Join Date: May 2007 Location: Gotham
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Hogwarts RPG Name: TBD Gryffindor Hogwarts RPG Name: Zara H. Bunbury-Foster Slytherin Fifth Year | remember only ONE answer per person, thank you muchly! Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB SPOILER!!: Grindylows Quote:
Originally Posted by Kimalia Kimalia raised her hand, she had thought about this earlier, "Well, there are Grindylows down there." She looked back at the Lake again still a little surprised to see the Giant Squid staring at them. Er, maybe if she just smiled it won't slap her to death. *Beam* Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassandra Taylor raised her hand, warily this time..... the professor did ask what creatures lived in the lake? yes? "Um grindylows? Quote:
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 Even more turned off of the lesson thanks to Professor Scabior's rude attitude due to their lack of his desired answer August turned to see a large ripple go over the lake and then the dripping of water which, when he turned to see a giant tentacle rose out of the water, smacked a Puff and then waved at them all.
August would have been frightened but it seemed the Professors were ok and nothing was going wrong so the Gryffindor just waved back, a small smile spreading on his lips. This were so weird, yet cool here at Hogwarts.
Ok so now it was Professor I have a Muggle-hating dog Williamson's turn to teach. August thought again about what he had read in his Care of Magical Creatures textbook and then decided to speak up about a creature that would live in the Lake. "Professor, there are many known groups of Grindylows in the Lake." Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 "Professor, there are many Grindylows in the Lake,'' Jory said, his hand raised. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Vickers sat dumbfounded (which wasnt often). He was about to raise his hand and ask how any of the Tri-Wizard Champions and Officials got anywhere near and into the Lake if not by the shore. He blinked a few times. Was he missing something? Was there some kind of communications gap that his American ears wasnt picking up? So disconcerted was he that he completely missed the head-whacking Cephalopod. Yeah thats how bothered he was.
He turned his attention now to the COMC Professor. The man asked about magical creature inhabitants. He raised his hand tentatively before asking "Do Grindylows count as creatures Mr Williamson?" Answering a question with another question wasnt his style at all, but he didnt want another potential points loss based on... communications issues. Quote:
Originally Posted by vijaya Zack wasn't paying any attention in the class. He found all the talking about history boring. Why would we be talking about our history now? Oh! right this is a History and CoMC class, that makes sense now! But that didn't mean he was going to pay any attention. Except, maybe for the interesting part.
Zack was busy looking at the surrounding just then he was shocked to look at the beast kind of looking thing. Is that what i think it is? No way! Really? Wooow Am i seeing that for real? he couldn't believe what he saw. He rubbed his eyes once. So, it is real! Everyone got so excited that he had to believe that it was what he saw a giant squid! Cool! He waved once when he saw them leaving.....sigh....why weren't we learning about them?
He brought his attention back in class when he heard the professor ask some question and everyone in an instant started answering. Woo! These student just keep on shocking him. How do they already know all this? Maybe because they are elder to him and have more experience in Hogwarts than he has? Who knows?
He paid a little more attention to hear what they were talking. Creatures? What kind would there be other than the merpeople, Grindylows, and a giant squid? He thought to answer what he knew, he saw the giant squid, which he didn't think he would Wow! Then there were the merpeople which he didn't like so he though to answere about the Grindylows. He raised his hand and said "Professor, there are Grindylows too in the Black Lake" and started staring at the lake thinking if one of them would come out! That would definitely be fun! hehe.... Quote:
Originally Posted by mellamaet Was that the giant squid?
Cass stared out into the lake, completely in shock about the sudden appearance of the famous - slightly illusive? - Giant Squid, the last time she saw the thing was when she was second year, and if she wasn't mistaken, it was also a History of Magic class.
She looked around and noticed that a few students were waving at him, and so, she did too. Offering him a half-hearted wave before turning her attention back to the Professor, or rather, forcing herself to turn back to the Professor. She really couldn't concentrate with the squid there and everything. "Are merpeople considered creatures, Professor?" She sort of asked - or maybe answered? Then, suddenly her face split into a smile and answered once more "Oh, and Grindylows!" She added, remembering that dip into the lake during her third year with Professor Lafay and the rest of the Slytherins. Quote:
Originally Posted by Random Gal "Professor, What is the main creature that lives in the lake? is it GrindylowsNicki said with a smile on her face. but it was a little bit of confusion as well. Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul Louisa's eyes were fixed on the pink creature as it tugged on somebody's robe. A very cautious look it was, and disapproving. Wasn't it supposed to be IN the lake and not interrupting their education time? Yeah, she thought so.
Okay, to answer the nice Professor's question... although putting daisies behind his ear made him less professional to the young girl. Raising her hand, Louisa replied, "There are Grindylows, sir." A very nasty and demony creatures that Louisa has no intention of meeting. Quote:
Originally Posted by sevensnared The appearance of the giant squid helped Hades from falling asleep. The sight was very much enjoyable and he felt a little more energetic. As his hair started to fall, covering half of his face, he pushed it backwards so he could take another look at the giant creature before it went back into the lake. Hades smirked before turning back to the other professor (Williamson) as he started about Care of Magical Creatures. Finally! Those lectures on history didn't interest the boy a bit. As the professor asked about the creatures hail in the Lake, Hades' hand shot up like a jet of spell. "GRINDYLOWS!!" he beamed, almost jumped off his sitting spot. Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahb Isabelle could only think of one thing. So she raised her hand. "Professors, there are grindylows in the black lake aren't there?" Yes this was a question even though she basically already knew the answer. She had read about the grindylows and how Fluer Delacour got caught by the grindylows and couldn't continue the Tri-Wizard tournament. Quote:
Originally Posted by EW_FAN Harvey noticed movement from the corner of his eye and saw ...... a squid! saying hello?! wow theres something you dont see everyday a squid saying hello.. and he smiled weakly at it as it went back into the lake but not before smacking Alyssa.. Harvey's eyes went wide.. he wanted to ask her if she was ok.. but he didnt want to lose any points. Harvey raised his hand "I think maybe Grindylows are in there" he answered the question as he looked at the lake and wondered what else might be in there.. Quote:
Originally Posted by CurlyPotter14 Jordan raised his hand, "other than the giant squid, there are merpeople and grindylows and the likes..." he trailed off pausing to think. He was basically echoing the others, he couldn't think of any more! Quote:
Originally Posted by MagicGlitter Ariella glanced over at the squid, quite distracted by its movements. She snapped herself back into reality for the next question. After raising her hand, she began her answer. "There are grindylows and merepeople in the lake. And of course, mundane creatures such as fish." Well, at least she thought so. There had to be more magical creatures in the lake. But why couldn't she think of any? Merlin, it was that squid that was distracting her. Quote:
Originally Posted by natethegreat Oh that's simple Nate thought to himself. Nate raised his hand and said "Grindylows." Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar Hannah raised her hand and said "Professor there are merepeople and grindylows in the lake." She was sure there were lots more, but that's all that she was sure of. Quote:
Originally Posted by MysteriesOfFate Carigan thought. What kind of creatures were in the lake? She wracked her brain. "Well... merpeople, as we said before. Maybe Grindylows?" She asked. She had had short conversations with her mother about magical creatures. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hermione2286 Salima sat there for a while befre raising her hand to answer 'Like I said before Grindylows live in the black lake.' Quote:
Originally Posted by keepmeclose22 "Professor, isn't there merpeople in the Black Lake?" She remembered reading something about it last year. But that was one of the more obvious answers. Almost everyone in Hogwarts knew about the Merpeople people used in the Tri-wizards tournament in the past. That, and the fact that there was a giant squid in there too. "Or perhaps grindylows?" She had read about those too. "Yes yes," Williamson nodded at everyone who answered grindylows, "there is a healthy population of grindylows in there. We'll come back to discuss them in a moment." As they would DEFINITELY need to discuss those creatures before going anywhere with this lesson. SPOILER!!: MerPEOPLE Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva put up her hand "Mermaids" Quote:
Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 Mr. HENRY! Max loved Bartholomew. He had so much respect for the squid. After giving it a wave, he raised his hand once again. "Merpeople," he clarified after another student neglected to include the male population. Mermaids were beautiful, but the guys were important, too! Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty "Um… merpeople?" Sky guessed. Although why they were called creatures was a mystery to her. They did have the word PEOPLE in their name… That implied (to Sky,at least) that they wanted to be considered people. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ Amelia raised her hand enthusiastically. "Merpeople!" Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi continued to wave at the Giant Squid. She was going to have a hard time focusing on the lesson at this rate with him right there. Could she hug him? Well, one of his tentacles since he was far too large in size for someone of her size to get her arms around him.
Oh, right, Professor Williamson had continued the lesson. Kurumi listened to others, nodding her head here and there. She smiled at the mention of merpeople, and seriously hoped that there would be some of them visiting this lesson. Her godfather was well versed in Mermish and had taught Kurumi only a few words here and there, but she wouldn't mind greeting with one. Still, merpeople was an umbrella category, so offering up a specific wouldn't hurt. "Professor, are there Selkies in the Black Lake?" They were native to Scotland after all. Quote:
Originally Posted by Nat nat She looked in awe at the giant squid and remembered what she and Daisy had wished for However she turned her attention back to class as soon as the Professor started talking again. Maybe the combination of History of Magic and Care of MAgical creatures wasn't really bad at all. Seemed like they suited each other. What other creatures lives inside the black lake?"Merpeople, Profesor," Tennessee answered. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Oh my Merlin! The giant squid was here?! Sierra peered at that pink tentacle, swooping upward like it was just dying to grab a hold of something. Quick, someone feed it a Hufflepuff! Or...something. She didn't even want to be touched by one of those pink tentacles. She was no girly girl, but there was just something about pink + tentacle that made her want to say, 'Nahh. I think I'll pass'. "My sister, Anna, says there's merpeople in the lake," she answered, raising her hand. "She said they invaded the castle once, flooded it, and then the students had to settle some disagreement with them in order to get them out." Sounded like a lot of trouble just to unflood the castle. Someone really should have just opened up a can of Avada Kedavra on those merpeople. Or...something. Maybe a good Sectumsempra at least.
Sierra could have just fallen out in laughter at this point, but she refrained for other reasons. Points loss and detention namely. ...but seriously?! There was really a fish called a Puffer Fish?! That just made her day on so many levels. Quote:
Originally Posted by elllla_Wtwins Thea grinned as she spotted the Giant Squid. Thea often fed the Squid.. even though she wasn't too sure if this was allowed. Fidgeting slightly, Thea stopped herself from reaching out to stroke him. Heheh.
Raising her hand, Thea smiled. 'Merpeople are down there.. I think. Well.. there were merpeople down there. They have a whole colony. I suppose it's like a village. They'll use all the natural resources of the Lake to survive and to make things.. and catch other creatures for food.' Thea paused, trying to think of something else to add. 'They were also used during the Triwizard Tournament!'
Lowering her hand, the third year turned back to gaze at the Giant Squid as he lazily waved his tentacles about in the water. Quote:
Originally Posted by Frankie Autumn looked on at the giant squid, its tenticals relaxing in the water!
"umm professor is there a colony of merpeople that live in the lake?" Quote:
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh This lesson was fairly interesting, but Nessie just wasn't in a focused mood she was distracted by all sorts of things. She barely even knew what they were talking about, she was just so out of it. It was when Professor Williamson returned that she actually tried to focus and when she looked at him properly she sort of froze. He was sort of good looking, well for a Professor at least and Ness couldn't help but stare in awe at him, he was just too amazing. Focus! She sort of shook head, trying not to think about it. She needed to concentrate now, unless she wanted to get into trouble which she honestly didn't.
It was only a few seconds later that she realised the giant squid had accidently pushed Lyssie to the floor, Nessie's first reaction was to go and help Lyssie up, but she sort of stopped herself when she remembered that, that would distrupt the lesson which wasn't something she wanted to do to such a cool teacher, she wanted to be in his good books.
Right so he said something about creatures in some Lake that she didn't hear from before. She raised her hand going a little red in the cheeks. "'s.. .mermaids" Her cheeks went redder as she realized how much she had embarrased herself. Honestly mermaids? Of course he'd know that there were mermaids and so did the rest of the students. She felt so retarted for saying what she did, she wanted to hide in a hole and stay there for the rest of the class. Quote:
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose Damned squid hitting Alyssa! He looked at the lake as if he were plotting revenge, he quickly refocused himself. Alyssa seemed to be fine and even gave a clever answer. Professor, I believe a colony of merpeople reside in the Black Lake.He looked back the lake unhappily. "Merpeople, yes!" Williamson refrained from clapping his hand at hearing this answer. "There IS a thriving kingdom of merpeople in the lake, and as one of you mentioned," that dark-haired Slytherin girl, "they DID flood Hogwarts and invade the castle about eight years ago."
He nodded and then looked to Kurumi. "And Miss Hollingberry brings up a good point, about Selkies. The Selkies of Scotland and the Murrows of Ireland are not as... aesthetic as their mermish cousins of the Mediterranean, however, they are the ones --- the Selkies, specifically --- who reside in Hogwarts' lake."
They were all in Scotland right now, were they not? SPOILER!!: Toads/Fish/Turtles?? Quote:
Originally Posted by Starbreeze Since merpeople, the giant squid and grindylows had been mentioned just about a million times, which, by the way, made Eino crave some fried grindylow tail, he opted for something less popular. After raising his hand and receiving permission to speak, he proceeded. "There are toads in the lake, too." He should know, he went toad catching for Lafay when her potions storeroom exploded and she lost everything. Quote:
Originally Posted by ShadowButterfly "A few types of fish?" Quote:
Originally Posted by RoseMalfoy Wow Desiree had answered correctly, again! That had to be a record, especially in History. She didn't really mind that he gave the Gryffindor Prefect all the credit, after all she was a prefect. But she really had thought of the idea herself.. she must have just missed the girl mention it too. But oh well, what did it matter? They were both right. She just hoped the girl didn't think she was copying her or anything, because the little second year wasn't looking for any trouble.
She was glad when the Magical Creatures Professor took over, he was new, and hadn't really said anything this class. But she was distracted from the teacher as something caught her eye.. a TENTACLE coming out of the water..
The Squid was REAL? ... Desiree was in shock for a moment, but quickly got over it, and tried to focus on the question as Mr. Henry the squid disappeared into the lake (but not before whacking a Hufflepuff). She raised her hand politely with a small smile, "Professor, I think there are turtles in the lake?" she said it questioningly as she'd never seen one. She just figured there had to be normal creatures in there too, not just magical. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Zhenya smacked her head. Silly - LISTEN! She told herself.
She raised her hand, "Professor, could the Puffer-Fish live in the lake?" she asked. Quote:
Originally Posted by tomewitch Holy Merlin! Did she saw what she thought she saw? Did the giant squid waved its tentacle over at their class?
Blink. Blink. Now, that's what you really call a Care of Magical Creatures class!
Not to mention that their new Professor sure knows how to interact with those creatures. Seems like a good start. The mere appearance of the Giant Squid which they called Bartholomew Henry was something that made her a bit more enthusiastic about the lesson.
Beatrice listened as for like the first time, the Care of Magical Creatures Professor had talked as if he was in control, because was all Professor Scabior who was talking a while ago.
As the new Professor asked them his first question, almost all the other students answered. They had mentioned the merpeople, grindylows, toads, and all other water-thriving creatures. So she raised her hand and shared her own, "Professor Williamson, there are also err---clams." Beezus said. Clams were creatures too right? Quote:
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy Em knew there was supposed to be a giant squid in the lake, but she never imagined it was that giant. It was pretty awesome looking though, and seemed as friendly as.the womping willow. Raising her hand to answer the question, she said, I'M sure there are several species of magical fish in the lake. Quote:
Originally Posted by midnight_thestral Violet raised up her hand. "Besides the creatures many of the others named, could there be a colony of different species of fish living in the lake, though I'm not sure which types of fish live in there."
Violet was careful to only say one answer because she had already seen many of her classmates lose house points for not following directions. Ravenclaw seemed to falling behind the others. Quote:
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill Realizing that everyone already mentioned the Giant Squid, grindylows, and plants no one cared of, the third year tried thinking of something else. So what creatures live there?, Gwen asked herself and remained silent for a moment. Suddenly, she remembered reading somewhere stuff about the period when Harry Potter was at Hogwarts. Something with Neville's toad escaping in the lake... That's it! 'There are some toads too', the Ravenclaw said. If I don't even get this one, then I am a troll. For sure. Quote:
Originally Posted by Orla Drain your ears she looked at the people that was said to... Awkward...
A squid, a giant squid in fact.... LuLu's eyes widened they weren't normally introduced in class! It was all pink and suctiony and things... It was pretty aswell though! LuLu stared at the girl that almost fell into the lake the squid wasn't as stable as she would have thought.... Even though she never say a stable squid O_o
Emmm well... Atleast they finally introdced the CoMC part of the classs but everything you could say was said and repeating wasn't somthing she loved to do... ''Well I don't think there is anymore than the Merpeople, Grindylows and the giant squid of course, maybe hippocampus aswell other and I suppose there is some fish of some sort down there to other than that... i'm not.. sure,''
She said, thinking about it more now but still it wasn't like she could take her answer back Quote:
Originally Posted by Robot
As Kendra watched, open mouthed, as the giant pink tentacle of the squid whapped a Hufflepuff around the head, she listened carefully to the professors question.
Kendra's answer formed in her mind quickly, she was glad that her last answer had been accepted, even when others had said the same thing. This gave her the confidence for her to speak again. Remembering reading the section on the black lake in her books. However, she decided to go with something she knew from back home, something she wouldn't hopefully trip up on'As in any mundane lake, the usual habitants of fish would be evident. These are vital to the eco-system and food chain as many other creatures that inhabit the lake and the surrounding areas live off these fish, in all manner of sizes. For example, such animals such as threstrals that live in the forest would travel near the waters edge to retrieve the fish, as they are easier than magical creatures to catch-'' She wanted to talk about magical creatures, but shut up afterwards. Knowing it was best to. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lislchen Lewis immediately lowered his gaze when Professor Scabior Evil!Dashi repeated his answer, clearly making fun of him. How was he supposed to know? Plus, he thought he deserved a little approval that he had at least known where the Slytherin Common Room was. Not daring to answer another one of the questions the History of Magic professor posed, Lewis just scribbled down notes, keeping his head low, not looking at anybody. This just had to be the worst lesson ever!
Only raising his head again - the blush which had formed on his cheeks was slowly residing - when he heard a couple of surprised yelps and shrieks. Was that...?! OMG! Lewis just stared at the enormous squid which had just emerged from the lake, not quite sure if he should be scared or intrigued by it. Seeing it wave at them - or something close to that anyway - he decided to go with the latter, and waved back, even managing to produce a small smile for the creature.
And then the other professor continued with the lesson and Lewis decided that maybe he wasn't that bad after all. He knew how to deal with creatures after all. And he didn't seem to be as mean as Professor Scabior. Listening to other people's answers, he didn't want to say the same thing that had been said already so instead he raised his hand and said, "Leeches, maybe, professor?" He had said to list magical AND mundane creatures after all, right?
Throwing the Giant Squid another quick smile, he waited for further instructions. Why had it actually joined them for this lesson?! Quote:
Originally Posted by nups21 Ira really needed to focus more on the lesson going on and less on the beauty of the lake!
Then came an interesting part! A giant squid! Merlins! Ira hadn't ever seen a squid, and a giant squid, never! It was so.. so.. cute? No, not cute in her sense, but definitely amusing! Ira giggled silently when it maybe accidently smacked the head of a girl.. It looked so funny!
So what was being discussed? It was called the Black Lake.. fine! Then creatures inside the lake? Ofcourse there had to be some fishes and some others inside there, right? The truth was that Ira didn't actually know about it! But hearing others' answers, Ira decided to go with the flow, "Professor, there are toads in the lake.." There had to be toads wherever there is water, right? Quote:
Originally Posted by GoldenSnake Surely, Professor Scabior is being picky about the answers. And probably not in a very happy mood today.
Victoria felt that it is the time start giving out smart answers, 'cause Professor Scabior is really scary when he that.
Victoria watched the squid with interest. It sure is GIANT. Victoria had never seen a GIANT squid, or even a regular squid (unless you call the ones that had been chopped and cooked in food). Victoria wasn't sure whether to be disgusted, scared, fascinated, or interested by the strange creature. "Besides the Giant Squid??" Victoria turned to the next professor. "Well...there are merepeople, grindylows...those are magical creatures of course. Mundane creatures would include regular fish and other sea creatures." Victoria answered. Quote:
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy Em knew there was supposed to be a giant squid in the lake, but she never imagined it was that giant. It was pretty awesome looking though, and seemed as friendly as.the womping willow. Raising her hand to answer the question, she said, I'M sure there are several species of magical fish in the lake. Quote:
Originally Posted by midnight_thestral Violet raised up her hand. "Besides the creatures many of the others named, could there be a colony of different species of fish living in the lake, though I'm not sure which types of fish live in there."
Violet was careful to only say one answer because she had already seen many of her classmates lose house points for not following directions. Ravenclaw seemed to falling behind the others. "Magical fish and regular fish there are are, yes, as well as toads and possibly some turtles, though I haven't seen any." He smiled at the girl who suggested 'Puffer Fish' but shook his head. "I've never seen any tetraodontidae in the Black Lake, seeing as they prefer tropical waters, but good guess!"
He winked at the boy who suggested leeches and nodded. "Yes, yes there are some leeches in the lake and even worse, Shrieking Eels.... so be careful you don't swim too deep next time you hit the lake." SPOILER!!: Hippocampus! YES! Quote:
Originally Posted by i m a g i n e One moment the History of Magic professor was adressing students to their answers, the next the famous giant squid smacks a student in the head. Was Hogwarts always full of little surprises such as this? It was almost like the squid appeared on cue from the professor. Hmm. She would like to see how that was negotiated.
Tearing her eyes from the lake where the squid descended back into, Sylia turned back to the class and listened. Finally the other professor spoke! She almost wondered if he had fell into a daze for being on the grounds. It was nice enough weather to nap in, that was for sure. Here we go, creature talk! "I heard of one instance a Hippocampus was brought to the lake for the merpeople to have."Maybe they got another and populated the lake with a few more of them? Hmm. What was the other thing they had? She could almost remember it. It was on the tip of her tongue! Quote:
Originally Posted by HOPEendures Well then, Jezzabelle thought crossing her arms. If she couldn't answer with The Giant Squid, whose name she knew without even needing to ask, then what could she answer with? Fish? No, that made her sound cheeky and not so bright. She smiled when she saw Bartholomew. "Why, hello Bartholomew you look lovely today." Sidetracked just a little but she brought herself back on topic and raised her hand, "A hippocampus possibly, Professor?" She wasn't sure. Quote:
Originally Posted by iceblossom22 Elise stared at Professor Scabior, still a little terrified of him. Shaking herself internally, she paid attention to the question. Creatures that reside in it? Oh, no more History. Yay!
Elise was just about to answer the question when an adorable pink tentacle shot out of the water and waved at them. Wasn't it the cutest?!
"Hi!" she beamed, waving enthusiastically.
Elise stared at the new professor. He had daisies. Behind his ear. Wasn't that Professor Bentley's specialty?
Raising her hand, she beaaaaaaaaaaaaamed. She knew this one! "A hippocampus?" she asked, beaming. Wait, what was a hippocampus? El was sure she'd read it up somewhere. Besides, being a hippo-something, it had to be like the muggle hippo-something. It made sense. "There IS at least one hippocampus rumored to be living in the lake!" William beamed at those who answered. "What are some characteristics of the hippocampus, anyone? Do you know their Ministry rating?" SPOILER!!: Seaweed/Water Plants Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Selina could not help but snort when the Hufflepuff got smacked upside the head. She knew that it wasn't funny because the thing was giant so it probably hurt, but... come on.. a giant squid erupted from the black lake and hit a huffie in the head. It was funny. Her hand flew over her mouth to stiffle the laughter that had arose when the giant squid made his little guest appearance.
When her Professor posed the next question Selina rose her hand, "Seaweed Professor." Technically, plant life was living... her Professor did not specify. Quote:
Originally Posted by Poolicious Messer eyes popped out when he saw the Giant Squid's tentacle coming out and waving at them. Holy Mother Merlin! Its waving at them. The eleven years old didn't realize that he was waving his hand back towards the Giant Squid.
Since most of the students there already used grindylows and Merpeople as their answer he need to come out with different answer. He was about to answer toad but the Ravenclaw prefect already beat him. "How about algae, Professor?" Its not a creature per se but algae is also a living thing. So its count, right? Quote:
Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn Aurora frowned slightly... hmm, water creatures... she wasn't too clued up on that. Maybe... fish? But that was a little obvious. Though when she was in Greece her father had been babbling on about these little weird fresh water things... "Professor... are there fresh water aneno- anena- ameno-" she gave up. "You know, the things that open under the water and close in the open." Because she was completely unable to pronounce anemones. Quote:
Originally Posted by TOUZ Aspen Odessa barely heard the question at all. The Giant Squid had made an appearance!
...did he also give rides?
Weren't squids marine? How did Barty survive? Was the Lake salty? Aspen would never know, knowing now that the Lake was synonymous with Hogwarts Plumbing (Charms or not!).
Hmm. What was the question again? "All bodies of water have plankton. Mr. Henry probably eats zooplankton." She made a Ravenclaw Mental!Note to look up magical plankton later. Plant life was not an answer Wesley had been expecting, but he did not to everyone who had answered that way. "Sure sure, there's plenty of seaweed and algae and even...plankton...." Did plankton count as a plant? He wasn't sure, as he didn't even remember studying them. " the lake. Good answers." Quote:
Originally Posted by BlackWolf850 As she waved to the giant squid Quentin thought back to her education on underwater creatures then raised her hand, "Would there be Taniwha in the lake? Maybe the founders wanted students to learn about international creatures as well as native." Hopefully she wouldn't be shot down. Taniwha were known as protectors, and it was the only thing she could think of that wasn't dangerous. Wow, William was IMPRESSED by this Gryffindor! He gape at the student's answers and then nodded several times. "I've never seen one, Miss, but that doesn't mean they're not there, since they DO take different forms! Two points to you for a spectacular guess!" And for even KNOWING what the mythical Taniwha was! SPOILER!!: Plimpies YAY! Quote:
Originally Posted by jujune29th Sophie was staring at the lake since she saw the Giant Squid's tentacle coming out of it and waaaving at them! She thought it was pretty cool and that the Squid was so nice! She would have never thought that it was nice. She raised her hand. "Plimpies, maybe!" she said happily looking over to Professor Williamson. It would be fun if there were plimpies! And Sophie loved this name. "Plimpy! Plimpy!" she kept repeating in her mind after she said it out loud. She giggled looking back at the lake. Quote:
Originally Posted by alchemist_18 They've already mention all.. Grindylows, Merpeople, Hippocampus.. Raven read her textbook and search the water creatures besides them. Then she raised her hand and tried to answer. "Maybe there is any plimpy in the lake." Said her. She also didn't what the heck plimpy look like. Quote:
Originally Posted by GinevraWeasley Vlimia could have jumped for joy when she heard CoMC had started, but she didn't, because that would be disrespectful to the other teacher. What was in the lake... well... Vlimia raised her hand thoughtfully. When she was chosen, Vlim said "Well, proffesor, the Grindylows, Merpeople and the Giant Squid all live in the Black Lake. Maybe plimpies are there as well." Vlimia said, thinking back to when she was reading up on Magical Water Beasts for this lesson. Well, it had come in handy... but not the research she had done on the Kappa. That was Japanese, so it most probably wouldn't reside in the Black Lake. Plimpies! Yes! "Good, good," William nodded at those who answered 'plimpies.' "These are the magical, two-legged fish you all might have been thinking of." He nodded to everyone who had answered 'fish' earlier. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Alyssa was running out of ideas when she recalled what Professor Williamson had said. She had asked 'what sort of magical and mundane creature inhabitants might we find living and thriving off the lake?'. It dawned on her that she could also be referring to magical and mundane creatures who didn't just live in the lake but also other creatures who lived outside of the lake but who went to the lake to get their food. She hope that her interpretation was correct. So Alyssa raised her hand and answered,"Professor what about the Centaurs? They don't live in the lake, but I'm sure that they come to the lake for water and to fish for food." Alyssa hoped that her answer was acceptable. Ah, now that was thinking outside the box! Not exactly the answer William had been looking for, but he did not at the young Puff. "Correct. All the animals in the forest, more or less, rely on the lake as a source of water." SPOILER!!: Kelpies Quote:
Originally Posted by KayKay Gwen's mouth formed a little "O" when she saw the Giant Squid come out of the water. Wow. She'd thought people, including her family, were kidding about a squid being in the lake.
Then Gwen raised her hand, eager to answer the Professor's question. "Kelpies could be in the lake, although they're quite dangerous to people." Quote:
Originally Posted by Sorry I lost your UN! Trying not to stare at the huge creature, Nora tried to focus on the professor's question. "I believe there are plenty of non magical creatures as well, such as fish and toads, aren't there?" The girl asked when she raised her hand. Well, it might be the lake next to Hogwarts, but it didn't mean it had to be full of magical creatures already mentioned, right? Quote:
Originally Posted by ballantd Melanie blinked rapidly in the direction of the lake, expecting the visage of a giant, pink tentacle to fade like a mirage. But no, there it was. There was a giant squid in the lake. And it was waving at them. And their professor was waving back and calling it...Barty? The giant squid had a nickname? And it was Barty, of all things? Must be an awfully friendly gargantuan sea creature to have such a benign nickname.
As the tentacle finally -thankfully- sank back into the water, Melanie thought about the professor's question. Wanting to come up with something a little more inventive, Melanie answered, "Perhaps there is a kelpie in the lake, sir. There's one in Loch Ness, so maybe there's one here too?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of the Lake Her classmates had mentioned merepeople and gryndilows over and over again, so Ari wouldn't look too smart if she were to repeat those. Hmm...what else could you find in the Black Lake? Leeches, for one thing. They were the reason the girl had given up swimming in the lake. But magical creatures? 'Could there be kelpies?' she asked more than answered. Even if there were, they would surely look like some other creature, being disguised and all that. "There is NOT a kelpie in the lake, though good guess." Williamson laughed softly. "For those of you who don't know, a Kelpie is a shape-shifting water demon that usually takes the form of a horse with a bullrush maine. They kill travelers by luring them on to their backs and then dragging them underwater to eat them. All you have to do to tame one is to bridle it though."
So they weren't that bad in Willy's opinion, but still, there wasn't one in Hogwarts' lake. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter Lily pondered with this question. She had read about these things before. After a while Lily remembered what she had wanted to say, so she raised her hand. "Is it possible that there would be dugbogs in the lake?" After she had answered, Lily kept thinking about her answer. I think they live in marshy areas but maybe there could be some in the lake.
Lily just hoped that she would get points or something for coming up with something that nobody else had mentioned yet, if it was even possible that they lived in the lake. "Yes!" William answered with a nod. "There's likely to be a few dugbogs in the shallows of the lake. Good answer." And to think, she was the only one who had thought of them! Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry 174 Laura looked at the Professor. "How about a muggle in a Submarine?" Well maybe they could live under sea for a bit and maybe they could live in the Hogwarts lake. William just BLINKED at one student's answer. "Er, no, no I don't think so. Muggles can't get to Hogwarts, you see. Nice....try though." -------------------------------------------------------------- Clearing his throat, William continued on with the lesson. "Let's go back to the topic of Merpeople, briefly. What do you all know about them? What are their physical and behavioral characteristics? What about their society structure, and their weapons of choice?"
He eyed Dash for a moment. "I'm sure you all already know about the controversy surrounding Merpeoples' chosen classification as beasts instead of beings, yes?" If not, perhaps Dash would like to add on to that?
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Last edited by BanaBatGirl; 01-08-2012 at 09:59 PM.