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Old 11-18-2011, 05:40 PM   #93 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Janet Lynn Gordon
Fifth Year
Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

Hey everyone, good day to all, Thanks for reading and I hope you are enjoying my ff. I'd like to say again that any success I have with this ff is due for the simple fact that JK Rowling wrote these books this ff is taken from. Her storytelling skills are brilliant and that makes it easy to come up with this series of ff's I'm doing, and I take no credit for myself. Next weeks chapter is Chapter 19, "Three Unexpected Visitors" I hope you enjoy this chapter.

narnia_potter; Hey Rachel, thanks for reading and commenting.
I can't believe they forgot Molly and Arthur were in the room.
You'll have to excuse them, they were in their own world at that moment. They waited four years for this moment, and just couldn't hold in their feelings anymore.
If I were Molly, I would have pulled Arhtur out of the room and left the 2 alone.
: I think Molly was too overcome with Harry being so bold with her Ginny. Also I've always thought of Molly as a romantic person. Remember in TGOF when she and Bill went to Hogwarts and she told of her and Arthurs late night meetings. And the way she listens to romantic songs; just makes me think of her as a romantic, and she was just caught up in the moment same as them; as if she was reading a love scene in a book. And also, lastly, I think if it had become something more than what it was then she would have stopped them; and not left the room pulling Arthur along with her.

Yes, I think the Gnomes will be very happy at the Lovegoods. Hmm ... I wonder if they might have a part in my next ff?
I take it the rest of the family already knows that Molly and Arthur said Harry could marry Ginny?
No, nobody knows yet.

The new house boarders the Weasley property. It can't be seen yet because of the charm on the property that hides it. It looks like an overgrown ugly marsh.
Can't wait for next week's!!
Great job!
It's next week now! Thank you Rachel.

Derfel; Hey Owen it's been a while. I'm glad you like it; and I think maybe you were reading and commenting here at the same time I was commenting on your new chapter in your ff. That, by the way, was an excellent chapter and I can't wait for you to get another one posted. Thanks Owen.

Droo; Hey Droo, thanks for reading and commenting.
Oh dear, do I need to go back and delete a post or something?

FYI I love your portrayal of Arthur Weasley. He's dead on. And love you humanizing the gnomes more.
No I caught my blunder before I submitted it. Thank you though. Arthur is so adorable that I'd love to write more of him in but I don't because I don't want him to become boreing, or someone you can't take seriously. And the Gnomes will be in the next ff I'm writing. Thanks Droo

Ladybug; Hey Eviee, thank you for reading and commenting. I do love writing Harry and Ginny.

Chapter 16

No more Mr. Nice Guy

Kingsley spoke in a serious manner and stated that they identified the body from a file they had on him at the Ministry. He handed Harry the file. “Do you recognize this man?”

Harry took the file and looked at it then tried to blink and stretch his eyes wide open and blinked again. “Yes Sir. His name is Morris Hadley. His brother, Eric is the leader of a band of outlaws in South Africa. They attacked the village I was in and killed a lot of people. I’ll never forget him, I saw him up close face to face. Both were captured, arrested and turned over to the prison, along with the rest of the band that was there and wasn’t killed.”

Harry returned the file and looked at his watch. He wished he could talk to Ron. He needed to talk to him about something in private. But it wasn’t to be at this time for Kingsley handed him a large bundle of files. “Please look through these and see if you can identify any of them. And you don‘t have any reason to go on remembering that man the rest of your life, because he was the body we found just now.”

The young man’s face fell as he took the files and said, “That’s not a good sign.”

Harry looked around at the faces of everyone watching him intently. He was beginning to feel like he did when he was at Hogwarts, and everyone watched him, listening if he said anything about when Cedric died.

Ginny protested. “Harry needs to recover before he starts working for the Auror’s. Trying to look at those stupid files will be hard and make his head hurt because he sees everything in doubles. Ever since he got here he’s done nothing but answer questions, explain things, do other people’s chores and he didn’t even get to eat his breakfast until we made everyone go outside. And he has to get ready for our wedding.”

“Ginny’s right Kingsley,” Molly said a bit more diplomatically. “Harry is going to undo all the mending he’s done on himself if he isn’t allowed to rest.”

“The files, if you would please, Harry. Forgive me for being so insistent, but I really need to know before I go back to the Ministry. There is something very wrong going on here, and the sooner I get a good lead, the better off we‘ll all be.”

Harry sighed deeply and took the files. He started trying to put things together. “Yes Sir, I’ll try.” He looked through each one and sorted them into piles of two. When he was done, he handed the small stack to Kingsley. For some reason he got the old feeling he had when Voldemort was still alive. This felt the same way after seeing all the people and the connections he made with them as he identified them from the graveyard that night of the last Tri-Wizard challenge.

“These ones I don’t know and have never seen before, to the best of my knowledge. These ones I’ve seen before, but don’t know their names. This woman, I know I’ve seen her but can’t place where at the moment. I’ll get back to her. I’m sure something will jog my memory. This man was in North America. He kept showing up at places I was at right after I got to America. Finally, I came out of a hardware store, and he shot me with what looked like a blow pipe, but it had lead pellets and a button to push instead of blowing in it to shoot it. It wasn’t a fatal shot and I was able to get away from him by ducking into an alley that was right there. He started shooting randomly at people that were just minding their own business. I ran at him catching him by surprise and we fought with our fists. I was just about beaten, when he got too close and because I was so much smaller than he was, got inside his reach and grabbed around his neck, twisted quickly and broke his neck killing him.” He saw the horror on some of the other’s faces and wished he was alone with Kingsley. He picked up the next file and said, “This man was one of the men that attacked the village I just mentioned before. He ran away when we started winning the battle. These four men said they were Botanists who were there studying the plants on the river or something. These twelve were at the same battle, and were all captured and sent to prison by way of the boat the Botanists had. They said they were going that way and would be happy to take them to the prison officials. These fifteen was at the same battle and was all killed; the first seven on the pile I killed. These nine were men working on the boat they used to send the prisoners upstream to the prison. This man is Rita Skeeter’s photographer. He also got on the boat and left with the others. Two law enforcement tribal men went with them to guard them. News came back that they died in a car accident on their way back to the river to come home. I hope this helps because …” He couldn’t finish because Percy interrupted.

“You should have gone with them Harry.” He shook his head and gave a little knowing laugh. “I’m afraid you messed up there Harry,” he said shrewdly.

Harry looked at Percy then looked at Kingsley. “I remember now where I saw that woman. I ran into her in Knockturn Alley my second year at Hogwarts. I never used the Floo Network before and got out to soon or late. She asked if I was lost and tried to grab my arm saying she could help me. Thankfully, Hagrid showed up and saved me from her. There was just something about her that I didn’t like.”

Ginny took his hand. She thought of how much he changed over the four years he was gone; but she knew when his anger became stirred too much. She was afraid he was about to boil over.

Hermione was looking hard at him and said in a disbelieving way, “You’ve killed?” Then Ron added almost at once, “A lot!”

Harry closed his eyes, and shook his head as he silently sat there calming himself. “Couldn’t this just end so he and Ginny could make their plans and everybody wouldn’t know all the trials he went through?”

Molly spoke up softly. “He killed when he had to.”

Harry opened his eyes and stared down Percy with the fire in his eyes they saw before, and spoke calmly, with the ice in his voice they heard before. “You’re right Percy. I should have gone with them. And I would have if I didn’t have a knife sticking out of my chest, and wasn’t on the ground trying not to die. And yes, Hermione, Ron … I killed, I killed a lot. Not just in South Africa, but all over the world. There are people who live outside our protective bubble we put ourselves in, who are tortured and killed; hundreds of people who cannot defend themselves like we can. They are massacred and whole tribes become extinct because they don’t have anyone fighting for them. These atrocities happen to them because they have something someone else wants. I lived with some of these tribes, and grew to love them. When these wanton violent acts came upon them, I did everything in my power to help them. Yes, I had to kill, and I will always do what I have to, to protect the people I love. Mr. Weasley, when you came home last night, you nearly killed me because you thought I was someone fixing to hurt or kill your family. Am I correct? I put it together a little while ago.” Arthur nodded and bowed his head with the shame he felt.

“I understand you were protecting the ones you loved. Ron, Hermione, you can’t sit there and tell me that you wasn’t glad he captured me, even though he had to use force that could’ve been fatal to me. And, I bet you were even a little disappointed that I wasn’t dead. Well, before you found out it was me, anyway. You had those feelings because you lived in the fear of that man who threatened you. It is absolutely the same exact thing as those tribes I lived with and protected. Why is it so wrong or surprising that I killed for those reasons? I think if you’ll be honest with yourselves, you’ll find you are the same way. I know you’re that way; I fought beside you all just a few years ago. Can any of you imagine Mr. Weasley being any different from what he was last night? He wouldn’t come home and see what he thought was his house being destroyed knowing you all were in here, and say, “Oh my, would you look at that? Someone has come, killed my family, and ruined my home. It sure is a shame there are people like that in the world. I sure hope they catch the dirty rotten man who is responsible.” I’m not someone who enjoys killing people; it isn’t in my heart to be that way. I cannot and will not ever watch while someone tries to do wrong against anyone, and then wish something be done about people who terrorize and murder people. I’m still the same ole Harry that left here. The difference in me now, is I know who I am, and what I’m meant to be.”

“And what are you meant to be then Harry?” asked Ron belligerently. He was a little jealous of Harry for once again being stronger and knowing so much more than him.

Last edited by Connie; 03-20-2014 at 06:21 AM.
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