Join Date: Apr 2004 Location: Vaes Dothrak
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Takeru Asakura Third Year
x5 x7
| ★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★ Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Zhenya raised her hand, "Professor I know that the lake was used as the second challenge of the Triwizard Tournament where the four students had to dive into the waters to find something treasured of theirs, which were their friends and family. They had to encounter all the creatures underneath as well," she said. She would not ever want to be in that lake. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Vicker's glanced momentarily at the COMC Professor before turning his attention back to the Historian. What can be found under the lake? Like literally under or within? He raised his hand tentatively "Merpeople are the most famous residents of the Black Lake, and they have been known to be an independent people, therefore they would have communities-- structures that they live in and conduct their own businesses in." Just as Wizards and Muggles above ground. "Also there is the Slytherin Common Room which extends partly into the lake." Which he had to wonder about the dangers of the lake leaking into the place. He may have to talk to a Slytherin for that.
A major event? There was only one event that came to his mind and it was purely because he read about it, not something he experienced unfortunately "The 2nd Task of the 1994 Tri-Wizard Tournament Professor" he said raising his hand. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassandra Taylor raised her hand, "Is one, one of the events of the Triwizard tourment?" She wasn't real sure if that could be consided an important event so she blushed in embarassament. Quote:
Originally Posted by ShadowButterfly "Erm, Triwizard Tournament?" She thought she remebered hearing of that one. Quote:
Originally Posted by Frankie Autumn thought about the lake, she wonderd whatother secrets it held that not even the professor would know... she tried to think she wanted to earn points! She wanted to contriubute on every question! "Hmm Is the twiwizard tornamunt one of the events that took place? The 4 contestants Harry, fleaur, victor and cedric all had to go into the lake insearch of something they would surely miss. Also the durmstrang ship arrived via the lake." Quote:
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 August raised his hand at the question of an event that had taken place by the Lake that was really important. He had heard about this event, even only being at Hogwarts for a year so far. Everyone knew about it. "Professor, didn't part of the Battle of Hogwarts, where Harry Potter finally defeated Lord Voldemort for the final time take place on the grounds of school and probably by this lake?"
He also thought he would mention one that he knew was going to be right, he had heard about the Triwizard Tournament coming back to the school just a few terms ago from an olders student last term and had studied it in the Library. "I think there was once a Lake inspired event back around the same time as the Battle of Hogwarts for the legendary Triwizard Tournament." But he wasn't too sure on that one. Quote:
Originally Posted by sevensnared Merlin! Merlin! Merlin! MERLIN!! What in hippogriff's dung was the professor talking about? Did he want to put Hades to sleep during class? Not to mention that the temperature was very comfortable that he can fall asleep without even realising it. The boy ignored whatever Scabior talked about. It won't do him any good to remember them all. Nevertheless, the question managed to enter Hades' hearing. "The Triwizard Tournament during Potter's era," he yawned. He didn't know nor even car what year when it happened. Honestly? THIS many students did not listen? It was a simple question he was sure. It would be fine if they got the question wrong because they named the wrong event that was BY the lake. But they hadn't. "I'd advise you all to clean out your ears. I did not say that the event took place in the lake. I specifically said by and or around and so the second task in the Triwizard Tournment of 1994-which we already spoke about, could not be one of the events, because it took place in the lake." He would have taken points if it hadn't been for the fact that SO MANY of them were wrong Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty Well, this was easy… or not. Since the professor had put the emphasis on by and around, Sky guessed he wasn't looking for the Trwiwizard Tournament… "The death of Professor Snape…?" she guessed. "Which led to the "death"" here she used air quotes " of Harry Potter in 1998." ...What history book was this girl reading? "Severus Snape died in the Shrieking Shack." He eyed the girl. "That is no where around here." Quote:
Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 Max thought for a moment, listening to the answers of the other students. Triwizard Tournament, yes. But... Max's hand raised again. "How about former Headmaster Dumbledore's funeral?" That was a momentous occasion by the lake. All of the creatures there to honor him, too. He thought it was quite a big deal that a headmaster perished on the grounds and was honored there on the school grounds by the lake. Finally! Someone that seemed to be listening! "Correct." He said with a slight smile. This kid seemed to know a thing or two. "Albus Dumbledore's funeral took place right by the lake." He paused. "Two points for you." Since NO ONE ELSE seemed to listen. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kimalia Well there was a time when her brother mentioned people skinny dipping in the lake with the Squid, but that wasn't anything new.. Right? Hmm.. Oh! Right there was-*Raises hand* "Professor Albus Dumbledore who was previously a Headmaster in his time, his funeral was held near the Lake." "Correct." She was right as well, but the boy had said it first Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa thought for awhile before she raised her hand and answered. "Professor, I don't know whether you can count this as a major event, but Professor Dumbledore was buried in a tomb that lies along the shores of the lake after the Battle at the Astronomy Tower or there's another event that happened on June 6th, 1994, where hundreds of Dementors attacked Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Sirius Black on the shores of the lake"."Alyssa hope that at least one answer was correct. She knew that the Professor had only asked for one answer but since somebody had already mentioned Dumbledore's burial, she figured she add another example. Scabior just gazed at the Hufflepuff. "While your events are correct Miss Potter, I specifically said to only name one. 5 points from Hufflepuff." He was not in the mood for students who COULD NOT listen. Quote:
Originally Posted by Starbreeze After a brief moment thinking, Eino's hand shot up and after receiving permission to speak he proceeded. "The Black Lake could possibly be one of the sites where merpeople opted to be classified as Beast instead of Being by the British Ministry, which is an important event for both the subjects of history and magical creatures." Maybe this wasn't exactly what Professor Scabior was looking for, but since everyone had already pointed the major events, Eino thought that something different, and equally important, was worth mentioning. "It could have been." He nodded. "However that is not known, so I wouldn't list it as one of the two important events." THAT was a valid guess. Not any more triwizard nonsense. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Yeaaaaaaaaah...and Professor Scabior and implied that he was joking when he said that he didn't hate her. The response to her theory was enough of an indicator to flip that opinion back to the other side. Shame really, because Kurumi was actually sort of beginning to like the man.
Not wanting to receive the same glare again, Kurumi remained silent during the next parts of the lesson, choosing to instead write down diligent notes on her parchment. Her face did brighten up when Professor Williamson chimed in and spoke about merpeople. Finally, a professor that didn't just sit there and glare at people as he hated the world. He was probably jealous about Professor Roslund snogging Professor Schirmer on the train. It seemed very logical after what she had been told that the man would be...well...especially agitated.
She wanted to ask Professor Williamson more question, but Professor Dagger Eyes was the one running the show for the moment, so her hand remained at her side.
Setting her quill down for now, Kurumi raised her hand to answer the latest question. Seeing as everyone was mentioning the Triwizard Tournament, Kurumi option for the other option...when someone had already mentioned the Funeral of Albus Dumbledore. "As some have mentioned already, the funeral of former Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore took place here." She paused for just a moment to collect her thoughts. "Lord Voldemort came to this location searching for the Elder Wand and broke into Dumbledore's tomb to take it." And, well, if his funeral had never taken place at the Black Lake, then Voldemort would have never come here looking for the Elder Wand. "Correct, good job." He nodded, and then gave the girl a small smile. Because ANY answer other than the WRONG Triwizard one would make him glad at the moment. And Wow. He hadn't even thought of that. "Yes. That was actually a really important event. One of the ones I hadn't thought of. Two points to your house." Quote:
Originally Posted by RoseMalfoy Desiree smiled as the Professor nodded at her answer, she had been right! A small amount of pride welled up in her over the fact, and she decided that maybeee he wasn't that bad. She tried to take in all the rest of the information he said, commit it to memory, since they didn't have paper (or anything to write on) not even bothering to answer the question about the Black Lake. He probably didn't appreciate twenty of the same answers anyway..
Caverns? Kingdoms? Treasures? Her eyes widened, she had no idea that all those things could be hidden down there. But with a quick glance at the dark murky mass of water, she realized that anything could be down there. She decided to take swimming in the lake off of her things to do list. You know just to be safe.
Her thoughts were interrupted as they moved onto the next question, historical events around the lake.. hmm. everyone had already said the Triwizard Tournament, and Dumbledore's funeral.. Dumbledore! An idea popped into her head and she quickly raised her hand "I'm not sure if this is considered an "event" exactly.. " but it was important "When Voldemort broke through Dumbledore's grave and took the elder wand, it happened right out by the lake." since that's where he was buried and all, the only Hogwarts professor to be buried on the grounds.. if she had heard her sister correctly. It seemed like a pretty big event to her. Voldemort with the Elder Wand. "Right, just like Miss Hollingberry said." He nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverDragon "Um," said Silvia after raising her hand. "Wasn't a funeral held out here once? For former Headmaster Dumbledore?" "Right. And that is one of the important events." -------- Scabior clearly was not impressed by most of the answers. He frowned as he waited to see if there would be any more answers. "As I said before, the majority of you need to clean out your ears." His frown deepened. "Around and by the lake does not mean in it." How was he suppose to teach if they did not LISTEN. "One event was said by a small number of you. Which was, the funeral of Albus Dumbledore. It was held by the lake. And of course, it was important in Hogwarts and wizarding history, since no one can argue that Dumbledore was a great wizard and headmaster." Yes? Good. "The second event was mentioned by one person. Miss Potter. However Miss Potter failed to listen to my instructions as well. As I said name one of the events and she proceeded to name them both." And that was JUST as bad. Either way she wasn't listening. "The second event is known as the attack at the Black Lake. When over a hundred Dementors swarmed the Lake on 6 June, 1994 ." Pause. Because that was an IMPORTANT date. "To recapture escaped alleged murder Sirius Black. They were defeated by Harry Potter." The chosen one himself. The story was confusing and Dash WOULD have gotten into it if he has not been SO annoyed. "Miss Hollingberry, also mentioned another event, which took place by the lake. Lord Voldemort, breaking into Dumbledores grave. And that was actually extremely important too, because he did so to steal the elder wand." Elder wand..last term. Cool.
He sighed. "Anyways, The lake is known for more than just being a body of water and having an important to Hogwarts history." He turned to look at William. "It is also know for the creatures that reside in it." His cue. OOC: Guys there is NO point in "catching up" your posts. It just messes everything up and confuses US when we are replying to YOU so don't do it. From here on out, if you do it, you lose 5 points automatically if you do this. No discussion.
__________________ {act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure}  {i'll show you} |