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Great update! Keem 'em comin!
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It's great I LOVE IT
Thank you!
I'll post more soon... Chapter four
Then it was time to board the train! Lewis seemed to know exactly what he was doing. As though he’d done this a million times before. He said that his older siblings had told him every bit about each centimetre of the castle. Apparently, it’s huge. I hope I don’t get lost. Then he bet me a galleon that Eleanor wouldn’t come and bother us while we were on the train. I think he was being kind because it was obvious she would and Lewis must’ve sussed that I don’t have a galleon to give him. I was right. The evil one came after about five minutes, using the same disgusting names as before. Lewis told her to back off, but she didn’t listen.
“He said back off, Yaxley,” a voice came from behind us. I turned, surprised.
“What’s your problem?” a different girl’s voice said.
“Allow us to introduce ourselves, Katherine. I’m Cody and this is Lights. We’re twins. First-years as well,” Cody smiled at me. It was easy to tell they were twins, yet they looked so...different. Cody had her hair tied up in a tight braid and Lights had it loose. They both had blonde hair and identical faces. Cody had a determined look and seemed a bit of a tomboy. Lights looked easygoing, all dressed in pink. “Yaxley’s family are old– say, enemies of ours,” they said at the exact same time. Poppy did back off and Lewis looked impressed.
“Want to sit with us?” he offered. They sat down opposite us, laying down some sweets that they’d brought from the food trolley.
“What’s this?” I asked them, holding up a little package labelled “Chocolate Frog”.
“Basically a frog made of chocolate. They’re hard to catch, though. And each one has a card inside it about a famous wizard. I collect them. It’s just Harry Potter that I need now. You know that he was my Great-Granddad’s best friend? Ron Weasley was his name,’ Lewis sat up, proudly. The twins looked impressed, but I didn’t actually know who this Harry Potter person was.
“Harry Potter?” I asked, blankly. They looked at me, apparently gobsmacked.
“You don’t know the greatest wizard of all t– Oh, yeah, your a muggle-born. He defeated Voldemort who was taking over the world and murdering everyone. That’s pretty much it,” Lewis explained. “I expect we’ll learn about it in History of Magic. Or not– Eleanor said that it’s the only subject taught by a ghost and it’s ultra boring,” he added, as I reached forward to a little packet of Bertie Botts Every Flavour BEANS! I expected they were like the ice-cream, so I took some. The first one I tried was red chilli. My friends laughed, good-humouredly at my bright red face.
Suddenly, the train came to a halt outside some golden carriages pulled by three amazing things with wings that looked a bit like horses. “Wow, they’re amazing!” I said to Lewis as we got off. “The wings are a bit like bat wings, aren’t they?” I noticed.
“What are?” he said blankly. “There’s nothing there. Just some carriages pulled by nothing. The way it’s always been,” Lewis said. I must’ve sounded mad.
“Bu-,” I stopped. There was no point. It was really weird how I could see them, but he couldn’t.
“We can see them too,” the twins chorused in unity. “They’re thestrals. You can only see them if you’ve seen death,” they whispered. I could see them looking upset at this point, so I didn’t ask. I saw my dad dye. It was horrible.
We climbed into the carriages, one by one. All the first-years round us were muttering and whispering about how nervous they were about the sorting. I wasn’t too bothered until I heard this. Did it really matter?
“What if my family are disappointed in me?”
“What if I’m Slytherin?”
“My whole family have been in Slytherin, what if I’m GRYFFINDOR?”
Now I’m worried No, now I’m really worried.