Months, then a year, came and went. Andromeda never thought twice about choosing Ted Tonks. He was caring to everyone, he treated her like a princess, and that was that. She’d told her family about him once the two became serious, but she’d left out the one important detail of his parentage. Surprisingly, none of them had asked about Ted’s bloodline yet. It was probably because they were too preoccupied with their own lives. Andromeda planned on delaying the Black family’s punishment for however long this secret could continue.
Her face lit up when Ted knocked on her door one December afternoon. She unlocked it to let in her handsome boyfriend.
Ted beamed back at her and said, “How’s my Dromeda doing on this fine day?”
“She’s spectacular, especially now that you’re here,” Andromeda replied, blushing. Ted had always been the only guy who could make her go red in the face, just by using those adorable greetings.
He kissed her on the cheek. “Ready to go?”
She nodded, grabbing her coat from the closet. “You still haven’t told me where we’re going, Ted Tonks!” she joked in a serious voice, slipping her hand into his.
Ted chuckled. “Now, now, I can’t tell you that, or it wouldn’t be a surprise…” He led her outdoors, where they stood in front of a random flower pot. Andromeda knew right away that this wasn’t randomly placed.
“We’re taking a Portkey,” Ted confirmed, “and you’ll ask no questions until we get there.”
She put a hand to her mouth, mocking indignation. “
Well, look who turned all bossy! What have you done to my boyfriend?”
He kept silent, grinning as he brought their hands to the Portkey. Andromeda felt nauseous while they spun to their destination. Portkey was her least favorite way of traveling, but she wasn’t going to complain to Ted. The trip would end in seconds, anyways, so she could deal with a moment of discomfort.
She found herself overlooking the ocean, standing on a beautiful white cliff that was covered in grass. In her wildest dreams, she never imagined that she would get to see this view. True, she could’ve Apparated there in an instant, but her job ensured that she was constantly busy. It barely gave her time to think, save for during the holidays, which were coming to a close.
“We’re on the cliffs of Dover!” she told Ted excitedly. “I’ve always wanted to come here.” A knot suddenly grew inside her when she realized what was about to happen.
“I remembered you telling me that at least once before,” Ted said, squeezing her hand, “and I always wanted to be the one to take you there. More than one year ago, you made a choice, Andromeda Mira Black. For the life of me, I still don’t know why you did it. You chose me, despite your family tradition of being with pure-bloods. Not to mention the fact that I’m a total klutz, and I’m pretty shy-”
Andromeda never liked when Ted put himself down, so she interrupted by playing with his hair. “Really, Ted, stop that negative talk,” she insisted. “You’re wonderful just the way you are.”
He lifted her chin. “I love to hear you say that. Nothing compares to the love you’ve shown me, putting yourself in danger along the way. It’s a shame that I’ve only got one thing to repay you with… Now, close your eyes.”
She did as she was told, feeling him move away from her.
“Okay,” Ted announced, “you can open them.” With his wand, he had written four heart-stopping words in mid-air, glowing red. She glanced downwards to see him kneeling in front of her with a ring in his hand.
He asked, “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
For most young women being proposed to, this wouldn’t take much consideration. Andromeda didn’t have that luxury. There was more at stake here: her family. For twenty years, they had taken care of her when she was ill, celebrated holidays and birthdays with her, comforted her when she was sad. Regardless of their dark magic, they were still family. Betraying them would mean the ultimate heartbreak. But their hatred of Muggles and Muggle-borns sickened her to no end. She had two choices: go with some ancient rule that she didn’t believe in, or marry the man that she loved. When she thought of it that way, her answer was simple.
Knowing the consequences, knowing that her life would change drastically, she enthusiastically said, “Yes.”
Ted stood and picked her up like she was the lightest weight in the world. He placed the ring on her finger; then she seized his face and pressed her lips on his.
After she let go, he brought her back to the ground. “And now for the hard part,” Ted pronounced with a grimace. “You’ve got to give the news to your Mum, Dad, and sisters…”
Tell me about it. This won’t be fun,” Andromeda sullenly replied.
He assured her, “Well, no matter what, we’ll get through it together.”
Andromeda went home and prepared for what would probably be the worst day of her life. She was sure of one thing, though: Ted Tonks could soften the blow.
“There's so many wars we fought;
There's so many things we're not;
But with what we have,
I promise you that
We're marching on.”