hey yáll, how you doing??
so, i know this chapter s a little shorter than normal, but im on a deadline cos the stupid sister wants the computer. yes, its 3am, what of it!

i write better when i can't sleep (:
so, here it is, my thirtieth chapter, that is surprisingly, dialogue free...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter Thirty
The plan was simple; storm subtly, grab Scott, get the heck out.
It was a good plan, Indie gave it that, but it was so volatile, it was making her hands sweat. She stood with her sisters amongst trees in the small square opposite 12 Grimmauld Place. She could see Lupin and Sirius accompanying her brothers over from them, equally hidden by foliage. Tonks took two steps toward them from behind, signalling the siege was beginning.
Bella and Melanie joined hands, while Tonks, Indie and the boys all stood alone. The square was empty, and at this time of night they’d agreed the likelihood of onlookers was slim. Indie raised her wand, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. An image of Azkaban illuminated in front of her, and, moments later, as did the small figures of Death Eaters and Voldemort. She’d spent the afternoon listening, tracking and formulating a break-in route, and it was about to pay off. Voldemort had retired to his hiding place somewhere in the north of England, Bellatrix following like a lovesick puppy.
That meant there were only Death Eaters to contend with, and not so many of them at that. They were scattered about the prison fairly haphazardly, leaving a direct path to Scott, where two Death Eaters were guarding the door.
Remus was to go first with Paul, the combined strength of their Patronuses enough to drive the Dementors away. Granted, there were nowhere near as many as there had been previously. They were presumably off appeasing Voldemort.
With that thought, there was a
pop and Remus and Paul disappeared. Moments later, their silhouettes were visible clinging to the higher, outer walls of Azkaban, a bright light signalling their plan was well underway. With that, Sirius and Anton disappeared too, appearing at the agreed entry point, closely followed by Remus and Paul.
They moved swiftly yet cautiously through the narrow, gray corridors, and reached the T intersection that signalled it was time for Tonks to accompany Melanie to the prison. In an instant, Indie and Melanie were left alone in the Square, the image of their six colleagues crouching and moving through Azkaban appearing in the square.
Now, it was their turn. Joining hands, they drove their minds from their bodies, weaving them in and out of thunderstorms, city scapes, and finally an open expanse of churning ocean. They arrived mentally in Azkaban’s halls, following the same route their partners had done moments ago. However, instead of pausing, they continued, forcing themselves into the workings of the Death Eaters guarding Scott’s door.
Indie was glad Bella had been receptive to her Legillimency teachings, moreso than her other siblings. It was for this reason, that Indie had opted for her to join her in this arm of the siege.
Their minds became the Death Eaters’ minds; walking forward toward the corner around which members of the Order were hidden. In the moment before they were met with ‘Stupefy!’, Indie and Bella withdrew, returning alarmingly back to their own surroundings. They watched the constructed scene of the Death Eater’s crumpling in front of them, before Bella quickly took Indie’s hand and they popped out of the square, the transparent Azkaban dissolving too.
They arrived beside the group, who were standing around the Death Eaters, their wands at the ready. Upon their appearance, the group turned toward the door of the Warden’s Office, where Scott was being held.
This part had to be quick, set-up properly or more than one wouldn’t make it out alive. Indie put her left shoulder to the door, as Bella took her spot just beside the frame, ready to follow her sister in. Tonks stacked behind Indie, followed by Remus. Paul took his place behind Bella, while Anton and Sirius took up the rear.
Indie took the time to mouth out a count. On three, a silent spell blasted the door wide open, as Indie led the team into the room, her stride heading straight for Scott. Bella’s shoulder was flush against Indie’s, while Tonks and Paul made a ‘V’ formation on their outsides. Melanie, Remus, Anton and Sirius scanned the room, their wands raised for defence as Indie and Bella took Scott by his arms and Disapparated instantly. Tonks and Paul took a quick look around where he’d been seated, noticed nothing, and followed Indie and Bella almost instantaneously. Anton and Melanie finished their side of the room, and left as soon as possible.
Remus and Sirius lingered, taking in anything and everything. There was nothing telling about the room, not to why he’d been taken or any of the events that had taken place. There was no indication that he’d even been there, aside from the smallest of blood smears on the wall. They turned to face each other, nodded, and in moment, were gone.
Indie and Bella pulled Scott up the hall, slumping him over an armchair in the living room. Tonks fell instantly to her knees by his side, as Melanie, Paul and Anton joined the small group in the room. Melanie had had the sense to bring a glass of water, some bandages and a small blanket. Not that it would cover Scott’s gigantic body, but it was the thought that counted.
Remus and Sirius walked in conversing moments later. They glanced momentarily at the congregation in the room, before beelining straight for the kitchen. Indie could hear Molly Weasley’s despair through the walls, and her sigh of relief when told that Scott was indeed safe.
Indie laid a hand on Bella’s shoulder, indicating with her head that she was headed to the kitchen. Bella gave a nod, and small, defeated, toothless smile, and turned back to Scott.
The youngest, blonde Stewart took even and slow strides into the kitchen, where Sirius and Remus were muttering under their breath incoherently. Upon feeling Indie’s presence, they stopped and looked to her. Their confused, pained expressions told Indie everything she needed to know, and quite knowingly suspected about the situation.
They were
absolutely not safe.