Join Date: Apr 2009 Location: The Losers Club
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Billie Love Stemp Gryffindor Fifth Year x3
| Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. Chapter Two ‘Dear Mr. Riley…’ Summer 2076
I found out that I was a wizard more than a year ago and it seems like so long ago and parts of it dragged because all I wanted to do was to finish year six and go to Hoggywarts with Brookie.
Mr. Headmastery didn’t write back, though, and that was annoying because I still wasn’t sure whether or not I could tell my Mum and so I didn’t, and because she didn’t know I had to go to a magic school I had to take lots of exams to see what Secondary School I could go to. I had to take Entrance Exams and SATs and I tried really, really hard even though I find that hard sometimes because I wanted to make sure if I didn’t get a letter from Hogwarts I would at least be going to a good school that Ryan wouldn’t be able to get into because he’s even less clever than me.
I didn’t really want to have to go to a Muggle school with Ryan and without Brooke, but I couldn’t be so sure that I would get a letter even if Brookie and her Mum said that I would.
The post came this morning and there was a letter for me which is really unusual and I got all excited. I opened it with Mum and not Dad because he’s away being important again. I’m not supposed to ask where he’s going or when he’ll be coming back because Oskar said that it upsets Mum and that Dad is a very important and a very brave man doing good things for the Army or something. He has a uniform with lots of badges on it and they’re always shiny like his shoes. So I opened my letter, and Mum was almost as excited as me, but I didn’t know why she would be because she didn’t know that I was magical and that this was probably my letter from Hogwarts.
It wasn’t, though.
Mum was excited because it was the letter telling me which Entrance Exams I had passed and which school I was going to go to in September. That made me feel a bit sad because it wasn’t from Hogwarts, but I couldn’t tell her that and I had to pretend to be excited even though I wasn’t. When I’d been looking at schools I had to write my top three on a list and my first one was the BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology. That was first because it’s the school my Mum teaches at and the school that Oskar and Emiline go to, and before I found out that I was a wizard I wanted to go there, too. I can’t remember what was second, but last was Croydon Secondary which was the big school of my little school.
I got in to the BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology, and Mum and Oskar said well-done but Emiline only gave me a nasty look because she didn’t want me going to the same school as her. I was just about to start pretending to be happy when the doorbell rang, and Mum got up to answer it. I looked through the rest of the post, but there wasn’t any more for me so I decided to sleep with my fingers crossed for luck and wish for my letter to come the next day. Then Mum came back into the living room and she was with a man that I didn’t recognise and she had a very funny look on her face.
“Darwin,” she said to me. “This is Mr. -” And I didn’t catch his name because I was too busy looking at the letter he had in his hand, and that letter had my name on it, which was weird.
“Hello, Sir,” I said, because I didn’t know his name and he was smiling at me and I didn’t want to be rude.
“Good morning, Mr. Riley,” he said, and he smiled at me and Mum, and then Mum told him to sit down, and he sat down in the chair opposite me. “I’m a teacher at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry.” When he said this, I grinned but Mum just looked even more confused than she had been before.
“It’s about time!” I said, and then the teacher laughed but Mum looked shocked. “I mean, sorry, but I…”
“It’s okay,” the man said, and he was laughing so didn’t feel so bad for being rude to him. “Although I would like to know how you know about Hogwarts?”
“My bestie-for-life-with-no-takesies-backsies-or-swapsies told me. She’s a witch and her Mum is, too, and I thought I was evil because I could make the merry-go-round move but then she told me that I must be magic.” The man laughed at this and then gave me the letter in his hand and then began to talk some more, although he was really talking to my mum now because I don’t think that he thought I was listening.
“Darwin, here, is a wizard. I know that it may sound strange, or like a joke, but I do promise that it isn’t.”
“Of course it sounds like a joke! Wizards, magic? I…” Her voice faltered a little, as he pulled out a stick – a wand – from his pocket and waved it and made all of the pictures on the windowsill disappear, and then reappear. “Oh, well that’s… magic.” My mum sounded faintly impressed and sat up a little straighter. “So are you saying that Darwin… Darwin can do… that?”
“I’m not saying that he can now, but – should you choose to allow him to attend Hogwarts, then one day he should.”
Then they started talking about costs and where I would find school supplies and something about a train but I wasn’t really listening because I had just opened my letter. *
Two hours later the teacher from Hogwarts had left my Mum with a train ticket and directions to some place or other, and I had got dressed and brushed my teeth and ran all the way to the Abandoned Playground with my letter and I was very nearly late but Brooke said she’d only been waiting for a minute.
“Did you get it?” she said, and I grinned as we both held up our letters.
“Yeah, and a teacher came from the school to explain to my Mum,” I replied. She told me that no one had come to explain to her, but that her mum had said that was normal because she was a witch and already knew all about it. “But there’s a list – stuff that we need to get. And I don’t know where to get it from. Mum said something about an alley –”
“YEAH! Diago-Diagon Alley! I went with CeCe last year, it’s awesome, and they sell EVERYTHING. Oh, and Mom said you could come with us, if you want?”
“I can? Thanks! Where is it? How do we get there?” I was full of questions because I hadn’t been this excited since a year ago when I found out about magic and Hogwarts, in the same place.
“Course you can! It’s only in the City Centre, so Daddy usually drives us there and then you go in through this pub… but I can’t remember what it’s called.” We live in Croydon which is in Greater London, in the South, so I knew that the City Centre was only about half an hour away from there because I’d been there a lot with my Mum and Dad when my Dad was home.
We spent the rest of the day comparing our lists even though they were exactly the same and therefore there wasn’t much to compare until we had to go home otherwise we’d get into trouble. *
“Dee?” Only Oskar ever calls me that because Mum and Dad call me Darwin and Brooke calls me Dar and Emiline calls me ‘idiot’ so I knew who it was before he’d even come into my bedroom.
“Yes?” I only said it to be polite and carried on looking at my letter because it was so amazing and it was proof that I was magical. I put it back into the envelope when he sat on my Spiderman bedcovers next to me, though, and looked at him.
“Is it true? That you’re, magical?” He added, when he saw that I didn’t know what he was on about and then I nodded, and he looked at me in amazement. “Can you show me?” he asked. I looked away from him then, and still didn’t say anything and I focused instead on my Spiderman water bottle that was the table on the other side of the room and it came spinning over and smacked Oskar in the face.
“Whoops,” I was giggling (yes, giggling! My voice hasn’t broked yet so it sounded funny) and Oskar joined in with a chuckle and then handed me the bottle.
“That’s pretty darn awesome, Dee,” he admitted and I thought I heard a little jealousy in his voice. “Don’t teach Emiline any spells though, she’ll try and curse you or something.”
“I don’t think it works like that, Oskar,” I shook my head a little as I spoke because first of all, she would need to be magical which I’m pretty sure she isn’t because if she was she would have been bragging forever, and second she’d need a wand. “She’s not magical.”
“I’m just kidding, just kidding.” His voice was still full of awe and surprise and excitement and a little bit of jealousy.
“I knew that.” I replied almost automatically even though I really hadn’t clocked onto the joke until then. I looked around, and he was just staring at me in amazement because he couldn’t believe that such a thing even existed. “I can still be in your film though, right?” Oskar does filming at school and wants to be a producer or a director thing when he’s older and he promised me that I could be in one of his films when I was bigger.
“Sure you can.” He was stood up now, and stretching and then he walked towards my bedroom door. “Hey, maybe you can even help me with the special effects.”
I still don’t get what he meant by that.
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽