Join Date: Sep 2005 Location: [GMT + 1]
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Rose Snakebark Gryffindor Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: JT Forsfelle Slytherin Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Ariadne Rose Hufflepuff Third Year Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley Ecological Protection x3
| Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Quote:
Originally Posted by alchemist_18 Raven walked to the seventh floor, to the Astronomy Classroom. "Am I the First student here?" she asked, Since the classroom was still empty. She only saw Professor Roslund was reading a Daily Prophey there. "Good Day, Professor." said her calm. Then she sat at the middle, took her quill and ink and wrote her name on a piece of parchment. Edvard had just reached the really interesting part of the article when the Prophet described how the rioters had taken over the Ministry when the first student trickled into his classroom. Hiding a displeased sigh he looked up over the top of the paper at a Slytherin girl "Good evening Raven." Looking around the classroom, "It appears you are first yes." he commented. Quote:
Originally Posted by nups21 Ira was early for the lesson. She entered the astronomy classroom and was pleased to see that for maybe the first time, she was one of the earliest to come into a class.
She greeted the professor sitting at his place. "Hello Professor Roslund! Good Day!" And it indeed was a good day today! She then looked at the board where they had been instructed to write their names and house and year on the parchment. taking out her quill from her bag, she took the parchment and wrote:
Then she took a place in the middle and sat down, not too close but nor too far. The next student to file in was a Gryffindor. Beaming at the lioness he greeted "Good evening Ira." Edvard watched as found a seat and started fiddling with her name plate. Good girl! Quote:
Originally Posted by Katergirl Angelina walked happily into the Astronomy classroom. There wasn't none except the Professor and a girl classmate. Smiling she headed to a desk nearby place her things down and said, "Good morning professor!"
Like she read, Angelina took one of the pieces of parchment all ready for her on her desk, and dinged inside her bag for a quill. Once she found one and some ink she wrote her name, house and year.
Smiling Angelina placed her quill down and waited for it to magically turn into her name plate, like she was told they would do. Morning???
Professor Roslund to stopped himself to look out the window for a moment at the darkening night before turning to Angelina asking concerned "Angelina, dear its night time, have you not been up and about today?" If the snake had been in the hospital wing that would explain her not knowing what time it was. Quote:
Originally Posted by weasleytwinsROCK Daisy trudged up to the Astronomy room, wondering why she thought it was a good idea to run up the first five flights of stairs, and then having to clutch her stomach with a terrible stitch for the rest. She was probably going to be late too...
Upon entering the classroom, her breath now back, Daisy looked around in surprise. She wasn't last. In fact she was the fourth student in there. But that was almost as bad, she had to sit around awkwardly, but at least she wouldn't get punished. 'Hello Professor,' she smiled, sitting down in any random seat and pulling out a quill. The Hufflepuff to arrive was a girl. Firing off a beam in her direction Edvard greeted "Good evening, Daisy." Quote:
Originally Posted by tomewitch Cough. Cough. "Hello Professor Roslund." Beezus greeted and headed towards the seat at the front. "How was your summer Professor?" She was asking for she had not been to see their Astronomy Professor. Yeah, stupid colds. Upon seeing the parchment on her desk and seeing the message on the board, Beezus took out her quill and wrote her info on it. No class was complete without a few claws in the mix. The first to arrive was Beezus. "Good evening Beatrice." Edvard greeted. "My summer was splendid. I went to the Canary Islands. How was your summer dear?" Quote:
Originally Posted by sevensnared As he reached the classroom, Hades panted heavily with one hand on the wall supporting his tired body. "Good- Evening- Professor~" greeted the boy. Walking up from the dungeons to the top floor was no easy business. Using his sleeve, he wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead before taking a seat somewhere not too front nor too back behind.
A parchment? Right... Their names. Hades took out his quill and dipped it several times into the bottle of ink before he scribbled something on it. "Good evening Hades. Have you settled into the school well?" Professor Roslund asked remembering how he had met the young snake on the platform. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Entering the classroom, Kurumi was a bit taken aback by Professor Roslund's...costume. No no, that was rude. The man was always in some sort of extravagant looking robes, but these were certainly up in the top five she had ever seen him in up to now. "Good evening, Professor Roslund," Kurumi said as she took her usual seat in the front and set her bag down on her desk. "Anything interesting in the Daily Prophet?" Not that Kurumi expected there to be anything about the comet that her and August had discovered...spotted...whichever it ended up being. After Beezues the lioness prefect Kurumi arrived looking slightly flushed by his dressing style. Extravagant robes are in fashion, yes! "Good evening Kurumi." Edvard greeted with a smile. "It depends on what you deem as interesting. I like the article about the new Magical Transportation department head Inez Grey. She seems like a woman who can make things happen."The ministry badly needed people who knew what they were doing. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger Walking into the classroom, however, she looked around curiously as it seemed she was one of the first students to arrive. Interesting, she thought, before making her way to a seat as she smiled at Professor Roslund, nose buried in the Prophet again. "Good evening, Professor Roslund," she said as she sat down. "Is there any interesting news in the Prophet tonight?" It was a valid question, even if it was just her curiosity and the fact she hadn't read the paper. After Kurumi came Stella, one of the senior girls of the school which warmed Edvard’s heart. No class had a good balance if there weren’t some student’s from different year groups attending. Flashing Stella a welcoming smile he said "Good evening Stella. I really like the crossword puzzle section. Have you ever tried doing a Prophet crossword puzzle?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Poolicious Astronomy was one Messer favorite subject and he's really looking forward to this class. Walking into the classroom, he saw that there are already few students there and of course Professor Roslund was there too with the Daily Prophet stuck under his nose. "Hello Professor Roslund." he greeted the Astronomy Professor. "Is there any interesting news in the prophet, sir?" Maybe a meteor shower or an alien attack perhaps? If Edvard wasn’t sitting in his seat he would have bounced on the spot. The next arrival made him very pleased. Messer had found his classroom to the little budding astronomer. Grinning at the little badger he called "Good evening Messer, Ready for some star-gazing later"Folding up his prophet knowing that the time for reading was over since the classroom was slowly filling itself up. "If you have time you should read the amusement & joke section. One of the comic strips was quite fun to read." Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty Sky was so ready for this class! She felt that Astronomy was her best subject, so she was happy to attend. Walking into the classroom, she stopped for a second to read what Professor Roslund had written on the board before calling out a "Hello Professor," and finding herself a seat. She wrote her name, year and house on the parchment as instructed and placed it near the front edge of the desk, watching it turn into a name plate:
That done, she sat back and waited for class to begin. After Messer came a returning student, Sky who had been in his class last term. "Good evening, Sky." Edvard greeted the young snakette. Quote:
Originally Posted by Orla LuLu walked into the class and took a seat near enough to the front, she stared at him in the weird glittery kind of outfit... Possibly an Astronomy outfit... If that was the case she was not wearing one, she smiled ''Good day, Proffeser Roslund,'' she sat down, Edvard didn’t know which number in running it was but Lulu was the first to right out stare at his brightly coloured robes. Raising a brow at her as if asking ‘Yes?’ he greeted her still with a warm smile "Good evening Lulu. Psyched up for an evening in the space arena?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Eve. Astronomy huh? A subject that she was most likely going to fail in. Though it seemed interesting, she was concerned about if she was going to do well or not. One of the main factors of why she seemed to strangely like this class was because the Professor looked like a type of person that wouldn't go all mad in her face. He looked nice but a bit strange unlike herself. Eyeing the Professor she seemed nice enough to speak to him and say "Hello Professor!" Next to arrive was a snake girl he didn’t recognize. Glancing at her name plate Edvard flashed her a warm smile "Good evening, Eva. I hope you’ll like astronomy." Hopefully his lesson had some good things in store to interest the snake girl. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lislchen Lewis was tired. Ugh. It had been a long day and he had a headache. All he wanted to do right now was to fall onto his bed, crawl under the blanket and die sleep. But they still had that Astronomy class, and he couldn't exactly miss that. Especially not after the nice professor had lent him his owl some time ago. That had been really really nice of him.
Rubbing his eyes until he saw stars on the inside of his eyelids - hey, that was quite appropriate for this lesson right? Stars. - Lewis smiled at the professor as he passed him. "Good evening, Professor Roslund." Night, would be more appropriate, though. At least it felt like it was midnight or something. He. Was. So. Tired. 
Not really paying attention to where he was going, Lewis of course somehow managed to bump into the corner of the professor's desk. Ouch! "I'm sor-" He started to say but then stopped himself, looking up at the professor. He wasn't allowed to apologize to him, right. Because he didn't like that. So instead, he just averted his gaze, bit his lip and hurried to find a seat for himself. Just one look at Lewis tried body language made Eddie want to send the badger boy back to bed. He couldn’t do but he wanted to. "Good Evening Lewis…Watch---out." His warning was too late as he watched the tired puff collided with his desk that must have hurt. Worried he called out "All right there Lewis? You didn’t hurt yourself?"If he had then Professor Roslund would if necessary send him to the hospital wing. Quote:
Originally Posted by Gabrielle Astronomy, she wasn't sure how well she would do in this subject. The professor was sitting at his desk reading the daily prophet, as she arrived, she nodded to the professor, "Hello Professor!" She said brightly.
Glenn found an empty desk and sat down. Seeing the instruction, Glenn wrote her name down on her piece of parchment in her neatest handwriting and watch as it transformed into a plaque. "Good evening Glenn."Edvard greeted the young badger as she found herself a seat at an empty desk. Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity "Good evening Professor Roslund," he greeted with a small smile and polite nod before moving to take a seat up front. The boy taking out a quill and filling out the parchment before it turned into a nameplate and situated itself in front of him. "Hey Kurumi," he greeted his friend and fellow lion before settling in to await class to begin. "Good evening Gideon. Did you try your hand at the big telescope in the observatory?" Professor Roslund asked curiously. Quote:
Originally Posted by affy7ann Tayla entered the room and sat up front. "Good evening, Professor Roslund," she smiled at the professor.
Taking out her quill and ink, she started to write.
With that finished, she looked around the room and waited for the class to begin. "Good evening Tayla." Professor Roslund greeted the young lioness with a big smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by natethegreat "Good day professor." Then Nate wrote on his piece of parchment his name, year, and house. "Good evening Nate." Professor Roslund greeted the young badger. Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
When she finally reached the observatory she walked in and hugged her robes tighter to her chest. With a grin she said, "Hello Professor Roslund."
Then she took her seat and filled out a parchment. "Good evening Selina." Edvard greeted the lioness with a smile. More and more Gryffindors were coming that was good. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Ella entered the classroom and noted the Professor's lovely robes first. She passed him with a smile, "Good evening, Professor!" Ella was feeling quite nervous as she didn't know too much about astronomy but she was eager to learn. She then found an empty spot and filled out her parchment. "Good evening Ella!" Professor Roslund greeted with a smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF Stupid watch! Why did it have to stand still!
Daichi literally RAN up the stairs towards the first Astronomy class. Why did he have to take a nap before class and then his watch decided to stop working? This was clearly not a good beginning. "stupid watch stupid watch" he muttered under his breath as he reached the classroom door. It was pretty silent in the room ...HE WASN'T LATE RIGHT?!
Quickly opening the door, the first thing the Slytherin noticed was that he was NOT late! woohoo~ He stood in the door way for a few seconds to catch his breath and then walked to the front of the classroom. Trying to fix his tie in the process and tuck his shirt in to look presentable. Daichi saw that the Professor was like always reading the prophet. "Hi Professor~" he said , trying to sound normal but it came out more like a gasp for he was still tired from the running. "Had..had a good summer sir?"
Daichi ran a hand through his blonde hair and turned around to find a place to sit. But thanks to his panic and rushed moments earlier he was completely unaware that he still had his slippers on.....
The third year grabbed a quill from his school bag and quickly wrote his name on the paper. Seeing a young snake arrive with peculiar footwear which could only be slippers Edvard face broke up into a wide grin "Good evening Daichi. Is your footwear comfortable?" Extracting his wand he mumbled a spell and produced a giant sized box of slippers in an array of colours. "The floor is extra cold tonight don't you agree? Yes well I hope you won't mind distributing a pair of slippers to the whole class Daichi? We don't want your peers feet to get cold right?" Gesturing to the box he expected the snake to do what he was told.
Standing up he said as he conjured up two extra boxes."We will wait a little longer before starting to allow for some late stragglers. In the mean time I want you all to come up front and deck yourself out in the new Astronomy robes I've ordered for this term. There is both a model for boys and girls and don't forget the put on the fuzzy slippers Mr Katharsos will be delivering out." Occ: The robes are smaller versions of the robes Edvard is wearing in the polyvore set. Put them on to show some good will.
Last edited by Nordic Witch; 01-20-2012 at 02:44 PM.