2. Muggle Studies ♥ Belive ♥ Slytherin ♥ 08/01/14 ♥ 2. Muggle Studies March 8, 1995 Astoria was walking down the halls trying to find her Muggle Studies classroom, when she ran into Daphne’s friends Pansy, Goyle, Crabbe, and Draco. All five started at each other in horror.
“Can you help me find the Muggle Studies classroom?” Astoria didn’t want waist more time finding it when she can asked now.
“Who could take Muggle Studies, all the Mudbloods are in it to show off their mudblood abilities,” Pansy shot off, before Draco could.
Astoria assumed they didn’t know she was Daphne’s sister or they wouldn’t talk like this to her.
“Never mind,” Astoria then passed them.
Last edited by PhoenixWizard; 02-21-2012 at 01:12 AM.