My legs took me as fast as they could go. He had no problem keeping up with me, pushing on all fours with all the energy he could muster. We weren’t far from my home, but I wouldn’t feel calm until I reached the front door. Remus was right behind me every step of the way. I’d have been happy about that… if he were in human form.
I was at the door in no time and I fumbled for the house key. However, as with every Muggle horror movie, I was too paralyzed to focus. I banged on the door, shouting for somebody to let me in. Eventually, I came to my senses and took the key from under the welcome mat, but not before I felt his breath surrounding my feet. In a streak of stupidity, I backed into him. Remus stood up on two legs and clawed me violently on the side of my forehead, knocking me over (Probably the first time I hadn’t managed to do it myself!). Since I’d already suffered the horrific wrenching sensation of the Cruciatus curse, the pain wasn’t too sharp, yet it drew blood. I wasn’t dumb enough to remain sitting. I got on my feet, turned the key in the doorknob, and found refuge inside. Remus scratched on the door, snarling. My heart was pounding hard, though I felt like laughing and saying,
I love you, darling, but you’re not getting a Tonks sandwich today. Sorry!