Other Characters Fire Slug
Join Date: Mar 2007 Location: The Lake
Posts: 161
Hogwarts RPG Name: Bartholomew Henry | I like shiny things. Quote:
Originally Posted by tomewitch Whoa. It was weird having a squid talk in a lesson but what's more weird was that it was helping the Professors in delivering out the lesson. Eino though seems to enjoy his conversation with the Giant Squid, but she was a bit..scared of the creature.
Normally if she'd see an animal, she'd go all enthusiastic. But the Squid was just too big. Sending freaking chills all over her spine especially when its voice would boom all over the Lake.
When the Giant Squid urged them to ask him more question, Beezus raised her right hand. "Errr--Mr. Henry sir, I was just w-wondering, are you the only squid in the lake?" Or were there a whole lot others? If so, then does that mean the Giant Squid had a family? Quote:
Originally Posted by GoldenSnake So they’re asking the giant squid questions? Umm…if the giant squid talks like that, then Victoria has lots of questions to ask the giant squiddey. A talking squid…hmm…this shall be a very interesting topic to share with her friends. “Hey…er…Squiddey….err…Giant Squid Sir!” Victoria called out, unsure what to address this creature as. “Do you live alone? Or like…do you have a family, or a wife, or something like that?” Victoria pondered interestedly. It would be definitely sad if the squid did live in the Blake Lake all alone. Quote:
Originally Posted by elllla_Wtwins Oh hold up.. the squid could TALK?! Thea raised an eyebrow. Leaning back on her hands, she smiled in his direction. 'Are there only one of you down there... sir?' As far as the Gryffindor knw, there was.. but that didn't seem right. 'Do you not feel lonely? I mean.. do you not have a family?' Thea squirmed a little, but she couldn't help it. It just seemed wrong that the squid was on his own down there with no other squids to play with.. or whatever squids do. 'If the answer to these questions are no... would you like another Giant Squid down there with you?' Thea sat up, and looked at him intently. Maybe.. they could get him a friend! It shouldn't be too haard..
Thea glanced at the CoMC professor as she asked this last question. "I am," he answered to the students' questions, "the only Giant Squid in Hogwarts's Lake. I have no family, no 'wife' no anything. I am... forever alone." And he had accepted that. He did not yearn for companionship.
The merpeople of the lake were enough. Quote:
Originally Posted by jujune29th "OHMYGOSHTHAT'SSOCOOL!!" Sophie thought extreeemelly excited! The pretty Giant Squid had just spoken to her! Her eyes were shining and she still had her biggest smile on her face. "No, sir! No questions." she said with her eyes fixed on him. "You're so... so...!!" she couldn't finish her sentence. She was so fascinated by that sight that couldn't think of anything else, so she just stared at him amazed. Aww this Huffler was...what was that wizard word? Cute. She was cute. Barty seemed to be smiling as he waved a friendly tentacle at the girl Quote:
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF Daichi's bored expression faded in to a curious look as he watched the Squid smack a tentacle against the Professor's back. The Slytherin couldn't control himself and let out a high pitched laugh when he saw it.
He had known there was a Giant Squid in the Lake from stories by his older brother, but that it could talk! He didn't know until now. His mouth fell open in amazement when the squid talked and answered the students questions. Raising his arm high in the air, Daichi's eyes seemed to twinkle as he waved it around. "Mr. Henry Squiddy sir~?" he asked as he thought of a question. And when he got one he couldn't help himself.... "Can i have you as a pet? pleeeeeaaase~?" BECAUSE HE WAS SO ADORABLE~!! and having a pet squid.. how cool was that?! he wasn't as adorable as the duckies in the pond though "............."
He had no words. NO WORDS for this student. Just.... "No." The Squid reached out a tentacle and SMACK!ed the silly Slytherin. Hopefully he was smacking some sense into the lad. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura looked at the Giant Squid and decided to ask the one question that was on her mind, raising her hand she smiled. "Who's more important Mr Squid, you or a Professor?" Well the Squid was a Giant right. Bartholomew started chuckling again with more of that odd squish-squish-squishing sound. "We are of equal importance?" Quote:
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh Still a little red in the cheeks, Nessie looked up at Professor Williamson again. He was so good looking, and she still counldn't help herself. Either way there wasn't a chance she wanted to make a fool of herself again and so she turned to the squid and decided to focus on it instead.
When the squid started TALKING!!  Nessie's mouth opened in shock, she eyed the giant squid that COULD TALK!!! It was madness!! Since when did squids talk??? She didn't say a word, she was just a little bit too shocked it was just so awesome. "Um..um.." she said a little hesitantly trying to get any words out of her mouth. She wanted to talk to the squid it would probably be the only opportunity she ever got to do so, and she didn't want to miss out. "You..can..ta..lk?" she asked still staring at it, like she had never seen something so unbelievable before.
Now peoplewere talking about how the squid RULED the lake?? Honestly? Of all things they got a giant squid to rule the lake, why didn't they get like a merperson? or something like that, but still this squid was really awesome, or at least Nessie thought so. "Your very cool..um Mr. Giant squid." she hadn't heard what the other kids had been calling him and so she didn't know what he's name was. He wouldn't mind if she called him Mr. Giant squid right? "Of course I can talk," Bartholomew Henry said. "Thank you." He was cool. And slippery too. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar Hannah had known about the giant squid sure, but he talked?? She knew she was magical of course coming from a long line of pureblood wizards, but she still had to blink a couple of times to make sure that she was seeing correctly. Did she have questions sure she had a million questions. "How do you feel about wizards?" She knows that some magical creatures have some not so great opinions about wizards and she was curious about he felt about the subject. "Good question," Barty answered with a hmm-sound. "Wizards are...all right, but they would be a lot better off if they were not so meddlesome." Quote:
Originally Posted by HOPEendures Jezzabelle just watched as some of her housemate freaked out in amazement as Mr. Henry talked when he asked if there were anymore questions Jezz took her chance. "Excuse me sir...Do you prefer to be called Bartholomew or Mr. Henry or something else maybe?" She was very curious. So very curious. Plus who knows, this might be her only chance to talk to him. "Because I feel like we've labeled you as The Giant Squid but you do have a name and therefore you must have a preference." Seemed logical, yes? "Thank you for asking," said the squid with a touch of affection in his booming voice. "I prefer Mr. Henry, please, and I appreciate manners and fish and shiny things." Quote:
Originally Posted by Krel Ansell “I have one!” Daisy said shooting her hand up into the air. Funny, she and Tennesse had been discussing the great and wonderful Giant Squid at the welcome feast. She couldn’t let the opportunity pass without tossing out the question that she and her friend had been discussing. “You’re quite graceful, Mr. Henry,” Sse smiled and bounced a bit on her feet. “Do you happen to know how to tap dance?” Now, most people would think that one required feet to tap-dance, but Daisy waved the thought away. If any creature could do it, the Squid could. Quote:
Originally Posted by Nat nat Tennessee couldn't help but gaze at Mr. Henry. He is definitely one cool giant squid, she wondered how would their neighbors react if he had one as a pet. She wasn't gonna ask anything to the creature for she was already busy listening to those who have been talking and asking questions.
About the point of Mr. Henry being Godric Gryffindor, Oh my Gosh. Tell me about that one, she thought in amusement as she looked at the creature. Just when out of nowhere she heard Daisy utter a question. She never thought her friend would ask that thing. Tap dance? Certainly, that would be awesome. She just thought people would want to see it, "Oh and Mr. Henry could we see how you do it?" she asked grinning and nodding at the squid. She hoped their Professor wouldn't mind at all. "No no no no no," Barty waved a tentancle dismissively. "I do not tap dance. There is no dance floor large enough for me!" Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Sierra smiled, actually smiled, at the sound of the squid's laughter. It sounded sort of funny, like he was being smothered by a sponge or something. For all she knew, with a body like that, he very could be. He seemed to be taking it well, though.
So he did get to smack the others around! He was just saying so in a nice, polite way. She just bet he used all those tentacles to act LIKE A BOSS when it came to this lake. "Oh, really? So what do you do when there's an argument?" she asked, curious as to how he handled things. Oh, yeah--Sierra Greingoth was taking notes on this. "I smack them around." The Giant Squid let out a gurgley chuckle again. Quote:
Originally Posted by BlackWolf850 Quentin looked up from her note taking when he asked if there were any more questions, she raised her hand uncertainly, she had never spoke to a squid before- much less a giant one, "Sir, how is it you're able to speak?" she realized how rude that sounded, "Oh, not that it's a bad thing I was just wondering since it's not exactly natural, not that you're unnatural..." she trailed off. How did she always managing to screw up? "It is because I am a MAGICAL Giant Squid living at a school of MAGIC," Barty replied, rather annoyed as he flapped a tentacle against the surface of the lake. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Alyssa knew that Mr. Henry must be getting tired asking all their questions but she had to know something, so she raised her hand and asked the Giant and wise Squid, "Mr. Henry, you have lived in this lake a long time and I know that you must have explored every inch of it, could you tell me how deep this lake really is?" "I could not," Bartholomew Henry sighed. "I do not know Muggle or Wizard forms of measurement, but allow me to assure you that it is deeper than I can swim, deeper than you can see, and deeper than the sunlight can reach."
And his tentacles were aching already, calling him back to the lake's mysterious depths. Quote:
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 This whole conversation the class was having with the Giant Squid was blowing Auggie's mind. He had had no idea that this was even possible, even in the Magical World.
August listened and took notes as both Professor Scabior and Williamson shot information off to them about the creature/being status of each type of creature and the information about the many creatures in the Lake.
Now that he had all of his notes finished August wanted to ask Bartholomew the Squid a question. "Mr. Henry, um how old are you? I mean did you meet the Founders or anything?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy From pretty much the second the giant squid opened his mouth, Tyler had been gaping and staring and gaping some more. A talking bloody squid! Now he had definitely seen everything, everything!!!!!
He wanted to touch him but he wouldn't yet, no he would wait until the squid wasn't looking, then he would try to poke his suction thingies. "I have a question! Just how old are you? Are you immortal? I mean..how long can giant squid live for?" "I am turning 100 years old in December," Barty answered the boys proudly. Hogwarts was only 900 years older than him! Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassandra TAylor had stop jolting down the notes still in surpise that the giant squid can talk but soon she recovered after he answered many questions and was slapping one of the professors around. Taylor would so laugh if she didn't feel that there would be a point deduction. She raised her hand, "Mr. Henry, sir, do you like to talk or is it just an ok thing?" "It is an...OK thing." He preferred swimming. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Alex had NOT expected the lesson to move in this direction, but it was entertaining to say the least. Now that he'd seen the Giant Squid IN PERSON and knew he could...talk and stuff, and he didn't seem like the kind of squid who pulled people under just willy nilly like his family had always told him. Hmmm. Maybe the lake wasn't so bad after all if the Squid was nice. Maybe he'd actually try swimming in it soon!
He raised his hand and cleared his throat to address the squid. "Do you remember the Triwizard Tournament where Harry Potter was a contestant? I know they had a challenge in the lake...did it bother you that these humans were kind of...I dunno...invading, so to speak?" he asked. "They were invasive," Bartholomew answered slowly, seeming to glance at the professors suspiciously, "and yet they taught the students participating and observing the event a lot about the culture and climate and creatures of the lake." So in a way, it was a good thing too. Quote:
Originally Posted by ballantd Did Melanie have a question for the giant squid? Was she seriously asking herself that question? She pinched her left hand lightly with her right, half expecting to wake up from a feast-fueled dream.
"Actually, sir, I have a question," she said, surprised with the confidence in her voice as she spoke to a giant sea creature. "Do you ever come up and say 'Hi' to the first-years as they cross the lake the first night? Or do you stay hidden so you don't scare them? NOT THAT YOU'RE SCARY," she quickly corrected, not wanted to offend what seemed like a very nice squid, "but...you know, so you don't...startle them...or something." She held her breath, hoping she didn't get a tentacle to the head too. Barty let out another loud, wet chuckle. "I do enjoy...." terrorizing? "greeting the students," he agreed. "But I am not scary and no, I do not really think anyone is startled by me..."
Were they? He had never given it much thought either way. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Ella was in total shock. Her mouth was open and her eyes were practically bulging out of her head. She would have felt foolish if it weren't for similar expressions on many of the faces of her fellow classmates. What on earth could she ask this squid? "Mr. Henry, you're quite, erm, large in size and I was just wondering if there is enough food for you in the lake?" Ella felt sure this was an idiotic question but she sure was curious about how much Mr. Henry could eat. Food...man am I hungry. Another chuckle. "Yes, yes there is plenty of food for me there. And if the wasn't, I am certain the Headmaster would see to it that I still had enough to eat." He was good like that, that Taterman. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles Scabior was paying attention. Somewhat. With any questions that were shot his way he simply nudged his head in the direction of William, because the Care of Magical Creatures professor was teaching the lesson at the moment and it would have been rude for him to just steal the show.
What he wasn't paying attention to was, what exactly Bartholomew Henry was doing. And because of that he had no time to react as the Squid's tentacle swiped through the air before coming in contact with his back end. Dash's head whipped around, as he gave the squid a long hard stare.
The back of his pants were now wet. Thank you squid. "Of course Bartholomew Henry. My mistake. How could I ever expect you to tell your own story of how you ended up in the lake." His voice dripped with sarcasm. Stupid 100 year old beast.
He turned toward the class once again after getting an 'okay' nod from William. "Right, class so." He cleared his throat. "Back in the late 1960's almost 1970's even, rumours began surfacing in the Ministry that Giant Squids were beginning to die out. Nobby Leach, the Mister of Magic at the time, found this to be a big concern because he didn't want it to affect his chances of re-election. So he ordered a baby squid to be sent to Hogwarts lake, just to ensure it's survival. The headmaster at the time Albus Dumbledore agreed to this." He nodded. This was all information he had gathered from reading though. And the re-election part..common sense. "A squid- that Squid being Bartholomew Henry of course-" He looked at the creature. "-was not chosen and put into the lake until 1977. However, soon after it was was discovered that the rumours of the species dying out was in fact false." Yeah, so the Ministry had messed up. But that was really how he got there. Scabior paused, wondering if he should add a little extra bit of info. "The 1970's was also around the time when dark wizard Lord Voldemort began to gain power and the first Wizarding War began. And so it was decided that Bartholomew Henry would remain in the lake to protect the students in case of attacks on the castle by Voldemort." He gave a slight nod. It sounded like Bartholomew was a hero. But not quite. "Bartholomew proved to be quite lazy," Which was exactly why he wasn't explaining this himself. "When the Ministry tried to train him for attacks. And so they created the rumor about him being Godric Gryffindor in animagus form in order to intimidate Voldemort." It worked somewhat. Really, the squid could have said ALL of that. Scabior gave a brief nod before turning back to look at his now wet trousers.
Bartholomew could stop being lazy now and answer all the students questions. The sarcastic professor received another loud, wet SMACK! to the head for his calling Bartholomew lazy. Although it was common knowledge, Everett did not have to persuade the students to see him that way too! Quote:
Originally Posted by Herminny "It sounds like an interesting idea that the lazy squid the resides in the lake could be godric gryffindor but it seems awfully far fetched. I doubt Voldemort would believe something that crazy. Who would honestly choose for their animagus form to be a giant squid", Nathan retorted raising his hand. "......." This student also received a smack to the head. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Sierra had to fight the urge to laugh at the way the squid smacked Scabbers across his back end. SEE! She knew that squid liked the smack people around! He was far more useful than she'd originally thought. Maybe she should start coming out here more often for little chats with Barty...or Bart. Bartholomew? Whatever. THE SQUID.
...and then a loooooooong speech began, so Sierra turned her attention to Scabbers and listened to the story of the squid.
So the Minister of Magic...at the time, of course...was responsible for this squid? "Well, Mr. Bartholomew, my father's the current Minister of Magic, and I just know he'd have treated you better," she said, turning her attention to the squid. "Do you ever wish you were back with the other squids, or are you cool with being here?" He may be a little lazy-but hey! Maybe he was just a Slytherin. That would explain him living it up without thinking he had to do a thing.
Nope. That squid was no Godric Gryffindor. "Would he have?" the squid responded to one of his more favorite students with a deep sigh. "Sometimes, sometimes I yearn for companionship, but as I told your classmates, I have accepted that it is my destiny to be forever alone."
He had gone 100 years without wanting a squid friend; what was a few more years? Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie The Ministry made up the rumor? Weren't rumors always based a little on truth? Kurumi assumed that they were anyway and, well, she thought that there was much more to thie squid than met the eye. She jotted down more notes as Professor Scabior lectured about history, but her eyes flicked over towards Professor Williamson when she had finished. He seemed to be more inclined to believe the rumor to be true, perhaps she could ask him to help her investigate the truth behind this? Become Hogwarts' Mythbusters or something to that effect?
Kurumi then smiled at . He wasn't lazy. Probably just didn't wish to fight. He was a lover, not a fighter. That sort of thing. Besides, were the happenings on land really of his concern? He did have an entire aquatic kingdom to rule over. Unless...he was Super Squid and had plans for world domination. Then, well, then he probably should have helped out.
Kurumi wasn't sure what to ask as too many thoughts were swimming through her head, so she decided that keeping a careful record of what was going on was a better idea. She did flinch when her housemate said some rather rude things about giant squids in general. "I actually think that it fits rather well, a squid animagus form," she said, raising her hand just to be safe. "Giant squids, I believe and please correct my if I am mistaken Mr. Bartholomew, have a very rich symbolism of being able to read the moods of others and represent intelligence and camouflage." She paused for a moment, nodding her head in their guest's direction. "Besides, you can't choose your animagus form." "Thank you," he said softly to his other favorite student. With that answer, Bartholomew Henry let out another deep sigh and retreated deeper into the lake. He could feel himself drying out already. "I will see you later, class, William, Everett." He gave them all another friendly wave and then was gone, sinking deep, deep, deep into the late where neither nosy eyes nor penetrating sunlight could reach.
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