Thread: Harry Potter: Katherine: Her Hogwarts Story - Sa9+
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Old 12-27-2011, 08:19 PM   #8 (permalink)
george is cool
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Pigfarts, Mars (GMT)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sinead O'Dowd
First Year
To PIGFARTS and beyond! ♥ Where the sky is blue ♥

Originally Posted by Droo View Post
Great new chapter! Don't worry about me! I don't get offended easily. I love the avvie!
Awww! Thank you!
*Yawns* I'm tired from writing.

Chapter three
What I experienced then wasn’t good. It involved slapping, more shouting and more screaming. I don’t understand why she hates me so much, I really don’t. She used to be much nicer before my dad died, though. It must be why she’s never in a good mood. But now it’s time to go! We live very near Kings Cross station, so I’m expected to walk there myself. I get the option of staying at Christmas and Easter at my wonderful new school. It’s a shame I can’t stay summer too. But I’ll definitely take the offer.

I went down the stairs, humming with a giant grin on my face. I said goodbye to my mum, with no expression and, I know it’s terrible, no sadness that I had to leave her. Picking up my heavy trunk and holding my owl, which I had named Bianca, in her cage in my other hand. I crossed the road, walked up Downing street, crossed another road and I was there. It was really busy. Everyone seemed to be travelling by train. I saw platform eight, hurrying to the next. And the next. I looked at my letter. Platform nine and three quarters? It just wasn’t there. “Excuse me, sir, could you tell me how to get to Platform nine and three quarters?” I asked a guy in a uniform who looked like staff. As soon as I’d said it, I knew that it had made him think I was crazy. He laughed, but looked puzzled. “Three kids have asked me that this morning,” he said. “And the answer is that it doesn’t exist,” he added. I was really surprised. Was this all some sort of joke? The letter had looked real enough.

Then I saw a quite old woman with three sons and two daughters, all with bright red hair. They looked jolly and relaxed- except their mother. She was flustering round, hurrying them towards a brick wall. A brick wall? She saw me watching her and kindly checked on me. “Are you okay, dear?” she asked me. It was risky, but she looked the one that could help me. “I–I don’t suppose you know how to board the Hogwarts train, miss? I’m a muggle-born,” I said, hoping that she was a witch. “And first -year, I s’pose? Yes, my son, Lewis will be in your year, too. Just walk through this wall. I’m Megan Weasley. Watch Eleanor, now,” Mrs Weasley smiled at me. Suddenly, one of her daughters just– well, disappeared through the wall. I tried next, really worried that I’d crash and wouldn’t get through. I found myself on a funny sort of platform, with signs saying nine and three quarters. The train was just pulling in. Lewis stood next to me, his face shining as he waved to his mum. “Isn’t it brilliant to finally go to Hogwarts?” he beamed at me, not at all shy. I nodded. He obviously was well educated on wizardry. He’d probably be best in the year. I looked towards the other children. “Are they all your brothers and sisters? I’m an only child,” I said. “Lucky thing,” Lewis smiled. “And you’re a muggle-born right?” he asked. A girl must’ve overheard our conversation. She came up with two others behind her. “Not ANOTHER mudblood. Hanging with a blood-traitor. Filth, I tell you,” she sighed, meanly. Lewis’ ears turned red. I didn’t know exactly what her language meant, but it was obviously something bad. “Mudblood’s a dirty word for muggle-born. And blood-traitor means pure-bloods who show respect to muggles. We’re the biggest blood-traitor family in England. That’s Poppy Yaxley, great grand-daughter of Death Eaters,” Lewis muttered to me. I knew what pure-bloods and half-bloods were, though. And Death Eaters. It was all explained in the letter except dirty names. “Back off, Yaxley,” he said, suddenly louder. “Are you proud to be a pure-blood. A pure-blood great grand-daughter of Death Eaters. Mmm, being evil really gets you loads of friends. Oh yeah, it doesn’t. But you seem to have plenty of followers. They do all your errands and everything,” Lewis had taken him by surprise. Poppy seemed to be taken aback. She scowled, walked away and turned. “I’ll get you back for that, Weasley,” she said, turning back to make a, most likely horrible, comment to her cronies. Lewis just laughed, but I could tell he was upset, really.
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