Join Date: May 2010 Location: Iowa , United States
Posts: 141
Second Year | Hello Everyone, It has been a weird couple of months, but I am back and ready to finish the fifth year. My plan is to skip Ella’s sixth year and go straight to year 7 and then do an epilogue. After the epilogue I don’t know if I will come back to Ella, but I might.
So much is going to happen to Ella this year! She was expelled, so this is a new journey for her.
Thanks for the comments!
Chapter 11
"This is you room.”
Ella peeked in. It wasn’t Jenny’s and that’s all that mattered.
Putting her stuff down, she sat on her meek bed. The room smelled of must and cinnamon. A wardrobe, a water basin and a bed, that was all. No students, no common room, no four poster bed. She was an adult now, not a student of magic.
“I will expect you downstairs at 9 am for training. Your training will end at 5pm.” “ Here is your schedule. Some changes will happen when the holidays come around, but this will be the main one you will keep.”
“Four am!!” Ella jumped up
Madame Rosmerta laughed. “Did you think you were going to sleep in till nine every day? I run an inn not a daycare. You will work and you will work hard, or you’re out.”
Ella nodded.
“Now, see you in a few hours.” Slamming the door, Ella waited until she heard the last sounds of Madame Rosmerta’s presence to fall back on the bed.
“Ella what have you done.” She said allowed.
“Good you’re a few minutes early, I wanted to explain the times that I gave you.”
“At four am, you will be in the basement doing laundry. That ends at 8am.”
“What do I wash?”
“ Bedding, towels, and clothes. We do the washing for our guests.”
“Instead of Laundry, why can’t I do housekeeping?”
“You’re not ready for housekeeping. Oh, we ensure we wash with care here, no magic.”
Ella sighed. “That’s why it takes so long.”
“You will break till nine. At this time, your breakfast will be taken in your room. At ten, you will go to the kitchen, get your apron and take orders for brunch and then end just in time for the lunch shift.”
“Why can’t I do breakfast?”
“You’re not ready for breakfast.”
“Why can’t I do dinner?” Ella asked
“You’re not ready for dinner”
“Dumbledore would have given you a schedule?”
“I have one.”
“Good, notice that all the times are afternoon.”
Ella nodded, remembering the schedule.
“I am hoping this arrangement, will be a good one. I work hard and my inn is well respected. Now, let’s meet the staff.
Ella spent the rest of the day, training on how to take orders. Surprisingly, for being such a small village Hogsmeade was pretty busy.
“They don’t just have these businesses here for the students. Many people come here, and the village is home to many citizens.”
“You will get paid, by the job you do. You do a fair enough job, you will get a fair enough.”
“Now, Its nearly noon and your done for the day.”
Walking back up the stairs, Ella had a lot to take in. Exhausted, she napped
for a while, and awoke to a rap at the door. Walking to the door, she peeped through the hole and unlatched the lock.
“Well, I see you just woke up.” Snape said rushing in.
“Yes, it was a tough morning. You know, getting kicked out of school, learning a new job. It wears you out.”
“Cut the sarcasm.”
“First lesson occumlency.”
“Wait. What? , we stopped doing that, I am good at it!” Ella didn’t care that she was throwing a fit, continued on doing so.
“I could read your thoughts from outside the door. You’re not hiding them.”
Snape brought such intensity, Ella couldn’t stand it. He hadn’t trained her in months. Yet, he expected the best out of her.
“Stop with the sarcasm!”
“You are being a coward!” He spat at her. Her mind was worn, she felt weak. Finally, she mustered all her strength and admitted was always true.
Then he stopped. Took a step back, lowered his wand and left the room. Out of breath, Ella couldn’t believe he mistreated her that way. He entered her mind and wouldn’t leave. She wasn’t cut out for this. Laying on the floor she burst into tears. A few minutes later there was another knock on the door.
The very thought of moving, never crossed her mind. She was completely numb.
“ It’s your dinner , your majesty!” Madame Rosmerta said loudly.
“ Sorry, I didn’t come down.”
“ Wipe those tears! Breakfast is the only meal you will get to your room!”
“ Ok, I am sorry I lost track of time.”
“ It was Snape huh? Well, guess what. Severus Snape is well, he is a pile of mush.”
“ What do you mean” Ella said smiling.
“ His heart has been broken for many years, that’s all I am saying.”
“ These kids don’t realize he is one of the good guys.”
Ella nodded
“ Now, eat.”
Ella ate her food and thought about what Madame Rosmerta said. She knew
Snape was the good guy, but why was he acting that way ?
He was pushing her too hard.
4 am came all too fast.
“Good you’re here on time. That’s a good sign.”
“That thing is ancient!!” Ella exclaimed, staring at the dreaded washing machine.
“As is this inn! Plus, it does the trick.”
Left to do the rest of the laundry, Ella began to insert the rags and applying the soap. Sitting on a lump of dirty laundry, Ella began to get bored. The smell of the dirty basement was making her stomach turn. The inn had been here since the middle ages.
“ Accio Charms text book!”
Thumbing through the pages, Ella found one that caught her eye.
“Oh this is perfect.” Ella said smiling.
“What in bloody hell is going on down here?” Madame Rosmerta’s voice was
faint though, because of the music that surrounded Ella.
Turning around to see a frazzled Rosmerta was funny to Ella.
“ I found a radio in one of those boxes, I fixed it.”
“Why is the laundry flying around!!!?”
“ Oh just a charm I learned!”
“ It makes organization easier. Look, numerical order! Theres room number 10, 11 ,12,13!” As she called out the room numbers, the stack of clothes came around the corner, as if they were people being called out from a line.
“I said no magic!”
“ Your right, you did ,but to be clear you said no magic to clean the clothes. This is for organizational purposes.”
“ Also I am thinking about cleaning this basement, I know this is medieval times and all, but the spiders are freaking me out.”
“ I don’t like change ,Miss. Greene.”
“Listen a little change won’t hurt you.” Ella smiled, folding the out coming laundry.
Ella watched as Madame Rosmerta walked away. “Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.”
“Waitressing is different than being a laundry maid. “
“I live by one rule. The customer…”
Interrupting her, Ella spoke clearly “The customer is always right…”
“Let me finish. The customer is never right.”
“Do not make mistakes and the customer won’t have a reason to complain.
That doesn’t mean they won’t complain, it just means they won’t have a reason. However, we do get drunks and that is why you will work brunch. You’re too pretty and too young for the gentlemen that come in here.”
“We are not the leaky cauldron” When Rosmerta spoke of the Leaky Cauldron she spoke with a higher accent, with her eyes rolling in the back of her head. “We are a small village, with hard working people.”
“ So do you think the people who work at the Leaky Cauldron , or the people in London are generally not hard working people? Ella loved to push buttons and make people feel uncomfortable.
“ You know what I mean.” And with that Ella knew not to push Madame Rosmerta’s buttons.
“Now, put on your apron, and let’s see how your cockiness serves you”
With a smirk Ella turned on her heels and ran face to face with Draco Malfoy.
“What are you doing here?” Ella jumped back, and turned white as ghost.
“I snuck down here for lunch. I had to see you”
“What are you doing Malfoy?” Rosmerta yelled.
“I will be gone in a second. I promise.”
“Fine, be quick or Dumbledore will hear about this.”
“ Malfoy, I told you I needed space.”
“ I know, I know, I need to talk to you.”
“ Fine, but hurry up I am working.”
“ I know. You look wonderful in that apron.”
“ Shut it!” Ella said pushing him. She was secretly hoping he wouldn’t see her blushing.
“That horrible Umbridge , is making a mockery out of this school. I feel the ministry is behind it.”
“ I thought your family is pro ministry”
“ All things aren’t as you see.”
“ So, it’s good thing I have been kicked out.”
“ Potter better not think he can be a hero, he won’t win.”
‘Why do you think he wants to be a hero?”
“It’s Potter.”
“All things aren’t as you see.” Ella said smiling.
“He was smarting off to her, in class today.”
“She has power, and I am afraid for him…”
“I will relay the message.” Draco’s eyes got wide. Reassuring him she said,
“About the ministry not how you feel”
“May I ask something? How did you get here so fast?”
Draco smiled, kissed her on the cheek and walked out the door.
A flicker of light shown in Ella’s eyes, something she hoped was put out was ignited once more. |