Thread: Harry Potter: Hermione's Battle - Sa16+
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Old 11-01-2011, 12:13 AM   #3 (permalink)

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Chapter Two
How To Confide?

Hermione was booked in two days later for her bone marrow biopsy. Dr. Wilson had told her “Hermione, I need you to tell someone. Tell a friend, a neighbour, your parents… just tell someone.” So, now she was faced with a question; Ron or her parents? Who did she tell first? How did she tell them? She had left Dr. Wilson’s office, and was now back in the street ready to disapparate. Instead of going home, or to someone else’s house, she went to a cliff. A cliff that had so many memories. She sat on the wet ground and looked over it, at the trees, the birds, the couple on the ground laughing together.

The next destination was the Burrow. The one person she needed most in the world right at that moment was inside. She knew Ron wouldn’t be there – he was at work with Harry and Percy. Ginny was off at practice, George was at the shop, Fleur and Bill were at the Shell Cottage. She knocked, and was greeted by Arthur. “Oh, hello Arthur, is Molly home?” she asked softly.
He had greeted her with one of his famous smiles, and pulled her in to a small hug. “Yes, of course, come right in,” he said and stood aside.
She entered with what she hoped looked like a smile and walked into the Kitchen where Molly was busy preparing Dinner, and knitting a jumper. Hermione took in the sight. She was a plump woman with red hair, a smile that warmed your heart, and a hug that fought away the demons. She turned around, smiled, and walked towards Hermione.
Hello dear, what a surprise – what’s wrong?” she said. In that instance her face went from a smile to completely serious.
At that – Hermione fell to the floor and let the tears drain out. Molly exchanged a look of worry with Arthur, and kneeled beside her, pulling her in to a hug. She brushed her hair from her face, and kissed her on the top of her head. Arthur walked over and together they pulled Hermione up, and guided her to the lounge chair. Arthur summoned three firewhiskeys and Hermione downed it in one.
I-h…have… I saw a doctor in Am-merica whose an On-On-Oncologist.” She started.
An Omonology?” said Arthur and looked at Molly, puzzled. What was that? He wondered.
It’s a muggle doctor, who spe-cializes in C-c…Cancer,” she said and cried. Molly and Arthur had heard that word before.

So in two days I need to go back to see him and he is going to take a biopsy from my bone marrow,” she explained. Before they asked she expanded on that; “they just need to put a… small needle in my hip and take some of the marrow in my bone. Then they will send that off to see if the cells are cancerous and if they are they will start me on treatment right away,” she explained, after calming down. That Firewhisky worked wonders.
They were sitting at the table now. Ron would be home soon, and Hermione was faced with telling him. At least she had told someone, maybe it would be easier.

It was almost dinner, and Ron was home. He gave Hermione a big hug, spinning her around – she was out of bed! He gave her a long kiss on the lips and smiled at her. He loved her so completely. Harry walked in moments later, giving her a squeezy-hug, asking her how she was. Ginny came in, sweaty and red. She put her arm around Hermione. George came in, ruffled her hair and gave her a wink. She perked up because she was surrounded by friends and family.
They ate dinner and talked about their days. “Fine, I just helped cook dinner,” she lied, which made Ron beam. He had been getting so worried about her, but now she might be getting better. When they left later that night, Molly gave her a big hug and whispered “you must tell him, and tell him quickly. Tell him and he can go with you.

They walked half way home, hand in hand. They only lived over the hill. Hermione stopped, asking if they could just apparate home. She couldn't even walk the rest of the way. Ron picked her up in his arms and carried her the rest of the way. It slowly dawned on him that she wasn't getting better at all, but something else was happening. When they got inside, Ron went to get her some tea, and Hermione fainted on the lounge.[/FONT]

always on the move

Last edited by Jessiqua; 01-08-2013 at 11:25 AM.
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