99. Trunk ♥ Belive ♥ Slytherin ♥ 08/01/14 ♥ 99. Trunk July 1, 1999 Astoria was done with Hogwarts and was sitting on her bedroom floor cleaning out her trunk she used for seven years.
She found a lot of old quills, old notes from friends, and some old candy wrappers she didn’t know about. Her books she wanted and didn’t lie in different piles.
The trunk was almost empty when she picked up an old journal to throw away when a picture fell out of it. Astoria picked it up and looked at the picture to find that it was Draco Malfoy. An old picture she stool from Daphne back in fourth year.
Last edited by PhoenixWizard; 02-21-2012 at 01:04 AM.