Part 8
I’ve been thinking constantly about Draco. Dear, dear Draco. My nephew is every bit like his father: blond, pale-faced, wanting nothing more than to see the end of Muggle-born witches and wizards. As a member of the Death Eaters, he’s been doing some nasty things. Lately, though, I can see a change in him. For example, this past July, I saw how much he cringed when the Dark Lord killed Charity Burbage right in front of us at our meeting table, after which the snake ate her... Draco had never done or seen anything so horrible in his seventeen years of life.
The other day at Malfoy Manor, he asked, “Aunt Bella? Can I speak to you in private?” There was a real tone of concern in his words.
I was willing to help the boy, since he was the future of our family, and I knew it was my job to lead him in the right direction.
“Anything you want, Draco.” He led me into his bedroom and set out two chairs for us to sit on.
“You have to swear that you won’t tell a soul what I’m about to say,” he said cautiously. I took his hand and nodded. It would be unhealthy for him to keep something from me.
Draco sighed like he was about to drop a big bomb on me. “Do you ever wish that you didn’t become a Death Eater? That you could just be free to decide things for yourself instead of having someone else decide it for you? ‘Cause I’ve been feeling that way for a while. I really don’t know what to do about it.”
I stopped to ponder what he said. This, coming from the son of Lucius Malfoy? It couldn’t possibly be! When I saw the pleading stare in Draco’s eyes, I knew he wasn’t kidding. Here before me was a very scared and conflicted young man. What on earth was I going to tell him?
Eventually, I said in a harsh tone, “Draco, you should put that out of your head. If your Mum and Dad got wind of this, they would probably disown you faster than you can say ‘Slytherin’! Do you want to give them a heart attack by questioning their ways?”
“No… But… surely you’ve given it some thought yourself? Doesn’t everybody?”
“No, not everybody does that, and I’ve definitely done no such thing!” I protested adamantly. “Just be a good nephew and don’t mention this to me again.” My reply faintly echoed what my father told me when I was young. It kind of bothered me, to tell you the truth.
Resolved to listen to reason, Draco told me,“Thanks for listening, anyway. I like talking to you more than talking to Mum. You seem better at keeping secrets.”
That comment surprised me. “I do? You’re too kind. Although, I don’t know if that’s something to be proud of…”
He dismissed me from his room, and I went about the day like nothing happened.
Last edited by LoonyLupin99; 12-28-2011 at 02:26 AM.