Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
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| xxx Chapter Sixty One Harry knocked on the door, unlocked it with his wand and went in. Ron sat with his head in hands on the bed.
‘You look rough’
‘Thanks that’s just what I needed to hear’
‘You chose to do it to yourself’
‘What else have I got to do hey; I’m not the chosen one, I don’t coach the top quidditch team in the league, I don’t run a massive magical joke shop or measure cauldrons for the ministry and I don’t work for the only massive magical bank in the country’
‘Then find something to do’ he set the plated fry up on the draws ‘Gin made it – better then your mums, eat up’
He put a potion next to it ‘This ought to get rid of the hangover’
‘You need to stop wallowing and pull yourself together Ron, she doesn’t want you’
‘She wants Fred, yeah, yeah, I get that’
‘So don’t make it so difficult for yourself’
‘Gimme my wand so I can go and not have to listen to you lecturing me when you have the perfect life sitting in your living room of your house’
‘Eat, wash, gain some dignity and I might consider it’ he left and locked the door again.
He walked down the stairs to Ginny waiting at the bottom,
‘Is he ok?’
‘He loved her but not enough to go after her’ he shrugged ‘He’s just making himself depressed and drunk so he can complain and wallow in misery’
‘Big baby’ she sighed, ‘He’s so lucky the girls were asleep when you brought him back swearing his head off’
‘You still bat bogeyed him, stunned him and then got me to levitate him into the room’
‘Pain in the butt’ she crossed her arms ‘He’s not going to see the girls until he cleans up his act, I’m not having him around them like that so he has to go back to the Burrow by this afternoon’
‘I told Molly I’d bring him this morning, let him eat and shower and then I’ll take him’
‘You’ll be late for work’
‘I won’t, I’ll go in and come back after the morning meeting ok’
‘See you later love’ he kissed her cheek and then grabbed his cloak to leave. She went into the living room to the girls just as Charlie walked through the fireplace,
‘Hey Gin, is he still here?’
She sighed sitting on the couch and rubbing the bump, ‘Ron or Harry?’
‘Locked upstairs’
‘Mum sent me to come get him’
‘Uncle Charlie!’ Faith reached up to him and he picked her up to sit her on his lap,
‘Alright love’ he grinned and lifted her onto his lap, Ginny heard the shower go in the en suite,
‘Let him clean himself up a bit’
‘Did he tell you what happened?’
‘No, mum just sent Harry a message at work, he found him walking down diagon alley and he was levitating rubbish bins at the joke shop windows, didn’t do any damage he’s lucky they bothered to put a protection charm on the place’
‘It’s been ages why hasn’t gotten over it, I mean he dumped her’
‘He’s just vying for attention’ she muttered ‘Harry dragged him in swearing and shouting’
‘How does he have the money to be getting drunk all the time – he doesn’t work’
She frowned, her jaw clenched, ‘Harry might have lent him some just until he found a job – getting fired from his last one didn’t help’
Charlie cringed ‘How much and does he ever think he’s ever going to see it again?’
‘His bonus for the Pendragon case… it was quite a bit, we were going to put the girls in the local child care place but it will wait’
‘He was helping his best friend out, I don’t begrudge him that, just wish he’d told me before he did it and not after’
‘You’d think mum would have done something by now, I mean tied him up in his room or erased his memory of her’
‘She says he’s just trying to find himself’
‘Getting drunk and sleeping with anything that moves is not doing that’ he rubbed his forehead ‘I’ll have a word with him, I know Harry will have tried, maybe if enough people do he’ll start changing his attitude’
‘You could try’ she patted Patience’s hair as she reached up to sit on her lap,
The little girl spoke up, ‘Mummy?’
‘Yes sweetie’
She looked around ‘Where Daddy?’
‘He’s at work; he’ll be back for dinner’
‘I’ll just have to do till then’ she grinned kissing her forehead, ‘How’s Soph?’
‘Eight months, we went shopping for clothes and stuff for the nursery the other day, I never realised how much we need’
‘I would say you could have some of the girls stuff but I don’t think CJ will appreciate dresses’
‘Nope, you could save them for your next though’
She shook her head ‘Finally got the proof it’s a he’
‘Harry’s happy I bet’
‘Very, and he’s glad that we don’t have to paint another room pink’ she smiled, ‘He’s out’ she nodded her head upstairs ‘These two get up to mischief when I’m not here, would you?’ she asked,
‘Sure, does he have his wand?’
‘Ah no, Harry hid it in the office – urgh the door’s locked too so they don’t sneak in – I’ll put them in the pen and get it while you get him’
‘Patience don’t’ she touched her daughters hand gently to lower it as the teddy she was reaching for floated towards her ‘You won’t be able to do it at play school so you can’t do it here until you’re old enough’
She started to cry,
‘Honey if you want your teddy ask me’
‘I want my Boo-boo’
‘Here you go’ she picked her up as she stood and walked to the teddy on the floor, she gave it to her and then put her in the play pen, going for Faith in Charlie’s arms, ‘Look forward to when yours figures out how to get the ice cream out of the freezer without moving from the high chair’
He laughed ‘I can’t wait’ and went up to Ron’s door,
‘Are you dressed and ready to go?’
‘I can’t go anywhere without my wand and I don’t need you to escort me’
‘I’m here because Mum’s worried about you’
‘Go home and worry about your perfect life, with your perfect little wife – oh yeah she’s a whale now I forgot’
Charlie swore at him,
‘You know it’s true, anyway how is she now you’ve made her settle, I bet she resents you for it’
‘Shut up and grow up’
‘You know if she leaves you, I promise she will, it will be with some surfer muggle – you know the daft ones that jump out into the ocean on there pieces of foam and hope not to drown’
‘Stop acting like such a brat, she’s not going to leave me; she loves me, nobody loves you and by the sound of things no one ever will’
‘I don’t need people to love me I need them to leave me alone’
‘Then you can just stay in there’
He went back down,
‘If I come face to face with him I’m going to punch him’
‘Merlin, you know what watch the girls will you, I’m going to have a go’
‘I’m not letting you take that, I couldn’t listen to him insult Soph, you’re in no condition to put up with it after what happened with you and stress last time’
‘We’ll be fine; James is like his dad, he’ll be able to cope’
‘Charlie’ she smiled ‘Thanks for your concern but it’s ok, I want him out of the house and I’m going to get rid of him, he can say all the nasty things he wants in the three seconds before I stun him’
She walked up to the door, ‘Ron’
‘What now?’
‘Are you ready to go?’
‘Are you going to apologise for insulting Charlie’s wife and my sister?’
‘I haven’t seen you in a while are you just as big as her, is that why you won’t open the door?’
‘Don’t be so mean brother’
‘That’s what all the guys I know are good at though – I mean knocking up girls, marrying them out of obligation’
‘You never loved her, you could have never have fathered her children because you’re so spiteful and pathetic she would never have let you near her – in fact as I recall she refused to on several occasions’
‘I bet she pounced on Fred without a second thought’
‘So what if she did, I may not like her but she’s a damn sight closer to being family to me then you are right now – you’re acting spoilt and mean and ignorant’
‘Things a child would say, have you grown up yet sissy or are you still waiting to frozen as a teenage housewife’
‘I maybe eighteen but I have a family who love me, I have a husband who loves me and our children, I’m expecting my first son and I live in a lovely little cottage and I have what I’ve always wanted – albeit sooner then expected – but I have a life and you Ronnykins, you have nothing, and unless you change your attitude you’re going to end up alone and miserable for the rest of your life’ she pointed her wand and unlocked the door,
‘You may have it all but look how you got it, you used what ever you could to get Harry flaming Potter’
She stunned him and he fell to the floor with a thump, she tied him up and levitated him down the stairs,
‘Don’t worry girls Uncle Ron’s just taking a little nap’ she dropped him on the floor without caring if it hurt and handed Charlie Ron’s wand,
‘If you could take him back that would be great, I’ll sent a patronus to Harry telling him to stay at work and then put the girls down for a nap before I break into hysterical tears’
Charlie hugged her to him, ‘What did he say to you?’
‘Just horrible things’ she felt the tears, ‘I said mean things too but he was – I’ve never heard him like that, so bitter and twisted even when me and Harry first started dating’
Charlie kissed the top of her head, ‘You should go see Sophia, talk baby talk it will make you feel better and she misses you – having to catch the knight bus to see people drives her nuts’
‘Drives me nuts to – with them as well’ she gestured to the twins ‘I’ll have to make sure they’re dead to the world before I put them in a pram on that thing or they don’t sit still’
‘Why don’t I get her to come to you?’
‘She’s more pregnant then I am, I’m not that mean’ she laughed ‘They’ll be off soon, I’ll go then ok?’
‘Aren’t you at work today?’
‘Yeah – later, trainings this afternoon, then I’ve got interviews and stuff’ he scratched the back of his neck ‘Not used to them yet’ he smirked,
‘You will’ she leaned in for hug and smiled ‘She’s already on her way, thank god’ she glanced at Patience lying on the bottom of the pen sucking her thumb as Faith played with the doll and teddy,
‘See you later sissy’ he squeezed her, let go and then levitated Ron out,
She left them in there just to sleep as she wandered to the kitchen; she stopped holding the side feeling a sharp pain in her belly. She held onto him and slid onto the floor.
‘Ahh’ she bit her lip trying to remember where her wand was,
‘Faith – Faith can you find Mummy’s wand?’
‘It’s on table’
‘Can you use your magic sweetie?’
‘You said no’
‘Sweetie mummy’s telling you it’s ok, she needs her wand and she can’t get it’ she was trying not to cry so hard, but it slowed when her wand floated towards her through the door.
She sent the patronus to Penny and then Harry.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger
Last edited by lilly_luna; 12-30-2011 at 09:46 AM.