Thread: Harry Potter: From Opposite Sides - Sa 13+
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Old 12-29-2011, 08:17 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Posts: 97
quill Carrying Her Weight

Ted sat in his living room, waiting for Andromeda. Today, his fiancé was telling her family about their engagement. Then she would drop the bomb: Their lovely, pure-blood daughter was marrying a Muggle-born! It seemed foolish to expect a miracle. Her parents would never accept him, and he didn’t think they would forgive Andromeda for saying yes. But was it so bad to still hope for the best? He’d told her to come over afterwards and tell him their reaction, whatever it would be. Ted kept looking out his window to watch for her arrival. Before long, she Apparated there, standing motionless in the snow. Something was unquestionably wrong. He put on his coat and went outside to meet her. Andromeda’s face was blank, and it was plain that she’d been weeping.

“They disowned me, Ted. I’m not allowed to see them anymore. No owls, no visits. Nothing.”

He opened his arms, and she walked into them. He didn’t try to speak yet, holding her tightly. Ever since she’d told him about the Black family prejudice against his “kind”, Ted knew he wouldn’t like them. To make her as miserable and fragile as she appeared now? That was outright despicable.

“I’m so tired of everyone judging you before they even get to know you,” Andromeda cried into his shoulder. “First Rupert, then my own family! They were just awful talking about you. You don’t deserve it.”

“Neither do you,” Ted argued quietly.

She pulled away to grin meekly at him. “Thank you, sweetheart. I wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t know you were worth it.”

Even in the worst of times, Ted’s future wife was one strong, caring person. “I think I just fell more in love with you,” he said.

Andromeda put her arms back around Ted, clinging to him. He knew it wasn’t only out of love, but because he was the only family she had now. Ted couldn’t fathom how she was still standing. After all, most people don’t lose their entire family at once… especially not while their relatives are still alive.

“Do you want to spend the night here?” he offered. “I figured you didn’t want to be alone after what happened today.”

She nodded gratefully, and he led her to his front door.

“It’s much warmer inside. You’ll have to sleep in the living room, but the sofa is comfortable.”

Ted took Andromeda to his sofa. She collapsed onto it, trembling.

“Please stay with me,” she begged in her weakest voice.

What else was Ted going to do but console his fiancé? He grabbed a blanket and lied down next to her. Ted draped them both with the blanket, protectively crossing his arms over Andromeda’s shoulders. This is how it will be when we’re married, he thought. I’ll get to comfort her every day, whenever she needs it. It relieved him to see her calm down. Occasionally, she woke up and started to shake again, letting out a few sobs. He just held her closer. “It’s okay. I’m here. I’ll always be here.”

“You may need me there to carry all your weight;
But you’re no burden, I assure.”

-Rob Thomas

[Author’s note: If you want to actually read the scene where Andromeda gets disowned, look at part 5 of my other fanfiction, “Confessions of a Death Eater”, from her sister Bellatrix Lestrange’s point of view. That's when I knew that I wanted to write about Ted and Andromeda in the first place. J.K. Rowling deserves so much credit for actually creating this part of their story, just by making a brief mention!]

Last edited by LoonyLupin99; 01-05-2012 at 08:47 PM.
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