Thread: Harry Potter: From Opposite Sides - Sa 13+
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Old 11-27-2011, 02:52 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Michigan, USA
Posts: 97
quill Accidentally in Love

Ted tried to study on a comfy seat in the Hufflepuff common room, but he became too distracted. I’m such an idiot, he thought. What was he going to say when he saw Andromeda tomorrow? All I was trying to do was stop you from leaving me with no hair? Yes. That was the truth, wasn’t it? He just couldn’t mention what he felt when their hands met. Something like an electric shock had run through Ted’s body, and he instantly saw what a beauty Andromeda was. Her deep blue eyes were what struck him the most. Not to mention, he saw how different she was from the other Slytherins. Any other person in her house would’ve rejected his offer to give them a lesson, just because he was the only wizard in his family. What’s more, she didn’t let go of my hand, he also reminded himself. On the other hand, she was angry about it seconds later. He sighed. Women. They were so hard to understand sometimes. And of course, there was… the boyfriend. It was only natural that a girl like her would already have one.

When their next Charms class was dismissed, Andromeda walked over to Ted. “Hi, Tonks. I hadn’t meant to be cross with you the other day, but what happened was-” she paused-“unexpected.” She looked somewhat nervous at the mention of their past moment. Could there be a double meaning in that? he wondered.

Ted replied simply, “I get it. I would’ve freaked out if it was me, too.”

“Would you still be willing to give me some help with the Hair-Lengthening Charm?”

His mind went racing. She’s no good for you, Ted. You need to stay away from this girl. There’s a reason Slytherins and Hufflepuffs don’t mix. Let’s not forget Rupert, either. Stop daydreaming about what you can’t have! The sensible answer would’ve been no, he knew.

His mouth spoke otherwise. “Definitely. We can try to use that same room again later this week, if it’s not occupied.”

“Good! See you then.” She turned and headed towards her next class while Ted just stood there.

Time went by so fast that he blinked and there he was again, alone in a classroom with Andromeda. After he practiced the Charm and reversed it, she asked, “I’ve never really spoken to a Muggle-born before. When was the first time you noticed that you weren’t ‘normal’? That must be an interesting story.”

“Believe me, it is,” Ted said with a happy nod. “Our family was sitting down for dinner, and Mum had made these terrible brussel sprouts. I said how much I hated them. She said that I couldn’t do anything until I finished eating them. I was so angry. All of a sudden, the brussel sprouts flew into the air. They landed on our dog’s head!”

Andromeda laughed at this, a melodic sound that Ted couldn’t get enough of.

“You bet it was hilarious to see, Miss Black. Mum didn’t think it was funny, though." He chuckled at the memory. "It wasn’t until I was eleven that I found out about my magic. One day, a teacher from Hogwarts came to tell me in person. It didn’t seem real at first. I still go back to living like a Muggle every summer. But I love magic so much, and I would never go back to that life-”

“Did you just use ‘Miss’ before my name?” she interrupted.

Ted coiled his hands up in embarrassment. “Oh. I suppose I did. I’m just not the kind of person who likes to only use last names when I talk to someone.”

Andromeda seemed to catch on to his humiliation. “No, you don’t understand,” she said. “I’m not upset. I liked that. It’s very… charming of you.” She grinned at him widely. “Not even Rupert would call me that.”

Ted grinned back at her. “You’re welcome. Anyways, on with the practicing. I know you can get it right if you keep at it.”

His new Slytherin friend pointed her wand to him. “Hairus Elongus!” Having said the correct words this time, Ted didn’t need to fear for his hair. Andromeda’s streak of bad luck broke, and his hair grew down to his elbows, where she lowered her wand to stop it from growing more.

“Wonderful!” Ted cheered. “Now finish the job.”

Hairus Shortus.” His hair returned to its normal cut. Andromeda couldn’t suppress her elation. “I did it, Tonks! I really did it.” Then she did the last thing he’d expected: she ran up to Ted and gave him a tight hug. “Thank you so much! I was beginning to think I’d never be able to do that Charm.”

Andromeda felt warm in his arms, and her hair came down into his face. He had the strongest urge to touch it, but that was a boundary he wouldn’t dare to cross. She must have hugged him without meaning to, because she backed away as quickly as she could, looking as pale as a ghost.

“I..I have to go,” she stuttered hastily. Without another word, she left.

Well, that was odd. She did the same thing I did before, Ted realized. But that doesn’t mean anything. Or does it?

“Every time she comes my way
She knows just what
To do and say;
Those little smiles she throws away,
They turn my stomach.”
-Kevin Max

Last edited by LoonyLupin99; 12-28-2011 at 04:44 PM.
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