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Old 01-08-2012, 11:33 PM   #306 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Zara H. Bunbury-Foster
Fifth Year
Default again, ONE SHORT ANSWER per person pleeeeeeease! ex: give ONE grindylow trait
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB

SPOILER!!: Josh Carter's Little Sister
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady View Post


Now again Lea was looking confused. Yes, someone had said there were merpeople living in the lake and the professor man confirmed it. Yet no one had really explained what exactly merpeople were. Oooh wait....


Lea knew what they meant by merpeople: Mermaids!!!! They were the only half fish-half person thing she knew after all.

''Mermaids are beautiful women with a long fish tail. They are known to fool sailors with their beauty and take them down into the sea to a very deep place where the sailor would not be alive anymore!!'' the girl all seemed to be very enthusiastic as she explained. ''It does not mean they are all bad though. If you dare and good enough you can befriend one.''

Hmmm...society scructure and weapons of choice?

''I don't know much about what they socially do, professor. Maybe cumb each other's hair all day and sing?'' because they were all girls, right? ''As weapon, i already said they use their beauty but also i think they can make themselves sharp weapons from the stuff they find undersea.''


''Of course they are not beasts!!!!! No way!!! They are pretty.''

Ah, this one must be a firstie. William shook his head, a slight smirk appearing on his face at the little Gryffindor's answer.

"You must be thinking of the Muggle version of mermaids, Miss, not of the merPEOPLE of the wizarding worlds. Ours are much, much different, as your classmates are discussing. They CHOSE to be classified as beasts, too." Silly girl.

SPOILER!!: right answers
Originally Posted by Kimalia View Post
A simple nod came from Kimalia who was in understanding majority of the creatures mentioned. Now, about Merpeople.. Raising her hand once again, "Well, with merpeople, their voices are indistinguishable to our ears outside the water."
Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post
Oh, maybe this professor wasn't that bad after all. At least he was DEFINITELY nicer than the other one. Not that that was too hard. But at least he seemed to approve of his answer. Lowering his hand, Lewis nodded slowly and quickly went on to scribble down Shrieking Eals so he could look it up after class. Unless they were going to cover them today...?

Merpeople it was then. Raising his hand yet again - he was starting to like this class if only Professor Scabior would leave - Lewis replied the first thing he knew about Merpeople. "They have their own language. It's called Mermish." Hearing his next question, he just regarded the two professors for a moment, a little unsure of what to do. Was that question directed at THEM too? Were they supposed to answer that?
Originally Posted by midnight_thestral View Post
Violet raised her hand as everyone seemed to be thinking about the question for a moment, Sir, I know their society structure is similar to ours. The Merpeople would have a king or a queen ruling them all and below them, the workers, guards, servants and so on and so forth."
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou View Post

What did Nora know about them, other than the fact that they gave her the creeps, even though she had never actually met one? "They seem to be mysterious, just like the Centaurs," she said with a hand in the air. There was, of course, the creepy skin and eye colour, but that was pretty much obvious.
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
Despite that both lessons weren't his favorite subjects, Daichi still tried to answer the question. He had been pretty cluelessly sitting while listening to the others giving their answers but now it was his time to shine!

The third year was always bad at the practical but he could get the theory when he remembered having read something about the merpeople. Grinning rather stupidly at himself, Daichi raised his hand in the air and waved it a little to get the attention.

"A spear is their weapon of choise, right Professor?" he answered while lowering his hand, brushing it through his now blonde hair. "And i read somewhere that their language is Merishim...or something.. " He blushed slightly because he knew his answer was wrong but it was the best he could come up with. "Above water they sound like they are screetching but underwater it sounds hypnotic"
Originally Posted by natethegreat View Post
"The merpeople love music. Their eyes are blood-shot yellow, and have grey scales. They also have long, wild, dark green hair. Their teeth are broken, and also yellow. They wear thick ropes of peebles around their neck. They have powerful grey fish tails which allow them to swim expertly. They are very tall, and normally use spears as their weopon of choice. Sometimes they keep grindylows as pets, and use lobalugs as weopons. And if they speak above the ground it sounds like a screech. Merpeople society is based around orginized communitys."
Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
"Well, they have fins instead of legs and their voices are screechy outside of the water," Sky answered. That's all she really knew about merpeople. She'd never really thought much of them…
Originally Posted by caithal97 View Post
Nessie shook her head. She knew almost to nothing about merpeople other than what she read in fairytales and other books. Spirits . . . sure. Mom couldn't shut up about them but merpeople. No. Wanting to feel like she contributed she raised her hand. "They live in the water and have tail so they can easily move throughout the water. I'm sorry sir, I really don't know anything besides the obvious." She said feeling slightly embarassed by her lack of knowledge.
Originally Posted by Slytherin's Talon View Post
Wist was amazed at the Squid. And it was friendly!
"Merpeople live underwater." Clearly. "And then speak in another way so that it seems like they are screaming above water. And they have gray green skin and have spears. Their leader is a queen, though I forgot her name. I read that her brother tried taking over."
Originally Posted by Starbreeze View Post
Eino was curious as to why they would be learning about merpeople in Care of Magical Creatures. Did this mean they could have one as a pet? He wasn't sure whether that would be a good thing or a bad thing, but mermaids did have beautiful voices, did they not? So they would make lovely entertainment for a dinner party. When the professor posed a question, Eino raised his hand. "I would suspect that merpeople use a monarchical government system. At least, the colony in the Black Lake answer to one queen. Queen Arethusa, that is."
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post

Why did this man seem so overly-enthusiastic about creatures? Yeah, sure...he was a Care of Magical Creatures professor, but really? He looked on the verge of bouncing up and down out of pure happiness. It was sort of nauseating to see such a Puffer of a display right there in front of the classroom.

Sierra thought about this all throughout the man's responses. Then the subject was back on merpeople all too soon. Her hand rose into the air. "You know, all the books suggest one thing as their weapon of choice, but I'd like to suggest something else--their appearance." Yes, their appearance was a weapon. "Have you ever seen one of those things up close?! Well, I haven't, but I've seen pictures." Those things were UGGGGGLY. U-G-L-Y.

She paused and looked around. They didn't have a group of merpeople joining them anytime soon, as they had the Giant Squid, hmm? She'd hate to offend an entire society of them. She shrugged. "Just sayin'." She shrugged again. "Or...lobalugs, too..."
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Merpeople. HMM. Louisa raised her hand, "I remember reading somewhere, sir, that merepeople have greyish skin and wild green hair... that looks like spikes moving around." Louisa's eyes were narrowed thoughtfully at that, trying to imagine one, "Very light eye color too. I don't think they are like the beautiful mermaids muggle stories describe, then." Nope, not at all.

"They love music and their language is only a screeching to us wizards while it is kind of beautiful chorus underwater." Uh-huh. Louisa would like to sink her head in the water of the lake one time and see if they were having a conversation some time, hehee. "As for weapons, I guess they have sharp fangs in their mouths, sir?" A disdainful look on Louisa's face as she said so.
Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn View Post
"I know that... the sound like they're screaming above water but under the water it's a beautiful song..." Aurora said, almost absentmindedly - she had been told a lot of stories about mermaids in her life... especially the ones in Greece.
Originally Posted by Granger1814 View Post
Kourtney blinked in the direction of a few students who gave several answers. Didn't they pay attention when the professors said only one answer? Apparently not. Her eyes narrowed briefly in annoyance and she then raised her hand. "Merpeople can breathe for a short time above the water."
Originally Posted by Frankie View Post
Autumn had just finished reading fantastic beasts and where to find them "Sir, it was rated XXXX by the ministry not for agressivness but should be treated with great respect, also they were given the title being like centaurs although straight away the centaurs requested to be classed beasts, a year after the merpeople made the same request. They are not as pretty as muggles tend to believe over here they are less beautiful than the ones found in warmer waters called sirens, they also speak mermish. Oh quickly if you don't mind the Hippocampus has the head and forquaters of a horse, and the tail and hind of a giant fish, in 1949 one was caught by merpeople in scotland." Autumn had hoped she hadn't got on too long.
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter View Post
Lily quickly thought back to what she had read. She had gotten her answer of dugbogs correct. There was something... She knew about how merpeople spoke mermish and that they had a being issue for a while. Lily raised her hand, "I think one of their weapons of choice is the creature called the Lobalug, or at least that's what the book said I think." Lily replied muttering the part about what the book said because that wasn't really all that important. I wonder if this professor can tell that I'm a book nut. Lily thought to herself while copying down what the professor and her classmates were saying.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella had listened quietly up until this point but Merpeople did fascinate her and she was eager to share what little knowledge she had about the subject so she raised her hand. "Professor, Merpeople have tails that help them move quickly but the rest of their body looks quite like ours, right?" She was trying hard to think back to what she had read on the subject during the summer. "I've also heard that they have their own language which can only be understood properly underwater." Ella smiled. Even if what she was sharing was common knowledge, she was happy to have something to add to the discussion.
Originally Posted by jujune29th View Post
Sophie raised her hand before she spoke. "Well, I know they're not like... half-breed or anything. They're not really like half-human, half-fish. I mean... not literally..." she looked around at the other students. She wasn't sure if she had made her point. "Anyway, there are lots of "types" of merpeople, I think, and they can be quite different from each other, just like us, humans!" and there was something else Sophie really liked about merpeople! "And they really like music!" she added smiling excitedly.
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ View Post
Amelia raised her hand excitedly. She loved Merpeople! "They speak their own language called Mermish. And they live in houses and have gardens and have town squares and stuff like we do. They can breath above water for a short time as well. Oh, and they don't look like Muggles portray them. At all." As much as she loved learning about Merpeople, they were pretty ugly creatures.
Originally Posted by GoldenSnake View Post

"Aren't the merepeople living in the Blake Lake...errr...less beautiful than other merepeople?" Victoria replied as a half-question. "And their havior and habits are kind of unknown...just like the centaur."
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella looked up at the professor. The Merpeople had been offended and she wondered whether they were dangerous to the students and faculty. She raised her hand hesitantly, not sure if what she was about to ask was stupid. "Professor, are the Merpeople dangerous? I mean, should we fear them?"
Originally Posted by HOPEendures View Post
"A hippocampus is a Mer-horse, with the head and upper body of a horse and a lower body and tail of a giant fish. The Ministry gives them a rating of XXX mean that competent wizard should be able to cope with them," Jezzabelle said raising her hand.

As for all the History stuff Jezzabelle just let it all soak in. She hoped she could retain that information.

"Right," William nodded at all who had answered. "Great responses, everyone. As your classmates have mentioned, these are some things about merpeople that you should all commit to memory. After all, you never know when you might use this information...."

He trailed off with a knowing look at Scabior and then flicked his wand, so that a list of notes on merpeople appeared in the air beside him, glowing silver in the sunlight. After a moment's thought, he added the characteristics of the hippocampus as well, since one student had been smart enough to catch that question. The class MIGHT want to copy that down, just as a hint.

  • are sentient beings
  • refused to be classified as ‘beings,’ preferring the status of ‘beast’ like Centaurs
  • society is based around organized communities
  • have a great love of music
  • language (Mermish) sounds like screeches above water
  • have grayish skin and long, wild, dark green hair. Their eyes are yellow, as are their broken teeth, and they wear thick ropes of pebbles around their necks. Their powerful, silver fish tails allow them to swim expertly, while the upper parts of their bodies resemble those of humans. Merpeople are also very tall, and during the second task, Harry encountered one in the lake near Hogwarts who was seven feet tall with a long green beard and a choker of shark fangs, carrying a spear
  • keep grindylows as pets
  • use lobalugs as weapons
  • [at least] one tribe domesticated a hippocampus
  • Sirens of Greece are the earliest recorded Merpeople and most aesthetic
  • Selkies of Scotland and the Merrows of Ireland are less pleasing to the eye.
  • all share a love of music though
  • MoM classification: XXXX

  • beast with the head and forequarters of a horse, and the tail and hindquarters of a giant fish, making it somewhat similar in appearance to an over-sized seahorse
  • generally found in the Mediterranean, a blue roan specimen was caught by Merpeople off the coast of Scotland in 1949 and domesticated.
  • classification: XXX
"Any other questions about merpeople?"

SPOILER!!: Scabbers
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
Scabior had NOT taken to sitting on the ground like the Care of Magic Professor had when he was going over the history of the lake. Instead he stood off to the side, listening of course, but his attention was turned to the squid, and the lake in general.

"Most of them won't." He said as he caught Willy's glance. So he wanted HIM to explain? Ugh. He did not teach them about Merpeople in his class, they were just as bad as goblins."Unless they have read their textbooks of course."

Dash turned back around to the students. "In the 14th century Burdock Muldoon who was the Chief of the Wizards' Council decided to create classifications of all magical creatures. He deemed Beings as any creature that could walk on two legs. Then held a meeting to discuss laws." Stupid on his part really. "Needless to say Augureys, Trolls and Pixies as well as other creatures, do not get along too well, and that resulted in chaos."

"Elfrida Clagg, replaced Muldoon as Chief eventually and tried to set another definition, her's being that a Beings could speak the Human tongue. Since Merpeople could not talk above water, they were offended by this, as were Centaurs and refused the definition on behalf of the Merpeople"

Were they going to write this down? It would probably be hard, but he hoped they would remember. "In 1811, The Ministry of Magic replaced the Wizards Council and decided that Beings, were any creature that have enough intelligence to understand the laws of the magical community and to bear part of the responsibility in shaping those laws. Which would make Merpeople, Beings" He paused. "However Merpeople along with Centaurs rejected this notion due to the fact that they did not agree with the classification of some of the other creatures who were put in the category such as Vampires and hags." Merpeople were difficult creatures, just like Centaurs. "And so by default, they are known as Beasts." Epic history lesson over. He looked at William. Happy?

William looked back at Scabbers and nodded. "Thank you, Professor Scabior, well said." Much more... detailed than he could have explained.

Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy View Post
Yikes, all those creatures sounded pretty scary, and she wasn't sure if she ever wanted to go in the lake again. Raising her hand she asked. "So is it safe to go in lake if all the creatures are in it?" Sure, it was probably over reacting, but actually knowing what was in the lake was terrifying. Shrieking Eels? No thank you.
Ah, good question. "It's certainly safe," William drawled toward the student, "but I would recommend you to exercise caution and respect when swimming in someone's home. Do not forget that the lake IS the home for all of these creatures."

He smiled and moved on to his next question.

"Someone mentioned lobalugs, and of course, grindylows earlier. What are the characteristics of these two creatures?"

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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