Thread: Harry Potter: The Little Order Girl - Sa13+
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Old 11-06-2011, 08:35 AM   #86 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Raylee Storm Mosman
Second Year

damn time differences keeping me awake at ungodly hours.......anyways, here's the newest chapter!!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

Chapter Twenty Nine

“Tell me the plan again,” Sirius asked, pacing around the kitchen, before taking his regular seat at the head of the table. The residents of Grimmauld Place were painfully quiet, as Indie looked between the group.
“Sirius, we don’t really have a plan,” she said, “at this point, all we’ve got is ‘divide and conquer’.”
He groaned in frustration, standing up and pulling at his hair.
“Well, they haven’t exactly got a lot to go on,” Tonks said, shooting a look Indie’s way. The look given in return was one of disbelief.
“There’s only so much I can do, Dora,” she said angrily.
“Yeah, well, it’s not enough!”
“Where is this coming from?”
“He’s your brother; you should be trying harder to save his life!”
“Why are you pinning this on me?”
“Because you’re the one with the most power –you’re the only one who can!”
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Bella screamed.
She’d somehow found her way up onto a chair, standing on it at the opposite end of the long table.
“I am so sick and tired of hearing all of you heap it onto Indie for not doing enough, when she’s doing everything she can!” she began, in a calmer tone.
“She spent her summer putting herself through hell, not because she wanted to, because it was her ‘duty’,” Bella continued, “when she slept at night, all you can hear is her tossing and turning and moaning, because she’s having nightmares about the things she’s seen. Some days, she was so weak she couldn’t even drag herself out of bed, but she still spent hours sifting through thoughts, memories and plans. So don’t you dare tell me she isn’t doing everything she can and that she is alone in what she’s doing to save everyone’s necks.”
All eyes in the room were rested on Bella, who climbed down from her chair and looked to her youngest sister.
“Thank you, Bella,” she said, walking forward and putting her fists on the table, looking around her company.
“Listen to me,” she began, “each and every person in this room has a credit to the Order. It doesn’t matter what it is or how you show it, but you all do. We all have a duty here, not just me, not just Harry, not just anyone. We’re all here for one reason; to fight for what we believe in, what we love, and save it before it’s too late. And that starts with working together, not arguing over who’s got a greater responsibility or who could be doing more. We’ve all got a responsibility here, and as far as I’m concerned, we’re all fulfilling it.”
Sirius’ face came out of the shadows, a smile on his face and a glint in his eye.
“Well, we better start with a plan,” he said, sitting at the table’s head, the group around him following suit.
“Now, Indie, what can you tell us about the room he was in?”
Indie scoffed.
“You want me to describe a single room in Azkaban?” she asked, “Isn’t that like describing a particular leaf on a tree?”
“She has a point,” Anton said, sighing.
“Were there any abnormalities, anything unusual?” Remus asked, looking right into Indie’s blue eyes.
Her brow furrowed, as she thought, reliving the moment in her mind. A sideways glance at her siblings told her they were doing the same.
“It seemed larger than it should have been,” Paul intervened, “it wasn’t a regular cell, maybe a warden’s room or something.”
“He’s right,” Mel agreed, “it wasn’t your garden-variety cell, I remember a window, on the southern end of the room.”
“Are you sure?” Sirius asked.
Sirius pulled out his wand, using it to conjure up a virtual model of the Azkaban prison. Some parts were blank, but others were in great detail.
“Now, I don’t know the whole prison, but I do know where the important rooms are, including the one you’re talking about,” he said, “but, the problem will be figuring out where Voldemort’s guard is stationed.”
Indie looked to Bella, who was sitting beside her. She held out her hand to her, grasping her wand in the other. Her sister gave her a fearful look, her eyes darting from Indie’s hand to her face, as she gave a small head shake.
“Indie, I can’t –“
“Yes, you can.”
Reluctantly and shaking, Bella took her sister’s hand and pulled out her wand, directing it at Sirius’s Azkaban. The two closed their eyes, and breathed deeply. This journey to Azkaban was quicker, and less eventful. Now, Scott was sitting on the ground in the same room he was in previously, Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange nowhere to be seen. Good, Indie thought, knowing both that he was okay, and that he was left alone for some time.
She let herself and Bella wander quickly and purposefully through the halls of Azkaban, noting every Death Eater and his wand at every corner, room and entrance. Indie could feel the fear slowly leaving Bella, as they reached the northern end of the prison, completing their task.
Upon returning to Grimmauld Place, they opened their eyes, and saw the representative Azkaban now filled with tiny figures replicating Death Eaters. Voldemort was not there, and nor was Bellatrix, but Indie doubted they would be far behind.
“Right,” Sirius said, almost gleefully at the power of the young Stewarts, “now, we can make a plan!”
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