34. Parseltongue ♥ Belive ♥ Slytherin ♥ 08/01/14 ♥ 34. Parseltongue November 1, 1994 It was Astoria’s second year in Hogwarts and everyone was talking about how Harry Potter cheated and put his name in the Goblet of Fire. Something’s Astoria heard, she questioned if they are true or not.
One of them was he can speak Parseltongue. All she knew about Parseltongue was only the heir of Slytherin could speak it, but Harry Potter wasn’t a Slytherin, he was a Gryffindor. This confused Astoria.
Also two years ago it caused the Chamber of Secrets to open. So could Harry speak Parseltongue? Many people said they heard him. But what does Parseltongue sound like?
Last edited by PhoenixWizard; 02-21-2012 at 01:14 AM.