82. Careful Vine|| Erin Heyman <3 || Tagalog Forum || RonMione forever || ENGR <333 LITTLE SISTER  82. Careful It'll be Christmas in three days time. Erin and Mum were doing some Christmas decorations.
"Mum, why'sh your belly's growing that much?" asked Erin while putting a mouthful of gummy bears in her mouth.
"Because, I am carrying your little sister. Didn't we already talk about that dear? You will be a big sister soon."
"How'd you find out that it's my sister inside? Can she even breathe in there?"
"Look," gesturing Erin to touch her womb. OH. "Please be careful, honey. See, she's moving."
"What if it's a dog Mum? Or a cat? They kick too," said Erin seriously.
Last edited by WitchLight27; 07-08-2012 at 11:52 AM.