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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions
Hey everyone, good day to each of you and I hope everything is going your way. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Next chapter is Chapter 20; "Bat Bogey's Fly At The Ministry"
narnia_potter; Hey Rachel, thanks for reading and commenting. I'm thrilled you loved this chapter so much. As far as my making this Christian; God being an ever present part of my life I must be very careful not to offend any reader, or go against SS rules on writing religion; but I had to write the way a pastor would be. Quote:
I take it the pastor (Josiah (?)) is a wizard? I love what he did to the boys and how he did the total opposite to the girls.
No, Pastor Josiah is a Muggle, but he is certainly aware of witches and wizards. I couldn't bring myself to have a pastor having an unfair advantage over sinners;  especially since the Bible teaches against witchcraft and sorcery. JK Rowling fictionalized this, so we get to have a bit of leniency in writing it ourselves. Because males and females are so very different in their way of thinking, Pastor Josiah needed for the guys to make sure they were building their marriage on a solid foundation. If they came away from the war with bitterness and contempt then the foundation they laid for their marriage would be insufficient to build a lasting and loving marriage on. With the girls, he needed to make sure they were going to furnish their marriages with a loving bond that would adhere and unite themselves and their husbands to be, as one for the rest of their lives. Quote:
Thank you for making Harry not aa stereotypical guy.
I think JK did a wonderful job creating Harry to be special in every aspect of his being. I would not and could not write him as a typical guy, because he just isn't, and if I wrote him to be a typical guy then he wouldn't fit into the story. And besides; he is my hero, and heroes aren't typical. 
Thanks for all your sweet and kind words Rachel.
Ladybug; Hey Eviee, thanks for reading and commenting. I enjoyed writing this chapter, and was a little concerned that I went a little overboard with what Harry was telling Ron. I'm so glad it was excepted, because I wrote what I believe to be the truth. Thanks Eviee.
Droo; Hey Droo, thanks so much! I might be sending you a chapter from my next ff. It is darker and a bit steamy in places, but certainly not inappropriate. I just don't know for sure if it should have to be placed in +16. Thanks Droo.
Chapter 19
A Bit Of Cloak And Dagger
When the couples turned up at Diagon Alley, Harry rested with his back against the Jewelers’ store. This way of traveling was beginning to take its toll on Harry. He looked around silently.
“Come on Harry; let’s get inside out of the sun. You’ll feel better,” said Hermione.
“Hang on a second; let me get my breath.” He was breathing hard, but he was more concerned with looking about. Then they went in and started looking at ring sets.
“Ginny, hand me the diamond you picked out this morning for your ring, and then pick out any band set you want.” She handed it to Harry and started carefully searching each trio of bands. Hermione went right to a set she had already picked out. She showed it to Ron, and he asked her was that the one she wanted, or the least expensive for him to buy.
“I know they’re expensive, and …”
Ron kissed her temple. “Choose one you love as much as me,” he said with a smile.
“I know you wouldn’t be able to afford that one. But, ok I’ll look around for another one. I choose that one over there. The third one from the left and two rows down.” she said excitedly.
“So, you had a different one in mind all along huh?”
She smiled and squeezed his hand as she pulled him over to look at the ring trio she picked out. “Only close to a year and a half. Aren’t they gorgeous? The diamond is modest enough, but also noticeable. I don’t want any women looking at my man, but they can look at my ring,” she laughed. And look, your band matches my wedding band. See the tiny diamonds. They look like they’ve been sprinkled into the gold when it was being smelted.”
“Oh yeah, that’s great. I love it.”
Ron looked over at Ginny and Harry to see how they were doing. Harry wasn’t looking at the rings, but out the windows. Then he turned slowly, his eyes taking in the store. He looked at Ginny and smiled when she asked if he liked the ones she was pointing out. Ron thought his behavior was odd and was going to be upset if he didn’t indulge Ginny with his attention. It was obvious Harry was losing his strength and worn out, but, this was a special time for Ginny and he wanted it to be memorable for her.
“Harry? I think I’ve made up my mind. What do you think of these ones?” She pointed to a trio set. I think the diamond I picked out will be able to fit ok.”
“Harry turned around noting his surroundings. He smiled at Ginny. Her happiness was glowing all around her. She was beautiful. He looked at the trio set. Yeah, those are perfect Ginny. But, Honey there's no need to worry about the fitting; the band can be adjusted to fit the gem. Are you still sure this is the one you want?”
“Yes. Oh Harry, I love them. Do you like the husbands’ band?”
“Yes, I do. It’s very nice. I’m really glad it’s not flashy. I wouldn’t have been comfortable with it.” He squeezed her to him in a one armed hug, and kissed the side of her head. “Sir, are you the proprietor?”
Ron looked around. He didn’t see anyone. He was beginning to think Harry was losing it, when out of the shadows stepped a man he hadn’t noticed before.
“Yes, I am Mr. Green. I own this establishment. I was only observing so the young ladies could make their decisions without pressure from me trying to sell them something out of their means.” He turned to the girls. “Have you made your choices?”
“Yes, I have,” they said at the same time.
“Ok, let’s see what we have. Shall we do yours first madam?” His voice was oily and he was very generous with his smiles and compliments, as he tended to Hermione. Hermione was beaming with the attention she was getting over her choice. He assured her she had picked the best rings suited for the quality of lady she was.
“Now, what have you picked young lady?” He was in front of Ginny now. She smiled shyly at the man, and pointed to her choice.
“Oh but surely you want something more eloquent to compliment your obvious beauty. This is a charming little set, but,” he moved over to higher priced ones. “These ones would look stunning on your dainty hand.”
Harry spoke up and handed the jeweler the diamond Ginny picked out. “Please replace the stone in whatever ring she picks out with this one.”
He took the gem, and looked at it carefully. This is exquisite and the artisan who cut it did a very good job, but please Mr. Potter, I could have done a much nicer job of it. If you ever have the need to get another diamond cut, allow me the honor of doing it for you.”
Ginny told him she would be very happy with the one she picked out.
The man rapped his wand on it and the diamond came out and then he rapped it again, and Ginny’s diamond went in.
“Thank you sir, I’m sure the craftsman did the best he could sir, and I’ll not forget you.” Harry made a slight shift in his stance and then grabbed Ginny’s hand and urgently told Ron that he and Ginny was going to go on to Hogwarts. He did a spell and duplicates replaced the ring sets Ginny picked. “Finish up here as if you came in by yourselves. I’ll explain later. We’ll meet at the Burrow after you get back from telling Hermione’s parents about the wedding, and Gin and I go to Hogwarts.” He pulled out his invisibility cloak.
“What’s going on Harry? What happened?” he looked at the jeweler who now, he sees is not moving and has a hazed look on his face. “I had to put a memory charm on him. He won’t remember Gin and me being here. And neither will the man in the back.” They looked shocked and peeked around the corner to the man in the back room. “He was in South Africa when I was at the Dealers Exchange legalizing my ownership of the mine. This sneaky jeweler knew me by name, and he knew this was a diamond from my mine.”
“But Harry, that doesn’t mean anything. I think you’re just used to everything bad happening and you…”
“Hermione stop. You always doubt me. I have some sort of complex or I’m imagining things,” he said annoyed. “When I took over ownership of the mine I went there and put an enchantment on it. Everything that comes out of it has my mark on it. Every diamond here, excluding Hermione‘s first one she picked and the ones in that same case, has my mark on it. They are getting these diamonds from the black market.”
Ron took the ring from Hermione and looked at it closely. “I don’t see anything Harry. That man in there could have been at the exchange on legitimate business, and as far as this guy knowing you; well… you’re a very famous person Harry. Everyone knows you. You can‘t prove any of what you just said mate.” Ron was trying to sound reasonable, but he was mostly defending Hermione.
“Again with the proving,” he said with an undertone of impatience. Hermione, when did you first see this ring? You said you already had it picked out.”
She thought and said it was about a year and a half ago. “That’s the same time I became the owner. Look… when I got home and you all could see me, none of you knew me. You didn’t recognize me. I had to prove who I was, and then you all said it was hard to believe it was me, because I looked so different. How is it then that the people I’m closest to didn’t know me, but this git who I’ve never seen before, knew me the minute we walked into the room?” Then he waved his wand across the diamonds and an image of a lightning bolt like the one on his forehead was shimmering in the air over all the diamonds Harry had just mentioned. “How is it that all these diamonds are here when I haven’t started exporting them yet? I’ve been modernizing the mine, rebuilding the shafts for safety. This will more than likely be the first case we solve after our Honeymoon.” He tapped the counter and all the lightning bolts disappeared.
“Now, Gin and I have got to get out of here before they come around. We’ll see you at the Burrow later. You two stay here and make like you came in by yourselves and go on about how wonderful Ron is for splurging on your ring or whatever. Just make it look like nothing else was going on. Oh this won’t do.” He pointed his wand at the proprietor and moved him so he was in front of Ron and Hermione. He took Ginny; they got under the cloak and just made it out the door when the two men came around.
Ron hesitated then fell into a performance like he’d never given before. He radiated a smile that would melt a glacier. “Yes, she is a quality woman, and that’s a fact. Mione Dear, are you sure this is the ring you want? Maybe a bigger one would be better. Anyone you want is fine by me.”
Hermione smiled and thanked him for his generosity. “I’m very happy with this one. I love you so much Ron.”
They paid for the rings and walked out of the store as if they didn’t have a care in the world. Then they walked into a bakery as if they were going to make a purchase. But they went on through, and out the back door and Apparated to her parent’s house. |