Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions
Hey everyone, sorry I'm so late getting this posted. My Internet and all has been out and it just came on a bit ago. This chapter is a bit long, but I hope you all like it anyway. Next Friday will be Chapter 19, "A Bit Of Cloak And Dagger" Counting the next chapter there will be five chapters remaining in this story. Thank you all for reading, and please enjoy this chapter.
narnia_potter; Hey Rachel, I'm glad you're feeling better. Thanks for reading and commenting; it was a fun chapter to write. I can't wait until you read the wedding, and give me your opinion on it. I loved it if I do say so myself.  Thanks Rachel
Droo; Hey Droo, thank you for reading and commenting. Big sigh, Ron is just Ron I guess, but I can't really fault him on his unromantic self this time; Harry did put him on the spot.  He does make up for it later though.  He just slips into those moments where he's just Ron getting what needs to be done no matter how sloppy he is about it. I wonder if maybe his maturing was stunted when Harry left.  But any way; he does redeem himself throughout the next story, especially at the end. Starting with this chapter we'll see Ron start to grow up, but he won't lose his lovable self. I think Hermione chose well after all.  Thanks Droo
Ladybug; Hey Eviee thanks for reading and commenting. I'm glad you liked the roo's, you haven't seen the last of them yet. And what of Charlie, George and Percy; do you think they learned their lesson?  Thanks Eviee
Chapter 18
A Memorable Trip To Godric’s Hollow
As the two couples walked through the yard, Harry started talking to Ron with a plan he had. “Ron, while I was away I got to thinking about what I was going to do until I’m accepted me into the Auror’s program. And well, I don’t know what kind of job you have right now, but I was thinking of opening a Detective Agency of my own, and having you as my partner.” He held out his hand to Ron, and a bag appeared. “This is a full month earnings if you want to be my partner. If you don’t want to then I understand, and you can use this to help out with the wedding dress, rings, and stuff.”
Ron grinned taking the bag. “I’d really like that mate. So, it’d be like Sherlock Holmes and Watson then?”
“No, I don’t think so mate. I don’t want to start a partnership arguing who gets to be Watson. Everyone knows that Watson did all the work. On the other hand, that duo was in my opinion more like a master and slave thing. I don’t want to be anyone’s slave, and I don’t want that for you either. So, it’ll be like when we were at Hogwarts and just figured things out, and worked together.”
“But who would be the boss?” Ron asked cautiously.
They stopped at the gate, and Harry looked at Ron to study his face for clues of what was on his mind. “I wasn’t really thinking of there being a boss. When we did things always before it was all of us putting in our ideas and then deciding what idea was the best. That’s what I always thought anyway. Do you remember it being different than that?”
“I remember it that way too, but it always ended up being your way was the best.”
“You’re wrong on that Ron. I’m not going to split hairs though. If there has to be a boss, then I guess it will be me. I will be doing all the paperwork for the government and taking the flack if there are problems. I’m funding the business entirely on my own. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“How am I wrong? We’ve always ended up doing your ideas.” Ron shot back.
“That’s different than what you said before. Before, you said we did my ideas because they were the best. And I’m saying they weren’t always the best.”
“I’d like you to name one time that your idea wasn’t the best.” Ron pleaded his case.
“Really Ron? Does this have anything to do with being my partner? Why did Serious die? Because of my stupidity; it was my idea to go to the Ministry. Hermione begged and pleaded with me not to go. I said I was going and my friends, all of whom could have been killed, went with me. That definitely counts as a wrong idea to me. It was my idea to wear the Horcrux necklace. No matter what my reason to wear it was, it was a bad idea to wear it. It lost us you for a while, and it nearly killed me three times. Once when it kept me from being able to call on my Patronus, I nearly didn’t get away from the Dementors. Another time was when it started to attach itself to my chest, burrowing into my heart. I was sick from Nygini’s venom, and Hermione saved me from it then. And then, when it nearly drowned me, and you saved me. So, yeah wearing the Horcrux was another bad idea. Am I to keep coming up with bad ideas I had Ron, or can we just move on? Do you want to be my partner like I asked, or you’d rather keep the job you have now?”
Ron looked at Harry who was now leaning heavily on Ginny, and hunched over more than just slightly. His forearm was tightly pressing his lower torso and his jaw clenched tight when he wasn’t talking. Also, he was visibly trembling.
“Look Mate, I don’t know what got into me. You are a born leader, and I have always been a follower. I would follow you to the moon if you were going. Yeah, Harry, I want to be your partner, and I accept you as the boss.”
Just then, they heard a commotion from the Burrow. It sounded as if the house was under attack, and they were putting up a fight. Harry and Ron both turned and started to run in when suddenly they heard everything go quiet and then Molly yelling at George, Percy, and Charlie.
“Let’s get out of here! Ron? Help me?”
Ron grabbed him tightly around the waist and they all Apparated away to the Parsonage of the Church in Godric’s Hollow where they were going to be married. Harry handed Ginny a bag of gold and told the girls to go get the dresses and everything they needed. Ron handed Hermione the bag Harry gave him, but she handed it back.
“I’ve had my dress for ages Ron. I’ve just been waiting for you to ask me.” The two of them started getting all ga ga when Harry interrupted them.
“Could you guys just hold that thought for the time being, so we can get on with this? I need to get inside and sit down quickly, or you’re gonna have to carry me.”
The girls hurried away with worry over Harry, and excitement of shopping for Ginny’s dress. They were already talking about Hermione’s dress and what dress shop she got it from. Harry had his arm swung up over Ron’s shoulders hanging on with his head drooping, and Ron had him tightly around the waist guiding them to the Parsonage doorbell.
The Pastor answered the door and looked bewildered at the two young men. Harry raised his head, but Ron was the one who spoke first. He was excited and completely on board with getting married and getting a great job. “We’re getting married and want you to marry us!” he spouted happily.
“Err, no … Ron…” Harry looked quickly at the pastor. He wished his head wasn’t throbbing so loudly in his ears, and he wished he could just get inside to sit down for a spell so his stomach would start behaving. It would help too, if the Pastor would stop swaying, both of them. It hit him then that he was about to pass out.
“Please Sir, might we be able to come in and sit down? Our fiancés are off getting their wedding dresses, and we came here to ask if you would perform a double wedding for us in the church tonight at seven o‘clock. I‘m really not feeling well at all, could we …”
“Yes! Yes, please come in and set down. Forgive me of my poor manners.” He opened the door wide and helped them to seats. “Now, tonight you say. It is my normality to council a couple on marriage for four weeks before I agree to marry them. Are the girls in trouble? Is that the reason for the sudden wedding? Or can you explain another reason why it has to be tonight?”
“Yes Sir, I mean no sir. They’re not in trouble, and we can give you the reason we want it tonight. You see we’ve …” Harry began, and stopped when the pastor’s wife entered with some ice water. “Oh thank you very much ma’am.” Harry took it and drank several swallows before he started speaking again. “Thank you very much. That really hit the spot. Um, yeah, we have all been in love with each other for years really. It was pretty much a plan that I would ask Ginny to marry me, but the war was on, and I was gone from Ginny for most of the year. When we, that is to say Ron, Hermione, and I came back, we all fought in the battle that ended the war against Voldemort, and his Death Eaters. After the war was won, I didn’t know what was to become of me because of my emptiness and confusion. I wanted to marry Ginny, but I wasn’t fit for her. I left on a quest and worked all over the world trying to find what wasn’t in me, that kept me from being fit to marry her. I found it and just returned home last night. I don’t know why Ron and Hermione didn’t get married while I was gone, so Ron will take over from here.” He looked encouraging to his friend and nodded his head telling him to go on.
Ron cleared his throat and took a timid breath. “Err… well, like Harry here said, we pretty much figured we’d get married, but before the last battle started, we were on a mission, and I lost faith in myself. I allowed my mind to think things I knew weren’t true. I deserted them. Bloody yellow of me I know, but I left …. That moment I knew I did wrong. I searched for them for hours, but lost my way. I went to my brother’s house and stayed. I always felt inferior to Harry; I told myself that she was better off with him anyway. During the time, I was gone from them I determined that I loved Hermione more by the second, and I wouldn’t be able to live without her as my wife. Then I thought of Harry, and how much he loved Ginny. He would never give up Ginny for any reason, and Hermione was never more than a best friend same as me. We were all best friends, but Hermione and I loved each other. I finally did find my way back to them, but it was a time we didn’t need to be distracted by relationships, so we kept a friendly distance between us. After the war, it seemed like I was kind of in a state of limbo. My best mate was gone, and I couldn’t get a decent job. I did finish school, and I am studying to become an Auror, but I didn’t even try to get a job. I’ve just been working at the Joke Shop. I still live at home.” He hung his head in shame. “I’m just a bloody bum. The only contribution I make at home is feeding the stupid chickens, and I give the money I make to my parents.”
The pastor listened intently and asked Ron how he would support his wife without a decent job, and was he expecting to stay at his parents with his wife. “I must tell you that these very things are the top reasons for divorce. They are young and in love, but the hardships upon them cause a rift in the marriage, and many cannot keep it together.”
“Yes Sir. I understand that Sir. I am happy to say that I do have a great job now. And I am in a position now to purchase a place I’ve been looking into for a while now. The owner said he’d keep it for me if I decided to buy it.”
The pastor nodded his head. “The war was a terrible thing in every way. However, we can always look for something good to come out of the vilest of circumstances. And, I believe I know who you are. You sir, are Harry Potter, and you sir, are Ron Weasley. We’ll let you answer first Ron, if you like. What good came out of the war that affects you and your outlook on life?”
“Right … well … I guess the first thing that comes to mind is that I’m more aware of the downcast and oppressed, and the unfair way they live in our society. I’m ashamed to say that before the war, I was one who thought they were not as important as my life and me and I only thought of them as far as what they can do for me. House Elves Sir is what I am mainly talking of. But since before the last battle began, I started getting a different point of view. Now, I fight for their rights along side of Hermione.”
“And you Harry? What good came out of that war for you? Other than you aren’t pestered by Tom Riddle anymore of course.”
“Yes Sir. The thing I realized that was a good thing for me was I no longer lived with hate in my heart. Ever since I can remember, I lived in a world of hate. It consumed all of me. And after he was killed, I didn’t have any hate in me.”
“And what did you do with all that empty space that hate occupied?” inquired the pastor.
“I filled it with love Sir. I help those who need my help, because I love them.”
“So you both found your humanity, because of the war. I would say that is something very worthwhile, and I think the two of you will be very decent and mature husbands for your wives. If I consent in marrying you, will you do your best in all matters to make your marriages work, and if ever there is a time of doubt you will seek the church for council?”
“Yes Sir!” answered Ron
Harry stared at the pastor and thought about his last four years. He realized that each time when he was in a desperate situation, he ended up calling out for God when he thought all else was lost. He hadn’t thought why he did it. He just did. Was there something to this, or was it hope that he could be helped, but didn‘t know how it could happen? He decided that it wouldn‘t hurt to check into it. “Yes Sir. I will.”
“Then when your ladies return, I will ask them each a question, and if they answer correctly, then I will marry you tonight. If not, then I must insist that I council for the four weeks, and then marry you.”
They both agreed and the pastor started telling them about marrying Harry’s parents. “You know, your dad asked me to marry them much the same way you did; wanted to be married that day.” He continued talking to them about Harry’s parents which Harry was enjoying because among other reasons he was getting over the horrible feeling he had when they Apparated. Then Hermione and Ginny came.
“Hello, come in!” coaxed the pastors’ wife.
“Pastor, this is my fiancé Ginny Weasley, and this is Hermione Granger, Ron’s fiancé. Girls this is Pastor Josiah, and his wife Rosemary.”
“Pleased to meet you both I’m sure.” Spoke Ginny and Hermione at the same time. They smiled and did a little shy giggle, as they had lately been sharing the same sentences precisely at the same time.
Pastor Josiah and his wife shook each of their hands, and said they were pleased to make their acquaintances. “Harry? I do not recall introducing ourselves, which was rude of me. How is it that you know us?”
“Oh, well when we Apparated here, I lost my legs and was tripping all over my own feet, and nearly fell into your church sign in the yard. All I saw at first was your name. And when your wife came in with the water, I saw her cupboards were painted with flowers and such and it said in the center, Welcome to Rosemary’s Kitchen”
“You’re a very observant young man! Ginny may I ask you a question?”
She smiled and said, “Yes of course.”
“What is it that makes you certain that you love Harry, and there won’t be anything or anyone to come between you?” he asked with a friendly smile.
“Love is the music my heart dances to. And Harry is my dancing partner for life. I‘ve had a lot of time, and been many places to get distracted, but, I never did. I remained loyal to him, and will continue to love him until I die.”
“And Hermione; the same question please.”
“I want to live in a world of love, peace, fun, and harmony. I worked hard to find that world, and am determined to live there. Ron is the caretaker of that world, and I want to live there with him for the rest of my life.”
“You are both very sweet young women. So, we’ll see you tonight at seven; or earlier if you want to get ready here. We‘ll be home all day, if you‘d like to have flowers, or anything sent here.”
They said good-bye, and began walking down the walkway. “This is a very sweet little community,” said Ginny as she looked around in a very happy state of mind.
“Yeah, it is.” Harry said looking around. “Let’s get to the jewelers in Diagon Alley.” He said quickly. “We can look around another time.” He smiled at their faces. “We have a lot to do yet right?”
Ron was still a bit bemused. “What are we Harry that we had to have a big lecture and asked deep questions, and the girls get to have one wonky question? That didn’t seem fair at all. I bared my soul in there. And the girls got to just say something cute and that’s it.”
“Ron,” Harry looked around hurriedly. We really need to go, but if this is going to hold us up until you get an answer than all I can say is this. The saying, ’You wear your heart on your sleeve’ is true for guys. It’s not a bad thing, but it’s supposed to sound demoralizing or unmanly. The fact of the matter is this; men do wear their emotions on their sleeves. It’s what makes us quick to temper, or quick to laugh, or whatever the emotion is at the time. Our feelings of the heart are so personal and fragile that we bury it under layers of protective shielding, that even we have trouble penetrating sometimes. Girls are the opposite. They don’t have to wear their emotions on their sleeves. They openly display their emotions on big signs so we thickheaded men can read them easily making a relationship easy, carefree, and enjoyable. Pastor Josiah made us uncover our hearts and look inside. The girls, he just had to come out and ask. Everybody’s happy, and we all live happily ever after; unless we don’t leave right now. Let’s go.” |