Thread: Harry Potter: Katherine: Her Hogwarts Story - Sa9+
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Old 12-27-2011, 10:37 AM   #4 (permalink)
george is cool
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sinead O'Dowd
First Year
To PIGFARTS and beyond! ♥ Where the sky is blue ♥

Aww! Thank you!
Droo: Please to not be offended by my avatar.
I've been in a writing mood this morning:

Chapter 2
A few days later, I went to visit the strange, cobbled street. I had my list of books and uniform and whatever clutched in my hand. I went by myself. My mother had left me alone, so she could get some things in non-wizarding London. Before anything else, like the head had said in her letter, I went to exchange my muggle money for wizarding gold, so I could buy my school supplies.
Next, I went into a little shop called Madam Malkin’s robes for all occasions. The woman in there was very kind, fussing round. She didn’t need the list to know what robes first-years would need.

I then went into Ollivander’s, an ancient shop where wizards had brought their wands for generations. The headmistress had told me all about each shop. A man got me to wave loads of different wands to find just the right one. It was a slight disaster. A few that I tried made boxes and things go flying everywhere, but the man wasn’t fussed. He just flicked his own wand and everything went back to it’s place. I’ll never be able to do magic as well as that. I finally found the perfect one. “Hmm, 10.3" mahogany wood with a dragon heartstring core and a sturdy quality. Seems about right,” the shopkeeper said. ‘Would you like to purchase a case?’ he added. I did, as I wasn’t sure whether I needed one or not, but it sounded like a useful accessory. I thanked him, wondering out of the shop.

I also needed to get my potions ingredients, stationary, a pet (not needed, but I really wanted an owl) and there’s a joke shop called Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes which looks excellent– I want to see wizard pranks and jokes, but I saw a big ice-cream parlour and as it was a hot summer’s day, I decided to go in. There were all sorts of strange flavours as well as the usual. I asked the shopkeeper what the Bertie Botts every flavour ice-cream was. She said that it was a suprise what you got and I better watch out. I decided to be daring and try one– I nearly threw up on that first lick. Soap! I got used to it. There was a little kid on the table next to me with his mum. He had vomit flavour, so I suppose I should count myself lucky.

I looked at my watch after finishing the ice-cream. I was meant to meet my mum in 5 minutes! I ran towards the Apothecary and picked up the ingredients. There was a long queue and I realised I’d be there a while. Luckily, it went down very quickly and I was at the front in no time. I paid, then ran to my next stop: Eeylops owl Emporium. I saw a beautiful white owl who I fell in love with straight away.
I was really tight for time, so I debated with myself whether to go to WWW or not. I decided that my mother would be late as usual and she wouldn’t get too cross. When I opened the door of the colourful shop, I was amazed. It was crowded with people. Headless hats! Dungbombs! Ton tongue toffee! Everything I could possibly imagine! I grabbed some of the toffee and a headless hat. They were the things that really caught my eye.

Then I ran the length of the street and went through the bar back to muggle London. When I reached the spot where I was meant to be meeting my mother, she was there, yelling at me. “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I’VE BEEN REALLY WORRIED! I WAS ABOUT TO CALL THE POLICE TO LOOK FOR YOU!” she screamed. Exaggerating as usual. Why my mother’s so horrible, I don’t know. “I-It took a little while to find all my supplies,” I stammered, feeling uncomfortable. Everyone was staring at us, now. “Come on, you brat,” my mum dragged me towards the car. I can’t wait to leave for Hogwarts.
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