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Zhenya walked into class looking quite tired but very happy. She beamed at the professor saying "good night for astronomy professor!" then took a seat next to Raven. She rummaged in her bag to find her special red feathered quill and dipped it in some black ink and wrote
"Good evening Zhenya!" Professor Roslund greeted with a warm smile. "It’s a perfect night for astronomy my dear." He mused looking out at the fading light. Quote:
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Entering the classroom the Gryffindor waved at the Professor who was reading the Daily Prophet and spoke to him as he made his way to the desks. "Hello Professor Roslund, how are you today?"
"Good evening August." Professor Roslund greeted the lion pleased to see that that the fourth year was taking a big interest in the classes as well as the ongoing challenge. Quote:
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Aurora arrived in the classroom as people started making their way to wear... special astronomy robes? COOL!!!! Aurora placed her bag by her desk and wrote her name on the parchment.
Aurora Stewart-Quinn
Fourth Year
When she had appreciated the fact that it had turned into a nameplate - fancy bit of charm work, that... - she went to collect some robes.
"Hello sir, how's Luna?" she said to Professor Roslund, remebering when she had had to save the poor thing when he had fallen over on the platform.
"Good evening Aurora. Luna is doing well. Last I saw her she was curled up in front of the fire place sleeping happily." Professor Roslund greeted. Aurora had helped him on the platform until Althea had arrived to aid him. Quote:
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Magical Soul
Walking into the classroom, she furrowed her eyebrows at the students moving around the class instead of just sitting there. She stopped at the door, "
Err.. hello professor Roslund." Without really looking at him but gazing at the.. were those outfits for Astronomers? Awesome! She widened her smile, despite the fact that she was still crossed with Roslund for that detention.
Quickly dropping her shoulder bag onto a desk, the girl trotted to get an outfit for her own. Her Hogwarts robe was taken off and she grabbed an Astronomy robe over her skirt and vest. The sneakers didn't really go with the outfit but she was more than happy to look like a
professional astronomer instead of a teenage student!
The next one to arrive was Louisa seemingly in a good mood and actually one of the first to willing put on the new robes. Since she was there her resentment towards him must have disappeared
"Good evening. Louisa!" he greeted, flashing her a smile of approval.
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Beaming at Professor Roslund, she bounded in. "Good evening, Professor!" she smiled before peeping into the box. "Had a good summer?"
Are those... Astronomy robes? COOL! Taking a set, she debated whether or not to put them on. Maybe later... Shrugging, she slipped the robe on, and sighed as it was yet again too big for her. Why was she so short!
Taking a seat next to Beezus, she pulled out a quill and wrote her name, year and house on the parchment, and watched as it turned into a nameplate. She'd always found that part cool.
"Good evening Elise! My summer was quite splendid. How was yours?" Professor Roslund asked curiously. Watching the young Ravenclaw put on the robes he saw that she almost disappeared in them. Making sure he didn’t laugh he called out to the second year "Elise do you want me to make the robes a smaller size?" Quote:
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Taking the seat he looked around at the class that seemed to be to be no different than any other, as a regular muggle class is. He saw the professor reading. Who does that, read before class? his mind began to question him many things about the professor. He wore something that Zack couldn't imagine a professor wearing for the first class of the term. What kind of robe is that now?
Anyway, he looked at the board and saw something written and then on his desk there was a parchment. He grabbed his quill and started writing.
"Good evening Zack. Don’t forget to fetch a robe before we begin." He greeted the young lion boy who was the only one so far who hadn’t given him a polite greeting. Quote:
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"SLIPPERS! ONE GALLEON! BUY NOW OR YOUR FEET WILL FREEZE OFF~! yup yup he could be a sales man! He grinned as he looked back at the Professor and realized he was in class. "eh.. i have to walk around don't i?"
His face wasn't as red as before as he walked through the classroom and placed the slippers on the student's desks INSTEAD of selling them...
Flashing Daichi and unapproving look Professor Roslund said sternly "My classroom is not the place to start a business. You will give everyone a pair of duck slippers free of charge or I’ll be less than happy with you." Hmpf. If the boy dared to go against him he was going to have find the strength that Professor Hadley had magically given him some days ago in the library and use it in his classroom. Quote:
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Selena skipped into the classroom. She wasn't exactly a... fan of Astronomy. Not anymore. Not after the dreadful OWL's with its hard questions. She supposed that also meant that she had to start paying attention in class now. "Hello Professor Roslund," Selena chirped with a bright smile on her face before skipping over to pick up the... robes and sat at her desk.
They were... interesting slippers. And, in Selena's opinon, much better than the robes. And as nice as star covered robees were... duck slippers were definitely cooler. She grinned as a pair was placed on her desk, kicked off her sneakers and slipped them on. Because duck slippers were cool. "Thank you!" Selena exclaimed, beaming at the Slytherin.
Yeah. She was so cool with her shoes.
The last person to trickle in was Selena one of the Slytherin prefects. "Good evening Selena." Professor Roslund greeted warmly.
Ushuring everyone to their seats he felt that it was high time to start the lesson. "Good evening everyone and most welcome to a new term of Astronomy. For those of you who do not know me I am Professor Edvard Roslund and i am Hogwarts resident Astronomy professor."
Pointing at his own robes he continued "Many of you are probably like Tayla wondering why I've given you special astronomer robes. One reason is simply that the Astronomy tower gets awfully chilly at night. Second because its a celebratory term with Hogwarts being in its 1000th year of teaching young minds like i all of you that I should give you all a special treat."
He paused for a moment to let the last student's slip into their robes and slippers. "Now let's start with some basics. First years what do you know about Astronomy? All other years why do you think we learn about Astronomy?"
Occ: The lesson has officially STARTED! From now on, RP as if you have been there the whole time. Don't forget to deck yourself out in the robes and duck slippers.