~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory wanted some quiet where he could do his homework so he chose to sit where few students went- by The Whomping Willow. Of course, Jory was careful to stay a good distance away from the tree. He opened his bag to take out his Astronomy book- he had to begin keeping the Journal.
When Jory opened his bag, he saw his Metal egg sitting atop his books. Carefully, Jory took it out. "I still haven't named it as yet,'' he thought. The Hufflepuff pondered for a name that will not be common with any other student. "I know!" he thought excitedly almost saying it aloud ''I'll name him Egghead.''
So Jory tended to his newly name egg, Egghead. First, he checked the temperature. Egghead seemed to be just right. He was nether too hot nor cold. Jory was happy about that. He had been quite worried after Egghead attempted to jump into the Lake.
Next Jory checked the underside of Egghead where he had acquired the little scrapes at the Lake. There was still some sand in the grooves so Jory extracted his wand from his bag and placed it on one of the groves. "Ex-CO-lo!" he said tracing his wand over the grooves and watched as sand particles fell away. Jory repeated this until all of the four grooves were clean. "Perfect,'' the boy said aloud. Then he placed Egghead back into his bag after checking his temperature once again.