Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions
Hey everyone, thanks for dropping in. I hope all my American readers had a wonderful Thanksgiving. This was a fun chapter to write and I hope you all have as much fun reading it. Next weeks chapter is, Chapter 18 "A Memorable Trip To Godric's Hollow"
narnia_potter; Hey Rachel I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. However, judging from the new post you just put up on your wonderful ff, " The Wedding" I think you are feeling better now. Thanks for reading and commenting even though you didn't feel well.
Droo; Hey Droo  No, the wedding isn't next, as a matter of fact...  the wedding is in the next story. This ff is about Harry needing to search for what he feels is empty in his life, before he can marry Ginny. His wand knows his desires of the heart and leads him around the world to help him see what is already in his heart by having compassion for, and helping the people he meets along the way throughout his quest.
Is there further strife between Harry and Ron? No, Harry is tired of the strife, and turns the table on Ron; it was very fun to write this part. I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 17
Three Unexpected Visitors
“Ron,” Harry felt the sting in Ron’s voice and remembered the insecurities his friend always dealt with. “I’ve been the one talking all night last night, and all morning so far today. I don’t know anything about you guys. Did you finish school? Hermione, I know for sure you would. I know Ginny did, I followed her success in the papers. I have a scrapbook in fact. However, Ron, I don’t know about you. Do you all have jobs, and if so what are they? I haven’t been able to ask about Teddy. Have you and Hermione gotten married and have any kids? These things I want to know about.”
Harry looked at Ron with a serious face then grinned at Ron‘s sudden red face. “Speak up mate! Are you married and have some kids running around?”
“Wha … No!” He dropped Hermione’s hand as if it just burnt him.
“No, he isn’t married, and no he doesn‘t have any children,” answered Hermione. She was anxious to see how Harry would react to Ron’s evasive behavior on the subject.
“Times passing you by mate; what are you waiting for?”
Ron furrowed his eyebrows. “Look who’s talking!”
Harry’s grin didn’t waver, but he did speak to Ron’s accusation.
“It’s not nice to mock the ignorance in people Ron. ‘Yeah, look at stupid Harry. Went in search of himself all around the world for four years, only to realize finally that he had what he was looking for the whole time, but was just too stupid to see it.’ I overcame my stupidity, and made my amends and am going to reap the rewards tonight. Let’s get back to you.”
Ron’s face relaxed and he said, “No, it’s not like that at all Harry. You don’t understand.”
“I just explained the fact that I do understand Ron. I am not stupid anymore. What’s your excuse? Do you love Hermione with all your heart?”
“Well, yes! But…”
“Don’t you want to say good night to each other every night together in each other’s arms and in the same bed, instead of at the door?”
“Harry! You’re missing the point.” Ron stammered weakly.
“No Ron, it’s you that’s missing everything. Look at Hermione.”
Surprisingly enough the red headed boy, and not just speaking of his hair but his whole head, looked at Hermione.
“Hermione, Ron wants to know if you can overlook him being a stupid git and waiting all this time to ask if you’ll marry him.”
Hermione was looking at Ron with a broad smile hiding under her hand, but her eyes were dancing and she was clearly enjoying this.
“Ron? Hermione says she would love to be your wife even though you are an insufferable git, and wants to know the real reason it took you so long to ask.”
Harry smiled kindly at his friends. “All settled? Ginny and I are getting married tonight at seven o’clock. It would be great if we could have a double wedding. It would have been this afternoon, but there’s been too much talking.”
Harry got up and leaned heavily on Ginny. She could feel his body trembling. “Was he going to be able to pull this off?” she worried.
“Come on Ron; come with us. Even if you don’t want to get married with us, be with us. Hermione and Ginny can shop for Ginny’s dress and stuff she needs, and you can come with me to see the Pastor, and get my duds. But, we need to go now; I‘m starting to feel the need of a nap.”
Hermione turned to Ron with pleading eyes. Then she huffed and arched one eyebrow folded her arms across her chest and tapped her toes on the floor impatiently.
Ron swallowed hard and dropped to his knees. He looked her in the eyes and said with a quivering voice, “Hermione, I love you. Will you be my wife?”
“YES! YES! YES!” She shouted with great exuberance. She pulled him to his feet with surprising strength and kissed him hard on the lips.
“OK then, let’s get started.” Harry pulled out a chess Pawn, and showed it to Kingsley. ”I got this in Australia; it’s a Port Key. I have my own stream set up on it and everything. It’s registered and perfectly legal.” He tapped it saying, “Portus” and a second later a beautiful blue hue surrounded it. Then it went back to being ivory colored. He handed it to Ron. Just as soon as we’re done in Godric’s Hollow, you two Apparate to Hermione’s parent’s, ask them for their Blessing and bring them back with you using this.”
They arranged for Molly to owl Luna, Neville, Andromeda, and Teddy to come to the wedding. Arthur would go pick up Andromeda and Teddy when the time came. Then Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione walked out to the departure spot.
“I can’t believe our own little Ronnicans is getting married. Who wants odds that when he comes out of the Pastor’s study he’ll trip walking to the alter?” asked George laughing.
“No, that wouldn’t make for good odds. Harry will keep him from falling. But how about Ron passes out when the Pastor asks if anyone has any reason they shouldn’t get married, and we say we did, that Ronnicans is too little.” Percy suggested laughing hysterically at the thought. Charlie said he’d be willing to take those odds.
Molly blew into their plans with Gail force winds. “You will not do any such thing and if anything happens at that wedding, I’ll hold you three responsible. Furthermore, Ron seems to be the biggest man of the lot of you. At least he is going to get married instead of being a non-committed, childish, bully. I don’t see you three proposing to your girls. Charlie you’ve been dating your Stacy for how many years now? Percy? How long …” But the Percy suddenly pointed to the two couples walking through the yard.
“Look Mum! What do you suppose Harry is giving Ron? It’s a bag it looks like.” As soon as Molly turned away, the boys took off running. “That was quick thinking Percy! How did we let her get started on us? She turned on us like…”
“I know it right?” The three boys found their way into the living room away from Molly who was still watching out the door.
“What do you think Harry was saying about magic and the wand stuff? He does magic so smooth I can’t see him taking the time to think or anything. And what spells does he use?” George was asking.
Charlie put in his thoughts. “I think he was saying that the magic is in the person, and the wand reads the mind and directs the magic.”
“He definitely said the wand was an extension of the person using the wand,” added Percy remembering the incident at the breakfast table and the Quick Quotes Quill. “Why? What are you thinking George?”
“I’m thinking I want a loincloth or a pair of those comfy jungle pants, shorts, skirt underwear, whatever you call ‘em,” answered George.
“Yeah Me too!” the other two said.
“What do you reckon he made it from?” asked Charlie.
“He went to Australia first. I saw pictures of Aborigines wearing those. So, I’m thinking Kangaroo leather,” reasoned Percy.
“An extension of ourselves… so you reckon if we concentrate real hard on Kangaroo hide the wand will provide it for us?” asked George?
“I say it wouldn’t hurt to try,” said Charlie.
So the three boys with their eyes scrunched up tight, thought of Kangaroo hide while circling their wands in front of them. All the sudden three kangaroos appeared in the living room. They each yelled loudly at their results, and then fell to the floor too tired to move. The kangaroos however were not tired at all, but rather rambunctious and startled at being in a strange place all the sudden. They were hopping all over the furniture and bouncing off the walls, destroying the living room, and moving into the kitchen.
“Here now! What’s going on in here?” asked Mr. Weasley thinking the boys were roughhousing. “How many times have we told you…” But his lecture was cut short when he was boxed on the nose by one of the kangaroos. He caught his balance and got his wand just as one of them sat back on its tail and brought up both feet to kick Mr. Weasley. He froze them with a charm. Molly rushed in asking what was going on when she saw the house in a shambled wreck.
“What happened here?” she asked in shock.
“You don’t s’pose we could get Fawkes to sing that song for us that he sang for Harry do you?” asked George feebly. Needless to say, the boys didn’t know which was worse, being worn out from the spell getting the kangaroos there, or the screaming lecture they were getting from Molly, and this time not being able to run away from her. She caught three bottles of Pepper Upper potion and dropped each one on the boys, “But… no… Harry said chocolate…”
“There will be no chocolate for you three,” Molly retorted as she and Arthur went to work repairing the place and putting it all back in order.
“What are we to do with them?” asked Molly looking at her boys with steam coming out of their ears now.
“I guess I need to build some sort of shelter till we can get them to the zoo.” Arthur answered, rubbing his swollen nose and jaw.
Molly laughed and hugged her husband. “Let me fix you up dear.” She went to work on his face and then went on to say she was referring to the boys not the kangaroos.
Last edited by Connie; 11-25-2011 at 07:25 PM.
Reason: Needed the url to Rachels story.