Join Date: Apr 2004 Location: Vaes Dothrak
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Takeru Asakura Third Year
x5 x7
| sorry for the delay, took a while to read and reply to everyone ★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★ SPOILER!!: Triwizards Peeople Quote:
Originally Posted by Saz Hale Arabella-Marie thought and raised her hand and said "Well it was used in triwizard tourniment back when Harry Potter was at school here and it is also home to the giant squid and the merpeople" Quote:
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter Lily was glad to hear that the professor thought her answer was decent. Now on to the next question. She didn't know why the founders included it but she did have an idea of how it had been used. Lily raised her hand. "Since I read that Durmstrang had used it during the Triwizard Tournament back in the time of Dumbledore, I would guess that it had been used as a connection between the two magical schools." Lily replied. "I'm not really postitive though." Lily looked at the lake and then back to her notes as she began sketching the lake, while jotting some notes, trying to pick out anything odd about the lake that may lead to a better response. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva wasn't really sure, but thought maybe she would take a guess "Well could the lake have already been here when the castle was built and the founders kept the lake, because of the magical creatures that lived inside of it. It probably has been used with in care of magical creatures in the past as well as the Tri Wizard Tournament that has been held here at Hogwarts." Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahb Isabelle had never thought about this before. Why did the Hogwarts founders put a lake in indeed. Izzy raised her hand. "Maybe they wished there to be a place to house more magical creatures such as merpeople, grindylows, and the giant squid. That way they could study these animals close by," umm maybe this was a valid answer, but she really had no idea. "Well I know that during the Tri-wizard tournament in the trios years there was a task that involved the champions going into the depths of the lake," Izzy replied, she wouldn't want to be one of them. That would be really creepy. "It could have also been used for studying magical water creatures." Quote:
Originally Posted by DancingwithRainbows Prudence thought about it, why would there be a lake and what was it's use anyway? "Well Professor... the lake could be a safe place for creatures such as the giant squid and the mer-folk such as Hogwarts is for its occupants. Then again it was also used for one of the Tri-Wizard tournaments in the past" she said hoping for the best. She was also hoping the professor didn't notice how she had her fingers crossed behind her back! Quote:
Originally Posted by sevensnared Aissh!! It was cold out here. He shouldn't have been overconfident and brought his scarf along. Hades was busy pulling his robes together to cover his freezing neck when Scabior explained another thing that he didn't really care about. The lake was there, so it was. Why would the four founders included the lake as Hogwarts territory, he hadn't the slightest idea. He didn't even live a millennium ago! How should he knew? Furthermore, he wasn't a Hogwarts student up until this term.
Considering that Scabior was a Slytherin after all, Hades thought he should be a little more polite even if he truly hated the subject. "They used it as an obstacle during the Triwizard Tournament in 1990's," answered the boy after he lowered his hand. That was a general knowledge. Harry Potter was famous even in Durmstrang. Who in the wide wizarding world wouldn't know his name? Quote:
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart Justin thought for a few moments then up went his hand. " Professor, I do know that there are Mer-people in the Black Lake and That Years ago it had been the sight of one of the events for the Tri- Wizard Championship. " Quote:
Originally Posted by mellamaet Included a lake? What? Wasn't the lake already there way before the founders decided that they wanted to build Hogwarts there? - Ok, well, apparently it wasn't. Huh, go figure. "Well, maybe because they wanted the students to be exposed to other forms of life, like the giant squid and the merpeople that lived in there." She guessed "It would be a good source of learning for the students, not everything magical revolves around casting spells and brewing potions after all."
Then she thought for a while, instances that the lake was used in the past? Well, that was fairly easy, wasn't it? "One of the challenges during the Triwizard tournament of 1994 took place there, as well as it served as a dock for Dumstrang's ship during the same year." Yep, old Harry Potter's time. "and there was this pirate ship there before, uh. a couple of years ago?" She added, almost uncertainly, she didn't really know whatever happened to the ship...or why it ended up there for that matter. Quote:
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill Gwen remained silent and waited for the other students to answer. She only tried to figure out why they decided to make such an odd combination. History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures? Psh. What do these have in commom?!, the Ravenclaw asked herself.
However, when the second question came up, the third year decided to think of an answer this time. 'Some ingredients that are needed in potions can only be found in the Lake' There- is it enough? Maybe it is also useful because the Hogwarts plumbing network drains into it?, she thought, but decided not to say that out loud. Too stupid. Something else, then... Hmm... First years sail across the lake... or... 'Transportation? Students from Durmstrang arrived here with a boat' Ship. Somewhat. Quote:
Originally Posted by affy7ann A joint History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures lesson? Interesting. That didn't happen very often.
Tayla thought of her answer and then raised her hand. "Professor, I remember students from Durmstrang arrived in a ship through the Black Lake during the Triwizard Tournament in 1994." Tayla didn't have trouble remembering the year since it was then that, for the first time, there were 4 champions in the Tournament. "And professor, I've always presumed the lake was already around when the Hogwarts castle was built. Then eventually it was used to welcome first years to Hogwarts." She wondered if she was the only one who thought this. Quote:
Originally Posted by GoldenSnake Errr...
Victoria wondered why the professor asked such question. The answer is the same reason why everyone else's home or school have a lake - to feel refreshed. "I don't think there has to be a particular reason why the lake was there. Maybe they just want to have it to feel relaxed or to feel refreshed." Victoria replied after some thoughtful thinking. "But of course, having a lake has more advantages than just for appealing attractions. I believe that it is also for protections for Hogwarts school from dangerous outcast that might attack our school...even if we do have a lot of enchantments protecting us, it doesn't hurt to have more." Victoria added on to her last statement, feeling more sastisfied with her answer. "Didn't Durmstrang use the lake as a transportation route to come to Hogwarts in the 1994 Triwizards Tournament?"Victoria replied to the next question. Quote:
Originally Posted by GinevraWeasley Vlimia was sitting on the grass, really quite excited to be in a double-class. The teacher seemed quite strict, but you would probably have to be while teaching two subjects at the same time. She directed her attention to the lake, and remembered something she had read in a History book. Vlim raised her hand eagerly. When she was picked, Vlimia said "As the second task in the 1994 Triwizard Tournament, the challengers had to dive into the lake and rescue something that had been taken from them." Vlim said, hoping it was correct. "And in 1997, Albus Dumbledore was laid to rest in a white tomb on the shores of the lake." Vlimia said, again hoping it was correct. She had read them both in a History book, and was pretty sure they were significant. Maybe she was supposed to answer with uses for the lake now... but this was History of Magic, after all. She thought of adding that first years like herself were led over the lake in boats to be Sorted, but decided against it. Vlimia had said a lot already, she didn't want to come across as being a know-it-all. Quote:
Originally Posted by affy7ann A joint History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures lesson? Interesting. That didn't happen very often.
Tayla thought of her answer and then raised her hand. "Professor, I remember students from Durmstrang arrived in a ship through the Black Lake during the Triwizard Tournament in 1994." Tayla didn't have trouble remembering the year since it was then that, for the first time, there were 4 champions in the Tournament. "And professor, I've always presumed the lake was already around when the Hogwarts castle was built. Then eventually it was used to welcome first years to Hogwarts." She wondered if she was the only one who thought this. "Correct. It was used in the past as the bases for one of the tasks in a previous Triwizard Tournament." He nodded at all the students who mentioned it. Quote:
Originally Posted by natethegreat Nate raises his hand and asks "Is it because they needed some place for water to drink?" "Do YOU want to go ahead and drink the lake water?" Scabior asked the first year. SPOILER!!: Creatures People Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassandra Taylor raised her hand after a few minutes, "Is it because they wanted a place for all the creatures who wanted a place to stay, lke creatures that need to be in water have a lake and creatures that needed to be in the woods have the forbidden forest?" Quote:
Originally Posted by keepmeclose22 Pam smiled and thought for a moment. They could have done it for magical underwater creatures. Or maybe they needed it for any visitors. She thought harder. There must have been something else. Pam raised her hand. "Is it because they wanted to keep a creature in there? And did they use it for a merpeople class of some sort?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ Amelia really wasn't sure as to why the founders had made the lake, but she had a few guesses about it. She raised her hand now. "It could have been in order to serve as a home from creatures such as Merpeople and Grindylows. And also as a way for students to learn about them." That way it would both please the creatures who had a place to live without Ministry interference, and she school with more learning opportunities. "Also lakes are pretty and nice for things such as swimming." As long as the Great Giant Squid didn't get you of course. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bubbles Kennedy thought of the question. If the castle was in fact 1,000 years old then the lake might of have been useful for many things other than housing merpeople and gryndylows... and possibly other creatures. He raised his hand and said, "The lake could have been included for many reasons, some may be that the founders wanted the castle to have a close water supply." You know because the pipe system wasn't invented yet 1,000 years ago...maybe. "It could also be that there are plants growing under the lake that could be useful for Herbology," but this wasn't Herbology class, "Or maybe the lake holds creatures that aren't found on land and the founders thought they would be good for educational purposes." He was thinking this in a different way, but at least he was answering the question. Quote:
Originally Posted by KayKay Gwen looked at the lake for a moment, then raised her hand.
"People depend on water for life, so it's important to have a source of fresh water nearby. As for the magical creatures, they probably lived in the loch even before the Hogwarts founders came along and so they decided to include the lake to protect them, from Muggles and wizards alike." Quote:
Originally Posted by MagicGlitter Why was there a lake? Ariella stared ahead of her, the question driving herself crazy. She genuinely had no idea. She decided to at least take a chance, and she raised her hand cautiously. "I would guess that they included a lake for educational purposes, so that the professors can provide some hands-on experiences. And for recreational purposes as well. They probably wanted a lake to be able to keep some aquatic life at Hogwarts." She paused for a minute, only confusing herself more. "And possibly for potion-making. A lot of potion ingredients we use here at Hogwarts come from the lake." Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of the Lake They were going to study the lake?!? That sounded strange, but interesting nonetheless. Maybe it was going to be like Muggle geography. Or not. 'Since Hogwarts was founded with the purpose of educating generations of students, I'm guessing the lake was used to study merepeople and other aquatic creatures in their own habitat, just like the edge of the Forbidden Forest is a good place to study unicorns or thestrals.' the Gryffindor ventured, after raising her hand. Quote:
Originally Posted by BowtiesAreCool So it has to deal with creatures not blending in for the classrooms? Well that was easy. "Well sometimes a creature might be to big for the classroom or even to dangerous to even think about bring them inside the castle. But it's better to see a creature in it's habitat to see what their personality really is." Adeline with a smile because she was very proud of herself. "All good answers, yes." He nodded Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi had been looking forward to Care of Magical Creatures all summer, so she was more than a little disappointed when she had first seen the noticeboard and noted that it was going to be a JOINT lesson with Professor Scary Face. Still, she had decided recently that the man wasn't as bad as she had first thought him to be and that his HATRED for her certainly wasn't anything to keep her away from classes - especially her favorite one.
Kurumi thought for a moment before raising her hand. "Perhaps they chose to include a lake because not all of the wizarding world is on land. Part of the reason Hogwarts was created was to provide a safe haven for wizarding children, so I suppose that it is possible that they also wanted to create a safe place for other parts of the wizarding world as well. In the lake, magical beings like merpeople, the giant squid, and grindylows could be safe and protected."
Kurumi lowered her hand and took a glance around the area. This notion could also be applied to the Forbidden Forest come to think of it. "Your theory makes sense…" But that's all it was, a theory, and so it was wrong. Or could be wrong. Quote:
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu SCOFF. "The Lake has...creatures in it already, though, right? Merpeople and grindylows and stuff. Maybe this location chose the founders, rather than the other way around. Building a magical school nearby would keep the creatures protected, and the Muggles ignorant." Would she get a response this time?
Not that silent Scabior was really anything bad. At least Ellie wasn't being called 'ROCK'. She was no mineral, Scab. "No. The Muggles are ignorant to Hogwarts because of all the charms and spells that are on it. If anything, building a giant castle next to an important source of water would make Muggles suspicious and probably end up killing a bunch of them because their water source was cut off." He smiled. Happy Miss Stone? Quote:
Originally Posted by jujune29th Sophie looked at the lake when professor Scabior said that they would be studying it today. "Weird, studying about a lake!" she thought. "That should be interesting!" She looked back at the professors and raised her hand. "Maybe the lake was here all along and... I know there are merpeople living there and all sorts of creatures." she turned her head again to face the lake. "So Hogwarts' founders didn't want to bother them, or actually even liked having this kind of creatures in the school! They should be useful to some of the classes, like this one!" she was smiling when faced the professors again. It totally made sense to her. Scabior looking to Williamson then shrugged. "That's a good guess, yeah." Quote:
Originally Posted by ballantd Melanie's brow furrowed. The founders had created the lake? Melanie had just assumed it had already been there when they built the castle. Melanie raised her hand, the warm air and cool grass making her slightly more comfortable speaking out than a windowless room and rigid desk.
"Well, Hogwarts has animals," she ventured, "and then there's all the ones in the Forbidden Forest," she gestured toward the dark trees hovering ominously at the edge of the pruned grounds. "Maybe, even though they built this big castle, they still wanted to keep the natural habitat as intact as they could." Sustainability existed back then too...right? Even if it wasn't trendy like it was nowadays?
Thinking about the latter part of the question, Melanie added, "I imagine having the lake, and all of the creatures in it, is a valuable resource for educating students." Dash nodded, catching on to what was being said "…And animals need water, and so the lake supplies that." That's where she was getting at right? Either way, what she said made said. He smiled at her. Quote:
Originally Posted by midnight_thestral Violet raised her hand and said. "The creators included a lake because it would suit a habitat for both land and water creatures, such as the merpeople, squids and others, as well as a water supplement for land creatures to drink." Violet took a deep breath for continuing on, "Of course, it's also a good transportation route for boats and other objects for example when there was the triwizard tournament where other wizarding schools could travel to." Violet thought it was very good for her first answer at the professors question and smiled. "Correct, traveling could have been an issue, another means of escape or enter if deemed fit." He nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty Hmm… why had the founders put a lake on the grounds? "Maybe so that any creatures that were housed at Hogwarts would have a water source?" Sky guessed. Like the muggles and their cow ponds... "Oh and so the students would have a place to swim…" she added off. Yep, giving the students something to do. Quote:
Originally Posted by caithal97 Nessie put one hand behind her back and raised her other hand. "Well it certainly does add to the scenery." she said looking around at her surrounds. "But it also could have been used as a water source, but it may have been used for earlier Herbology lessons because of it's underwater plant life. It also may have been used for the study of the creatures that may lurk under the water." She said staring out to the mysterious waters. "Yes." He nodded. Like someone before had said right? Quote:
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy The lake? this would certainly be an interesting class. She remembered reading about it somewhere, probably Hogwarts, a History, but she never paid it much attention. And learning about the creatures that must be in it would be fun. Upon hearing the question, the puff raised her hand in confustion. "Wait, what do you mean by included? Are you saying they built the lake? or did they find a place to build the school that already had a lake?" To her, it sounded like it was built, but that would be very strange. "Anyways, maybe they included it so they could study aquatic creatures, and so they could have a place to swim. I know they used it for ice skating a couple of years ago, and I think I read something about it being involved in a flood or something a while back." Dash nodded but gave a skeptical look soon after. "You are correct on most parts, though I doubt the lake was purposely created to help aid the flooding of Hogwarts." Just a little note there, if that was what she meant. Quote:
Originally Posted by HOPEendures Jezzabelle raised her hand, "Well even though having magic protect us is a goo enough defense, there could have always been a impassibility that it wasn't strong enough for certain situations so a lake, and all the creature residing within it, could possibly have been a form of protection." She was going out on a limb here with this answer, but it was worth a try wasn't it? Still continuing she said, "And back in 2064, maybe 2065," she wasn't really all that good with dates, "the students actually sought out help from the Giant Squid." "Correct, back when Hogwarts was founded, a large body of water could be deemed dangerous. No one could really know what resisted in it." Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Oh.
The lake. Hmm. Well, who in the name of Merlin would have thought to suggest that?! Scabior, Apparently. Williamson, too. "Well, the Slytherin Common Room," she pointed out, raising her hand, "is partway under the lake. So maybe they were thinking about concealment when they positioned the castle by the Black Lake." I mean, they were Slytherins--cunning and ambitious. They weren't just going to leave themselves wide open for intruders.
See, that was why the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws were way up high in the towers--so they could be spotted easily, attacked first, and used as a means of giving the Slytherins time to get away. Or, at least, that was what Sierra had thought up. Anyway... "That lake can also be used for many different things--we can come and go, others can come and go...and we can learn about things like water plants and creatures," she said. It was also used to ship the first years to the castle, holding them up, so that the older kids could get in first and snag all the good seats. "So, I think it's been used for all those reasons in the past." Maybe a lot more, too. That was why they were here, though--to learn those reasons. Quote:
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou The lake.
Why would the founders include a lake? To make a prettier landscape, of course, but Nora had a feeling the professors wouldn't like that answer. "I know that the Slytherin common room is partly under the lake," she said with a hand raised in the air. She still wasn't very fond of that creepy dungeon, but it was fascinating to know that they were so close to the giant squid... if it existed. Nora surely didn't want to find out by herself.
But anyway, back to her idea. "So it has obviously been built like that for a reason." Because Salazar Slytherin probably wasn't a swimmer, was he? Scabior raised a brow. "So what you are saying Miss Greingoth and Miss Reed is that the Hogwarts founders included the lake while creating this glorious school to hide and protect students of Salazar's Slytherins house and yet leave all other students unprotected?" He snorted. He liked the idea…sadly, no. "Nice try." Quote:
Originally Posted by ShadowButterfly Butterfly quietly guessed,"Because it's a well known habit that for some creatures, and it's been here for so long that some people only sees it as a place to relax and not for that surroundings." He blinked, slightly confused, just as the first year was it seemed. "I'm not sure you understood the question Miss Penta." Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Zhenya raised her hand, wanting to take a guess, "Well possibly at first it was a way of transportation to get to school... that is if the Lake wasn't there already," she paused to think. "But I know it has had quite a lot of significance in the past, such as Harry Potter and the Triwizard Tournament, and it also houses many different creatures which are quite important to Hogwarts. There's the Magical creatures, I mean. And of course this is a wizarding school and we are surrounded by magical things, and the creatures are just a large part of our world. And also that's how the first years get to Hogwarts, it's sort of a tradition" she said. Hopefully she was right. Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul The lake? Wow. That drew the girl's attention and instead of lazily sitting and biting her nails, she was eagerly sitting and biting her nails. Once the question was asked, she shot her hand up in the air, "I don't think the founders included the lake, sir. I'd like to think that it was there even before the Castle with its creatures living inside of it. Maybe the founders thought it might be useful to teaching that they included in the school's property?" Yesh, that was Louisa's opinion on the matter.
"It's used to transfer first years from the platform over to the castle for so long." She had no idea why, though. It was just a creepy way of welcoming kids to this world in her opinion. "Right you two are! The tradition of first years arriving to hogwarts on boats is a major way that the lake has been used in the past and even presently." Good job. Quote:
Originally Posted by iBeJenn No animals? Well, this wasn't very fun. Sighing Selena nodded and raced back to place the creatures in the common room before running out again. She just hoped that no one left stuff out for Clarke to chew on... because it SO was not her fault. Honestly.
Selena listened to the questions that the History of Magic professor asked. The professor did ask very good questions... that left Selena quite stumped. Sighing, she thought hard as she wished that she had a desk for her to drum her idle fingers on. Why was the lake here? Was it not just because it looked nice? "I think that the founders included a lake within Hogwarts so that they have more creatures to probably show for the Care of Magical Creatures classes," Selena said. Because it made sense why there were so many grindylows and merpeople and the whatnot inside the lake. "The lake also serves as a host to many different plants, one year, it was actually used against Hogwarts, when the Selkie ruler or something flooded the dungeons," Selena said. Right?
She was pretty sure she made sense. Quote:
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 August had been listening to Professor Scabior, a smirk on his lips the whole time. He was pretty sure they could all make a run for it and he would lose all of the students just like he had his son in Diagon Alley....and then maybe Professor Schrimer could come down and yell at him again. He would have to talk to the man after class and...thank him for the Galleons and letting him hang out with Kyroh.
Professor Williamson seemed to be enjoying allowing Professor Scabior to teach the lesson, August watched him with interest as he stood off to the side.
Now they were discussing the Hogwarts Lake. The Gryffindor didn't know that the lake was created by the Hogwarts Founders, it looked pretty natural to him--he was no lake expert though. "Well perhaps the Founders created it as a sort of extra protection from outsiders until full ground protection by spells and charms was intact? Or perhaps just for looks. Many buildings are made to over look waterfalls, lakes or other things of the sort." he nodded at the History of Magic Professor. He paused for a minute to think about the second question. "Well I heard that a few terms ago, the Merpeople in there used the Lake to flood the castle and then tried to take it over." Yeah super scary. He guessed that was a feature...he didn't know. "Right, it was used negatively then." He nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz Ohhhhh. Now that was food for thought. It trumped unicorn thoughts even.
Before too long, Aspen was quietly singing under her breath, "Which came first... the Phoenix or the egg...." no wait, "... the castle or the lake..."
Hmm. "I don't know which came first," Aspen admitted, as if the question was asked directly to her and the Professors were waiting on her answer only. Sometimes, the 4th year Ravenclaw got caught up with the THINKING a bit much. "But I do know that the lake was used as a portal at one point." OOOoOOoOoo. Did that still work? From Durmstrang to Hogwarts?
As an after thought, she raised her hand. "If the Founders did form the lake post-castle construction, I'd like to see the transcripts between them and the merpeople they coaxed into living next to a castle full of children." It'd be an interesting read, NO DOUBTS. …This girl was weird. Ravenclaws. Was he actually suppose to answer her? "Right….I'll try to dig those up for you Miss Odessa." Dig up the non-existent transcripts. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa thought about what happened in the past and how the lake was used and then she thought of the reason why the Founding Fathers had a lake created in the grounds. When she thought that she had come up with a reasonable answer, Alyssa raised her hand and answered.
"Professor, I believe that the Founding Fathers included a lake in Hogwarts, so that the magical creatures who lived in our world and who lived underwater, like the Grindylows, the Merpeople and even the Giant Squid could live here in peace without having to worry about being hunted down and killed. In addition, the plants that live underwater could grow in there safely and I believe that Herbology Professors over the years have gone there to harvest them without having to do it secretly. The Black Lake has been used in the past as one of the tests in the Triwizard tournament. It was also a way for the students from Durmstrang Institute to arrive from Bulgaria for the tournament without being seen, and of course first year Hogwarts students have the privilege of sailing across the lake in the boats to get to Hogwarts, the first time they arrived on the grounds."Alyssa knew that the Black Lake had been also used for occasions in the past. But she couldn't remember them right now. That, was a whole bunch of information just shot right at him. And Scabior wasn't able to grasp any of it. "Please Miss Potter…learn how to take pauses when you are speaking." But she got a nod too because….something had to be right out of all the things she said. Quote:
Originally Posted by 2111jen Jen looked curiously at the lake.
"Perhaps the lake was here long before Hogwarts castle was built?" Jen questioned "It was here." He said with a sigh Quote:
Originally Posted by Tommehbell Harlow raised her hand, "Well I think they put it in the location that would give as a great platform for learning. Though we aren't allowed in the forest we do get to study some of the creatures that dwell there. So that same goes for the lake. I mean we have a giant squid and even an entire mermaid community. So we got the best of everything right here and we don't have to leave home. For lack of a better term." she explained. At least that's how she saw it. A different spin on things. Scabior smiled. "Makes perfect sense Miss Riddle." Good job. Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity The Lake.
Yep...certainly outside the box in way of class topics or at least no one professor had thought about using it too much. Sure Bentley had done a lesson out on the mystery boat out on the lake but Gideon didn't believe that quite counted.Trying to think of his own answer for the inclusion of the lake by the Founders he couldn't help but think Kurumi's was a good option...a way of including various ecosystems in the environment around the school. Finally he raised his hand to supply his own thoughts. "Perhaps the founders included the lake for help in concealing the castle from Muggles," he answered before lowering his hand and continuing. " The protections do show Hogwarts as meerly rubble to those of non-magical bearing and most non-magical stone buildings would have been built around a water source seeing as muggles wouldn't have the magic to summon water to them to be used. So by including the lake, it made the Hogwarts 'ruins' look authentic." Scabior gave the boy a nod. "That makes sense to me Mr Gert." Which meant that he could have been right. Quote:
Originally Posted by midnight_thestral As Violet thought of that the girl's answer and realized how the answer seemed to be right. "Is it perhaps the giant squid that we will be studying professor?" She had heard of the giant squid living in the lake being linked to one of the founders of Hogwarts. Was it Godric Gryffindor or Rowena Ravenclaw? Violet was not entirely sure, but she knew for a fact that something does lurk in the lake beside Hogwarts and it couldn't be there just by nature itself. Violet looked back at the lake and pondered about this for a minute. "No. I just said that we were studying the lake." He eyed the Ravenclaw, tempted to take points for her lack of attention. Quote:
Originally Posted by tomewitch History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures. Two subjects that she had not given much participation last term and right now she was much determined to change that. Hence, her being present in the now JOINT class of the mentioned two.
While greetings were exchanged, she kept her mouth shut and just nodded and smiled at the other students since she was trying to think of a way to catch up with the lessons. It was just the start of term, yes. But she was not that passionate with the two subjects that's why she's mostly trying her best to make herself like it more.
Then..while she was still thinking. The first question went and many students shared their answers. At this, Beatrice thought she should also share her own and so she raised her hand, "Professor, I think that today's History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures' lesson is joint because we would be facing or knowing perhaps a creature that has something to do with wizarding history.."
Pretty much, right?
Now, off to the second one. Yep, they were on the lake--no, near the lake. So why was it included in the foundation of the school? And how was it used thousands of years ago? Hmmmm.. The Ravenclaw second year scratched her chin before she raised her hand, "Errr--Professor, are you saying that the lake wasn't here all along? That it was made in fact by the Founders?" She was supposed to give her answer but she figured she's ask that first.
Then, it hit her. They were discussing things about the lake and there was one significant creature under it. The Giant Squid.
O_______O Were they going to meet the Squid perhaps? Quote:
Originally Posted by alchemist_18 The Hogwarts Lake, it was her favorite place in Hogwarts. And Professor Scabior asked them about the lake. Raven didn't know actually about the function, perhaps?
She tried to answer "Professor, Maybe They made the lake as home of magical creatures which live in water such as merpeople?" she answered "They didn't make the lake. They included it." Quote:
Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 What a bizarre question. Max, overwhelmed with theories, figured he'd just throw all his ideas out there.
"Well," he began, his hand already in the air and unsure where to begin, "um, it adds variety to the scenery? It's a nice place to spend an afternoon reading? It can be used for transportation... and boat races? Swimming and such recreational purposes?" He was counting them off on his fingers, rambling the list as they came to him.
"A place for magical creatures to live, both for their sake and ours, in terms of education and learning respect for them? Protection? A good place to hide? Because the creatures are our friends and we like living alongside them? Because a founder needed somewhere to keep their best friend, the giant squid?!" He threw his hands up in the air, exasperated. How long had Bartholomew Henry been there? He didn't even know. He could've been a thousand years old. Or maybe not. But it had to come from somewhere originally, right? Maybe Mr. Henry came from a long line of giant squids. Max decided he needed to get on that research as soon as possible. He was very curious now.
"Honestly, the better question is, why wouldn't they want a lake nearby? The opportunities involved are endless." Wow. Scabior just looked at the kid and chuckled. "Who wouldn't want a lake indeed." Quote:
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys "ELLIE! I'm so glad you're here! I need a friend with me. I seem to have difficulty with rules. But I never HAD rules before.... " Her life was a circus literally...And now class had started. Ellie seemed to know the answer to the first question and Laci gave her a fire-headed nod. but OOOOOOH! The second one was hers..
Fire-head's hand shot right up like the human canon ball that was her cousin. "OH because the founders wanted to educate their students beyond land animals and include ALL magical creatures! They ALSO wanted to use as many creatures to train for star performances!" Or... At least that's what Laci wanted. He nodded in agreement, the creatures were important. Quote:
Originally Posted by HazelStone101 Jayden raised her hand slowly. "Professor, maybe it was used for all kinds of different things.... safety, leisure, teaching students about underwater magical beings, and other things?" She half answered, half asked. It seemed reasonable enough to her. Quote:
Originally Posted by Frankie Autumn thought about it for a while "Uhh professor is it because they wanted a place students can relax or revise in the warm whether and to add some wildlife that can not survive or cummunicate outside of the water, such as the merpeople and the giant squid. Also with out the lake we would not be able to get a chance to perhas study these creatures in a way we could of if the lake had not been put here." Autumn had done alot of reading, she looked around the professor to the gleaming lake it was pretty. "Used just like how it is now then you mean?" He nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by GrapehGrape Sammy just stared up at the professor as he introduced himself. Scabior and Williamson. He would try and remember that. He was shocked by how fast the other students answered questions...and how fast they moved onto a new one.
The lake? Introduce yourself? Sammy eyed the man like he was crazy. He looked over at Williamson. Was he going to say anything...or even try to control the crazy person? He let his gaze fall over to the lake. "Maybe because they wanted students to meet underwater creatures or be familiar with them. Like mermaids and such." Sammy said as he raised his hand. "I doubt the mermaids would want to meet the students." Though he wasn't an expert in Magical Creatures, APPARENTLY that was Williamson, so the man had better say in this. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kimalia Hmm, so we're outside the classroom to learn about the Lake. Did this mean we would be going to swim in it? Err, Kimalia didn't bring a bathing suit to class and-oh wait he asked a question.. Well, a Lake does make a place look nice.. Raising her hand, "Other than it's beauty qualities, it serves as a home and service to other creatures, and completes the image of Hogwarts as a real home." [B]"A real home." He repeated. "I would surely hope that your house does not include a lake inside." Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Alex did NOT want to introduce himself to the lake. He wanted to stay as humanly far away from it as possible. He didn't like swimming, he didn't like water and he DEFINITELY didn't like squids, so he was going to stay right here on this nice little grassy patch unless the professor DUNKED him in the water. Yes. That was the plan.
He raised his hand. "Well, they probably wanted the students to learn about Grindylows and Merpeople and stuff in their natural habitat. It's almost like a nature preserve in some ways, because the Ministry doesn't come in here and try to mess things up. Usually..." he added, his voice trailing off. "Maybe they used the lake for recreational stuff water skiing!" he added. "That could keep the Ministry away.." Huh. Interesting. Sadly if that was true, it didn't work now. SPOILER!!: Safe Quote:
Originally Posted by BlackWolf850 Quentin hesitantly raised her hand, she had never been good at speaking in front of people but she'd better get involved, "I think there are quite a few reasons to have a lake in school grounds. Like, recreational or leisurely activities. Maybe it's here to make the school more appealing to students, it is a nice place to come relax and hang out with friends. Some find it easier to study outside as well. Then there's the educational side of things, many magical and non-magical creatures live under, or near water."
She paused and remembered that this was History of Magic too, "1000 years ago there was often the fear of attack, so I suppose with the mountains behind the castle and the lake in front it would have been pretty hard for muggles or magic folk to form a surprise attack- meaning the students would be safer." Quote:
Originally Posted by Robot This lesson was the one that Kendra had been excited for since stepping into the grounds of Hogwarts that first time. Although, to be honest, she wasn't looking forward to the aspect of History of Magic, she thought it may be interesting how they had tied the two subjects together, which, at least Kendra's mind, had no matching qualities at all. Of course, she could be wrong.
The lake. The seeingly endless expanse of water that Kendra had crossed on the boat with all the other first years on that evening. It seemed like it had no end, the dark depths of water could swallow you whole if you let them. Yet, these depths were entrancing, letting the imagination run wild of what could lie beneath such leagues.
But why had the founders had included it? Now, she had to think about this. Her mind sifted through the books she had read whilst she had been here, the same as any other ravenclaw most likely. She put her hand up slowly, still thinking, before answering. 'As well as creating an impressive view to the school for first years and other people travelling by boat, is it also a way of defense?' She asked. 'Mainly due to the fact that it is often more difficult to travel through a large expanse of water than through land. Due to the inhabitants of the lake and their alliances with the castle and it's inhabitants, would they also be another method of defense. Like the giant squid? Or the merpeople? They surely must have a defensive side. Like any animal.' She finished, feeling glad she had spoke. Even if it was wrong. Quote:
Originally Posted by Nat nat Tennessee listened as almost everyone tried to answer. Hmmm. Why was there a Lake? She raised her hand and tried to answer. "The lake is an important part of the castle not only for recreational purposes nor for teachings, Professor. Although it really serves as one main resource for lessons. But it also serves as a way for other institutions like Durmstrang to be able to connect with Hogwarts. Therefore the lake is used as a channel to be able to communicate to the different areas of the wizarding world." There, she had said it. however another thought popped into her mind. "And perhaps it is also a defense for Hogwarts itself. From where it is situated it somehow plays a strategic role for the castle," she finished. She then stopped again and listened to her fellow students. "Right, as a means of safely, having a lake sounds pretty smart." Quote:
Originally Posted by Lislchen So far he had made it without anything unusual happening to him. Maybe they just liked to play pranks on each other? Well, he certainly didn't want to be around for them to grow bored of doing that and realizing that there were students to play pranks on too. No, he wanted to be FAR FAR AWAY.
From what he had heard, well READ mostly, the Slytherin Common Room was below the Lake somehow or something. "Maybe in order to give the Slytherin Common Room a nice dark and slightly eerie touch?" Lewis offered with his hand raised, not looking directly at either of the two professors. "So they included a lake to make the Slytherin Common Room look creepy." He repeated the boys words, just so he could hear how ridiculous it actually sounded. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura raised her hands before answering the Professor. "Maybe it was used to stop muggles from coming into the school because otherwise they would be able to see the school and then they would know where the school was." "Thats what the enchantments are for." Scabior said shaking his head. Quote:
Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn Aurora had very few ideas... she kinda sucked at history... "Well, there are a lot of ingredients and plants and stuff in lakes." she started. "But... maybe they like... liked merpeople or something." Urgh, that answer was lame... She still hadn't read Hogwarts: A History... "…." Scabior just stared. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hermione2286 Salima raised her hand the replied to Professor 'Is it because of such creatures like Grindylows and Merpeople and the Giant Squid?' "Not quite. Not only because of them." Quote:
Originally Posted by Orla LuLu's hand raised up in the air staring at the Lake and then the Proffeser... A thought struck her mind that did not need to shared anyways back to the subject... What is the lake used for... emmmm errr life ''Well I believe there is life in the lake sir, magical creatures to be exact which could have been made for CoMC and still is great for the CoMC classes to study on the nature of the Lake possibly one of the founders had a soft spot for magical creatures... It has also great use for relaxing for the students which I would have thought takes a lot of their own minds as it does for me sir... It was also used for certain life changing events such as the tri wizard tournement once... Which of course is making a mark on magical history,'' she replied
Staring at the lake still thinking of some other answer what else was there, expecting some big logical answer that she could get if there was ten of her... "Of course there is life in the lake." He said, slightly annoyed. That didn't even need to be stated. Quote:
Originally Posted by Poolicious The lake?! What's with the lake? Messer wondered. Maybe they're gonna catch the giant squib. He'd love to see the giant squib. Wait, 1000 years? Eik! that's pretty long times ago.
His hand was raised into the air "Maybe the lake was already there before the founders build Hogwarts." Those creatures on the lake weren't just come fall from the sky, right? "I think they used it as home to those water creatures and maybe they also used it to hold the rain?" You know so there won't be any flood in Hogwarts. Lake to hold water? Scabior chuckled. "But yes, it was already here when they built Hogwarts." Quote:
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy Tyler thought about the professor's question long and hard. He wasn't exactly sure what thee answer was but he supposed he could give it a shot. After all he did say.."what do you think.." So he wouldn't be chastised for being wrong.
" Well I think it's been apart of Hogwarts because the founders liked the spot. They thought the scenery was lovely from where the castle stood, with the lake sparkling in the sun or moonlight and was like yes this is it. But theeeen, they went swimming and the giant squid grabbed one of their ankles, maybe the hufflepuff lady and the gryffindor guy was like I'll save you!"...yes he was on a roll now.." and he saved her but then they realized the squid was only playing and he became the official hogwarts lake squid."He had more..wait for itttt.." Then the Slytherin guy went swimming and got attacked by grindylows and thats when they realized lots of creatures were living there and they used the lake creatures to teach DADA and Care of Magical creatures. They could have also used the lake to channel water into the lake." He shrugged. He did say what he thought. Scabior just stared at the young boy. "You Mr Bellaire. Please do not have any sweets before coming to any of my classes." Quote:
Originally Posted by thatredheadedchick Eva thought about it. Yes the lake was used for defense, education of aquatic life, and communication..but could there be anything else? Oh! maybe.. "Could the lake be used for just a general water supply?" Eva didn't really like her answer but she had enough confidence in it to think it would suffice. "It could have been sure." Though, they probably didn't drink right form the lake. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady ''People CREATED the lake!!?'' unable to help it, little Lea let out her astonishment quite loudly ''Like it was not already there?'' No no no. Wait...was that possible? If it was possible, then it was totally too confusing for the girl to comprehend because all she knew was that people found the water sources that ALREADY existed to found their living places around it.
Lea adored the dark lake since the very first time she had set her eyes on it and when she had set her eyed on it, it looked very NATURAL not really artificial being made by people. That was a little bit disappointing though. So, when she tried to give out her own opinions ,there was still that disappointed look on her face. ''Maybe they needed a water source. Maybe they needed the environment look beautifuk. Maybe they wanted a home for their big and rawr-ish underwater creatures and kept those creatures to feed with badly-behaved students.'' "Noonono." Sigh. First years. "They didn't make the lake. They included it." He would explain after. SPOILER!!: Plumbing Quote:
Originally Posted by Starbreeze Eino was sure that the plumbing was one of the reasons, but that was unrelated to magical creatures. The boy shot his hand high in the air, and when granted permission to speak he began. "The lake does harbors a wide variety of creatures, ranging from those who could be qualified as beings, such as the merpeople, and those that are less being-like, such as Grindylows. I should believe that all of this makes the lake a rich and resourceful site for learning, and since we do use it for plumbing we also have to be conscious of the creatures using it as their home." He did include the plumbing in there, after all, which he hoped wouldn't be entirely wrong. There was also the giant squid, but Eino sometimes was sure that the creature either migrated or hibernated because it rarely showed itself to the students. Quote:
Originally Posted by hpluvr037 Ah, the lake. By now every student present had some experience with it, even if it was just coming over it by boat the first night of term. Keefer liked to take walks around it in the fall and spring, so it was one of his favorite places on the grounds. I wonder how much the lake has changed in the thousand years Hogwarts has been here. Because in that much time, natural processes were bound to shape it in some way.
Keefer listened as Scabior pontificated talked. Upon hearing the questions, Keefer raised both hands into the air. Yes, both hands. Don't judge.
"Professor, it seems to me that the Founders would have built a castle by the lake for the same reason as many ancient or medieval civilizations sprung up by major bodies of water. They didn't exactly have plumbing back then." He grimaced at the thought. "Having such a large body of water this close would allow the castle to house hundreds of students without fear of not having water. The Aguamenti charm would be impractical for such a large amount of people." He paused and thought for a second. "I suppose there's also defense to consider. Any Muggles or enemy wizards would have a hard time approaching the grounds via water without being noticed. So I guess that leaves less terrain to keep track of."
As for the other half of his question... "I suppose they used the lake for much the same things we do today. Beauty, studying, recreation. Maybe they even used it to power mechanisms like Muggles used to, though I bet they could think of a magical means for that. Obviously the water supply aspect I already mentioned." Yup. That about summed it up. Quote:
Originally Posted by nups21
It was so nice and bright outside! Ira happily skipped down to the grounds where the joint lesson was going to be held. Quite a few students had arrived but at least she wasn't the last! She greeted both the professors, "Good Morning, professors!"
Ira really didn't understand how History of Magic and CoMC could be combined! The only reason she could think of that creature couldn't be brought into the classroom. But why was History of Magic outside?
So it was better if she just kept quite and let others answer. She listened to others giving answers and jotted down all the notes she could. Our focus is on Hogwarts Lake? Ira thought. She loved the lake! Then surely this lesson was going to be interesting!
And as to why the founders had included a lake within Hogwarts? Ira's mind began churning out theories.. She raised her hand and answered, "Professor, maybe the lake was included to beautify the place" which it most certainly did, "and also to house many of the aquatic creatures." What other reasons could there be? Oh yeah! The most basic reason ofcourse! Ira continued, "Also about 1000 years ago, there would have necessity of a water body nearby for use of water for our daily purposes. There wouldn't have been taps and pipes and all that system.."
Then she remembered this was a CoMC lesson as well. So she added, "Also studying of aquatic creatures is necessary as part of CoMC" With that, she finished her answer and went back to listening others. Quote:
Originally Posted by RoseMalfoy Desiree had arrived at the start of the class, confused about the joint lesson, but content to just wait and see where it led. There was a lot of history behind magical creatures anyway, and if there were going to be creatures they needed to be outside, so it made sense. It was such a nice day out she was feeling a little lazy, daydreaming a bit, simply enjoying the sun and the view..
of the lake. Which is what they were learning about apparently..? She stared at Professor Scabior for a moment still deciding what she thought about him, she didn't really think she liked him.. wasn't sure why though.. maybe it was just his class. History wasn't her thing.
She snapped out of it though and decided to answer the question, raising her hand, "Like people have said I'm sure they were partly thinking about looks when they put it in" it was very pretty, wait.. put it in? This was a man made lake? It seemed so natural.. "But there was also the practical part of it, it provided them with a fresh water supply, which is why most ancient civilizations were built by lakes and rivers. Like cities in Egypt were built along the Nile.." she continued, but wasn't done yet, this wasn't just a History lesson.. "They also used it to house magical creatures, maybe so students could study them in their natural habitat" it sounded like a good reason, maybe they would be doing that today. She'd never seen a merperson, or a giant squid.. not that she wanted to, not up close anyway. Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Selina looked around to the pack of students that had gathering in front of Professor Scabior. When he asked his next question Selina mulled it over in her mind for a moment before she came to an exact and clear answer, "Well, sir, perhaps because they wanted to give the students recreation on one hand and also a lake has aquatic life. They probably assumed it would be used as a teaching tool as well as recreational." And how was it used in the past? Well there was that whole ghost ship episode and then no one could forget the use of it in the Triward tournament, "Well it is also where all of our plumbing from the castle drains into." Gross... Scabior just nodded his head at the few people who said something about plumbing issues. ----------- "To clear somethings up, the founders did not make the lake." He looked toward a few first years who were asking. "I said they included it. Meaning, that when they set out to find a place to build Hogwarts they, decided early on to build the castle in an area that included a lake."
He nodded. Hopefully they understood now. "So really, your guesses are as good as mine. Could have been for the creatures to study in classes, or for the protection of the students. What is know about the main inclusion of the lake is that the founders did find it important to somehow be supplied to a fresh source of water, and this is why like a handful of you mentioned." He nodded at those people. "All Hogwarts plumping runs through the lake." He paused. "But don't worry, there are charms, set upon the lake to make sure that all the water in it, and all the water that we obtain is clean." "Over the years the lake has been used for much more than just a source in which the plumbing runs through. It has been used for transportation, recreational, educational purposes and even that one time during the Triwizard Tournament as a task." He nodded. You guys did not have to write any of this down. But you had to REMEMBER. It was easy enough. "The lake has a general name associated with it, do any one know what this is? For those of you who know what the name is it, any guesses as to why it was giving this name?" They didn't have to answer both questions, only one. Whatever they wanted really.
__________________ {act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure}  {i'll show you} |