her up. “I did this, this is my punishment” Ella said to herself every time the machine decided to malfunction. Not only did the machine malfunction, but the rags used in the kitchen weren’t getting clean. Nothing was going right. Even her spells weren’t strong.
“ I am nervous for the meeting” Ella said out loud attempting to focus at the task at hand.
Finally, it was breakfast time. With her stomach growling she made her way up to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat.
“Hello Ella, pleasure seeing you.”
“And you too Mr. James.”
Ella felt her stomach plummet. Bronson James was still living at the inn and still a cause for concern. Every morning he stopped her and asked her if she would talk about what happened between her and Delores Umbridge and every time Ella ignored his question.
“ Come on love, now you know I am not going to publish every detail” His dark eyes were haunting.
“ I am sorry Mr. James, I am only allotted a small break and then I must get back to work.” Ella said with her head down.
“ I will ask you tomorrow.”
“Of course you will.”
“ That man infuriates me!” Ella Said slamming down her glass.
“ Oh Ella, just ignore him” ,Harold was the head morning and brunch cook, and frankly her favorite cook. He was very round with red cheeks, Santa like but with a brown apron and a toothless smile.
“ I Know I know.”
“ Christmas, is coming soon and this place will be busy.” Harold said with his
usual grin.
“ So I’ve heard.” Ella said , putting some pancakes on her plate.
“ What? Not in the Christmas spirit.”
“ No, not really.”
“ Well get in it, it’s the best time of the year. Hogsmeade, is beautiful during Christmas. Just like out of those muggle cards.”
Ella smiled at Harold.
“ Ok, Harold well you made a good case for Christmas. Looks like I better get into the spirit of things.”
“ Good.”
“ I have to say Miss. Greene, you are improving. Maybe this atmosphere has made you realize your capabilities.”
“ Thank you Professor McGonagall.” Ella said.
“ Now, I am doing your evaluation early because of your location and the events going on at Hogwarts.” McGonagall glanced at Umbridge when she spoke.
Ella shook her head in acknowledgement.
“Professor Umbridge is here to listen in and give a few tips” Umbridge made a small noise and began writing on a parchment.
“ So , Ella I have some of your scores sent in by Professor Snape and it seems like I said you are right on track and doing better this year. Now, for the main question. What do you want to be when you graduate?”
Ella sat up strait. “ Well, I would like to teach Potions at Hogwarts, Once Snape retires of course.”
Umbridge began to giggle.
“ What is so funny?” Ella said with snapping her head in Umbridge’s direction.
“ If the Ministry has their way, you will never step foot in that castle again.”
“ Now professor, Ella was granted an amazing opportunity from the Minister himself to omit classes because of her vast knowledge of potions. The minster himself said he hopes she decides to take the teaching path.”
Ella smiled.
“ That was last year Minerva. This is a new year, and new events, as you say, have transpired. “
Completely ignoring Umbridge, McGonagall spoke to Ella “I think you will be a great teacher.”
“ Thank you.”
“ Now, until Snape retires what will you do?”
“ Well, I hope to travel , and study with the finest potion masters in the world.”
“ What would you bring that is different than let’s say Professor Snape’s approach.”
Ella knew this was a trick question. And she did not want to over step her father.
“I respect Professor Snape, he has taught me more than I ever hoped to know and understand. With that, I am a different person; therefore, my approach would be a tad bit different. What I mean by different is I would be worldlier. I hope to incorporate different styles and techniques; of course I will learn such techniques abroad.”
“Good answer.” McGonagall winked.
Ella smiled.
“ Well, Ella I want to thank you for your time, and keep up with the good work. Your finals for the term will be flown via Owl in the upcoming weeks. Be prepared for them.” “ Oh and don’t forget the O.W.LS.”
“Thank you for the time, It’s nice to have visitors.” Ella walked the two proffesors to the door.
“ Good luck to you dearie.” McGonagall said.
“You too” Ella spoke .
“ Always pleasant to see you Umbridge, come back anytime…” Ella said this with a sly grin upon herself. Umbridge turned to look at Ella made a small high pitched noise and turned to walk out.
“ You couldn’t help yourself.”
“ What can I say?” Ella said laughing.
McGonagall smiled back.
“ Good Luck to you.”
“ Thanks”
Suddenly, Ella felt the rush to lay down. She was nervous. In her bedroom was two professors. One, who was well respected yet intimating and the other had her kicked out of school.
Her future? She never used to think ahead. That is until Snape helped her.
He had done a lot and risked a lot for her.
Potions were tonight and Ella was ready for it.
“ So , how was Delores Umbridge?” Snape muttered as if he had tasted poison.
“ She just sat there and smirked, well until I told her I wanted to teach.”
Snape chuckled. “ I assume she said you would never step foot in the castle.”
“Ah Yes she did.”
“Don’t let her fool you, she might have power now, but she won’t soon enough.”
“ Ella, I need to ask you something.”
“Ok, What is it.”
“ Are you friends planning something, or I mean doing something they shouldn’t be?”
“ I am not at liberty to say, I am not involved in anything related to Hogwarts.”
“ I am sorry, they are your friends, I shouldn’t have you rat one them.”
“Thank you.”
“If I feel like they are in any danger, I will tell you.”
“Thank you.”
“Well, should we get started?”
“Yes, let’s begin.”
Ella loved Saturdays. With her afternoons off she loved walking the cobblestone streets of Hogmeade. London was too busy, and plus she began to know and understand the people that lived in Hogsmeade.
“Hello Ella!”
“Hello, Gill!” Ella waved to the broom maker from the down the alley walking his way she couldn’t help but miss the memory of flying.
“How is it going today?” Gill said throwing out some dirty water.
“Oh just enjoying his freezing weather!” Ella said.
“Cleans the soul, Ella. Which reminds me , rumors are spreading around here like fire.” His voice turned into a hush whisper.
“What about?”
“You know who has followers. Some have been spotted here.”
Ella felt the air leave her lungs.
“But why here?” She knew the answer, but didn’t want to worry Gill.
“I don’t know, but I suggest you make it an early day and go back to the inn.”
“Thank you Gill”
Ella had a few more stops to make, but made sure her guard was up. Lurking around every corner could be someone that could hurt her. Then it hit her, Bronson. He was a ministry hack and could easily be a death eater. But wouldn’t Snape have known? How does one know if someone is a death eater? So, many questions. Ella felt the need to protect Hogsmeade. She had lived there already a few months, but made friends and knew most of the villager.
“Ella! Ella!” Turning around, every thought about death eaters vanished and the site of her friends waving made the loneliness bearable.
“You guys are here early!”
“Yeah, I don’t know how we did it.” Hermione said. Ella noticed Hermione seemed older. Not the fresh faced girl from kings cross a year ago, but something had changed.
“Well, I only have a few more stops to make, so where can I meet you?”
“We were going to stop at the book shop, because of Herms. And then maybe an early lunch at the broomsticks to beat the crowd.” Ron said.
“Ok, I will meet you there in a half hour.”
“See you then” Harry said as they made their way to the book store.
Rushing around, she made her way to the apothecary shop to grab some moon dust, Gladrags Wizadwear to have them sew up a torn cloak and Schvenshaft’s quils to buy some new ink. Finally, a half hour came and she met her friends at the Three Broomsticks.
“ I’ll go grab my drink.” Ella said getting up. “ While in the back I will put in my order.”
“ Why? Your off the clock.” Ron said thumbing through the menu.
“ It’s weird having my coworkers wait on me.”
“Hmmm.” Is all Ron could muster up.
“Ok, Our food is almost done, I checked with Harold. I am so happy this place is dead.”
“Me too.” Hermione said. “I still think we should have went to the Hogs Head, but we should be ok.” Hermione glanced around.
“ Tell me everything.”
“ You first.” Hermione said sipping on some butterbear.
“I have been working and studying . That seems to be my life right now. Yesterday, Mcgongall and Umbridge came to ask me about my future and such. It wasn’t too bad. It’s a small village, so nothing much goes on.”
“ Ok, your turn.” Ella said smiling.
“ Well lets see, Umbridge is being a boar, we aren’t even supposed to meet in groups, Hagrid’s back teaching, Our lessons are going great.” Harry was brief and to the point.
“ Were did he go in the first plave?” Ella asked
“ He went to seek help from the Giants.” Harry said in low whisper.
Ella’s eyes got wide.
“ You look surprised. Is Hogwarts and the Order the only ones who know there is a war coming?” Harry said in an unusual mean tone.
Ella was taken aback.
“ Listen Harry, We know trouble is coming, but most people in this village have families ,and businesses to tend too. They get off at eight at night, hoping they have a warm supper and family to welcome them. When is there time to plot you know who’s demise?”
“ You don’t think the order has jobs, or even families? “ Harry’s voice began to raise.
“Sirius and Remus don’t.” Ella pointed out.
“ That is beside the point.” Harry rebuked.
“ Listen , Harry you think Gill, the broom maker who is pushing 75 should take up arms, even with his gimp leg? Or how Madame Lyndsey at Glad rags, should close up shop early to join the cause? I bet you didn’t know her children are in Paris and she is trying to save enough money for them to come here. I hope when the time comes everyone who can will fight, but you can’t expect them to jump up and make a little club and teach themselves defensive tactics, do you? Because they are not soldiers! “ Ella’s voice grew loud enough for Madame Rosmerta to cough.
“ Are you against D.A?” Hermione whispered.
“ No, I am not, I do however think you guys are putting other’s education at risk.”
“ Just because Snape is your dad, doesn’t mean your head has to be up his ….” Hermione hit Ron in the chest before he could finish.
“Everyone knows the risk” Hermione whispered.
“ Listen, Snape did ask if you guys were doing something. I told him nothing and you know what he understands, he actually apologized for even asking!”
When their sandwiches were served, Ella went to the back and got hers from Harold.
“Everything ok?”
“ Yeah fine, thanks.”
Ella found her seat next to Hermione, and began to eat her food.
“ Ella, I am sorry, I never should have been rude to you.” Harry said.
“ I accept your apology, but frankly you’re not in the real world Harry. You’re behind the walls of a well-fortified freaking castle.”
“Harry Potter?”
Ella glanced up. “Oh for the love of God, could things get any more annoying.”
“Pleasure to you too Miss. Greene.”
“Everyone, this is Bronson James. He works for the ministry and apparently they don’t care about his whereabouts because he has been lingering here for months.”
Ella gave her best fake smile.
“ Delighted to meet you all. Well, I should be on my way; Harold is making my favorite soup.”
“Who is he?” Harry whispered
“He is what I have to deal with. He works for the Daily Prophet, and the
Ministry. He says he his here reporting on the apparent takeover of the ministry, but he is shady and I have a bad feeling about him.”
“Does Snape know him?”
“ No.”
“But Jenny does, I mean did.”
They sat there in awkward silence, sipping on their pumpkin juice and glancing periodically out the window.
“ I am sorry about quidditch.”
“ Yeah, It sucks.” Ron and Harry said in unison.
“Let’s move passed this, I can’t stand the tension.” Ella said admitting she might have taken things further than she should of.
“What you guys are doing is brave.”
“ Oh, Ella mum says your invited for Christmas. “ Ron said
“ Really?”
“ Yeah, of course.”
“ I will see if I can get a holiday!” Ella felt her smile grow. She needed a vacation from this place, and the order would keep her company.
“ Not to put a damper on the mood, but how has Malfoy been?”
Ella thought there was tension when they were arguing.
“ Oh let’s say he has been his usual.” Harry said .
“ Has he visited you?” Hermione questioned Ella with the air of suspicion.
“ No.”
“ Well, It’s about time we had back, we have a meeting tonight.” Harry said looking up at the ancient clock.
“Of course” A smiling Ella, stood up and walked them outside towards the frigid air. She had wished, they could have stayed longer, but then again maybe it wasn’t for the best.
Once her friends left, Ella sat down at the table still drinking her pumpkin juice.
“All alone , Miss. Greene?”
“Malfoy, It’s been a long time.” Ella said sarcastically.
“ You lied to your friends.”
“Of course I did, if they knew you visited me every Hogsmeade day, they would be angry.”
“Were just friends.” Malfoy said hanging on the word friends.
“Yes, we are, but they are protective.”
“You need to lay off them.” Ella said regarding Malfoy’s bullying. “Malfoy.”
“I said call me Draco.”
“Draco, are you going to tell me how you sneak in here, without me knowing? I am suspicious of you.”
“Why love?”
“You are close with Umbridge. Are you a spy?”
“ You are blunt.”
“ I need to know.”
“ She thinks I am.”
“ Oh and what does she want to know?” Ella said with a sly grin.
“ Where you are, what you do, and how you are doing.”
“There is nothing to tell her. You are fine. That is what I say. Well, and that you look beautiful.”
Ella turned beat red.
“Oh right. I bet you tell Miss. Toad face that.”
“Yep, all the time.”
“I have to study, I messed up on my transfiguration pop quiz , so Snape is making me do it over tonight.”
“An excuse.”
“No, I have to go. It was good seeing you.”
“You too.”
“Until Next time, Miss. Greene.”
“ Good Bye Malfoy.”
“It’s Draco.” Malfoy said with a grin.
Ella watched as Malfoy put his hood up and vanished around the corner.
Ella began to chuckle. In reality she didn’t know who was the one getting played. Malfoy or Her.
Last edited by newtscholar8; 04-17-2012 at 08:47 PM.