79. Authors Choice ♥ Belive ♥ Slytherin ♥ 08/01/14 ♥ 79. Authors Choice | Stuck In the Moment December 18, 2001 One of the days when I was happy, running out into the slow falling snow with my arms out and my face towards the sky.
I'd laugh and he could come up to me and hug me and we would twirl, then he kissed me.
It was happy moments, because now I have someone who doesn't do that, someone who won't chase after me and laugh along.
I felt alone, almost unwanted. I don't understand how I could have liked him for so long and got stuck like this, how? I was stuck in the moment of laughter and love.
Last edited by PhoenixWizard; 02-21-2012 at 01:15 AM.