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Old 10-24-2011, 07:47 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Iowa , United States
Posts: 141
Second Year

This chapter is very long, I hope you guys enjoy it!
Everything Harry Potter belongs to Jk Rowling.

Chapter 10

“I am so glad you were cleared!” Ella said sighing sitting in a large comfy chair.

“I know.” Harry said, sitting adjacent from her.

“What is your problem?” Ella said not getting why Harry was happy.

“It’s Dumbledore. He hasn’t been speaking to me. Not at the hearing or even at Jenny’s funeral.”
Hearing, the term funeral stung to Ella. The thought of her sister buried, still hurt her.

“I don’t know, Ella. I am curious, on why he is ignoring me.”

“Harry, I haven’t known Dumbledore long, but I do know he has his ways. He might not explain them well, but you know he means well.”

“Well, it doesn’t help that I feel useless around here. I mean they shut us out of the meetings and basically we clean.”

Ella laughed. “Well Sirius is back, he won’t be himself for a long time, but he always vouches for you.But to be honest, Harry. Mrs. Weasley is just trying to protect us. She loves you like a son.”
Ella saw Harry smile.

“I know, but It’s frustrating.” Harry put his head down, the smile passed and he began to stare at the ground.

“I know how it is to be ignored.” Ella said remembering her past.

“Your family?” Harry asked.

Ella nodded.

“To be honest, I feel quiet lonely. They don’t won’t anything to do with me, and I am pretty sure its going to stay that way. No matter the fighting or arguing, I feel like I always had them in my life, now their gone.”

“I know the feeling.”

“Sometimes, I can understand why they didn’t like me around. I did cause some trouble.” Ella chuckled recalling all the fighting and arguing that took place.

“I hate to bring this up, but I know how you feel about being turned down for prefect.”

Harry turned bright red.

“I am struggling with it a tad..”

“Well, Its normal.”

“Yeah, I suppose so.” “ I feel so dumb.”

“Oh Stop.” Ella said waving his comments by.

Sitting there in silence, Both Harry and Ella sipped on their pumpkin juice and bother were wondering how this year would pane out.

“Everyone ready?” Mr. Weasley spoke fast and clear.

“NO” Came the booming voices of the twins.

“Come on everybody lets get going!!”

Ella began to panic.

“Ella, what’s wrong? Your just standing there” Lupin, who stopped amongst the chaos, wondered why Ella stood there frozen.

“Too much going on”

Lupin laughed. “I am not used to this either. I did not come from a large boisterous family.”

Trying to get things together, Ella finally found a place and with all of her things and waited.

“We get escorted like were the bloody minister of magic himself.” George
said, while Fred acted like the minister.

Hermione rolled her eyes at the twins.

“I am so ready to be home” Harry said in a whisper.

“Me too.” Ella felt calm over her.

“Goodbye my dear, do write! Will I be seeing you for the holidays?” Mrs. Weasley said in her usual motherly tone.

“ If I am welcome.” Ella smiled.

“Well of course you are!” Mr. Weasley said chuckling.

“Good Bye Lupin!”

“Bye Ella.”

“Oh before, I go I wanted to thank you for your help this summer. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know how to control myself.”

“No problem, and make sure you take deep breaths when you feel it coming along. Oh and if you have any problems, just see Snape.”
Ella nodded.

Seeing Sirius in dog form, made Ella feel horrible. He could never roam freely.

“Goodbye Brother “, Ella whispered in his ear.
Ella smiled at the nudge she received back.

“Come on Ella, we have to go!” Ginny yelled.

“I am coming.” Walking into the train, Ella followed Ginny into the compartment where everyone was already sitting down. Getting comfortable,

Ella was happy to see Neville. Unfortunately, all that changed when she heard a familiar voice.

“My beloved, Ella Greene.” Ella closed her eyes at the sound of his voice.

Turning to see Draco standing there, in his prefect robes made her stomach turn.

“Everyone I will be right back.” Ella said standing up and pressing down her robes with her hands.

“You don’t have to go.” Ron said as if he had read the minds of everyone.

“No, Ron I do.” “It needs to stop now.”
Finding a corner in the train that wasn’t occupied, Ella stopped and turned to face him. They were close, too close for Ella. She braced her self.

“ Listen, I do not like, nor will I ever like you.” It didn’t come out the way Ella had wanted. Her voiced cracked mid way, and it wasn’t very convincing. .

Malfoy’s grin became larger. “Ella, I know you, listen to yourself. You cant even speak clearly around me.” “I didn’t come to push you into anything. Well unless you want too. But in all honesty I came to you with intent, to give condolences for the loss of your sister.”

“ Well, thank you.” Ella new by smiling , her guard was going to be left open.

“Even if she was married and had a child with a mass murderer”

“ See what I mean, you can’t be a nice guy! You say something nice, and then ruin it!” Frustrated ,for falling into his trap. Ella was ready to walk away.

“Don’t be mad at me.”

Ella rolled her eyes.

“You and pig faced Parkinson, are meant to be together.” Ella said crossing
her arms like a small frustrated child.

“We are together.”

Taken a back, Ella felt her cheeks get hot with embarrassment. “Then why are you bothering me?”

“Because, I would rather have you.”

Ella melted for a second, and then slowly came back to reality.

“Please, just leave me alone, Malfoy. This year I need to focus. My sister just died, and I have no one. Just please, leave me alone this year. You know we come from different worlds. I just cant be with you. Not now , not ever. You know this, and that’s why you still pursue me."

“ I will leave you alone.” Stretching out his arms ,like he wanted to console her.

“ Where are the cameras???” Ella’s blood began to boil.

“There are no cameras; I want to show you that I care.”

“I can’t give in”

“So you want to.”

“Maybe.” Ella admitted out loud. Turing red she looked into his eyes and the shade turned a deeper red.

“Ok, Ella I will be here when you’re ready.” Watching him walk away. She knew it was for the best.

Walking back to the compartment, she noticed the entire places including her friends were covered in stinky green pus.

“Wow, I never thought I would thank Malfoy.” Ella said laughing.

“Nice to meet you.” Ella stared at the odd girl that sat across from her. She was pretty but not in the normal way.

The night air was cool and damp. Stepping down into the grass and gravel,

Ella suddenly felt cold. Hogsmeade is where Jenny died. Her body cold and damp, as the dew on the evening grass, was here. Her feet planted into the ground, Ella wouldn’t, and couldn’t move.

Her heart felt heavy, as her mind went back to the night; she was awoken by Mrs. Weasley. “Darling, wake up!”

Elation turned into sorrow, as she walked into that dreadful room. The blood was everywhere. Sirius was howling as if he had been through mid change, and Lupin was sitting, white as a ghost at the table sobbing. There Ella stood, empty. Without a single thought running through her mind, Ella just stared at the lifeless shell that was her sister.

“Ella!” Their calls were faint; she could hear them a distant. “Ella come on!”

Suddenly, a hand was clasped with hers and her body couldn’t resist so she followed.

“Come, come with me.” “It will be ok.” The hush whisper was comforting. In a trance she walked along the path to Hogwarts with Draco Malfoy. His hand in hers, she felt at ease. She wasn’t scared, and for the brief time it took to enter Hogwarts’s grounds, Ella didn’t feel lonely.

“We can never be together.” Ella whispered.

“I know.” As he spoke his hand clasped her tightly.
Sighing Ella followed him.

“Where are you taking me?” Ella said

“I come here, when I need to think.”

Ella nodded and kept following.

Hogwarts, was lit up in all its beauty. “It’s so beautiful”

Draco smiled. “You would be surprised, but I do love it here.” “It’s like home.”

“Here, come sit.”

They sat near the lake under a tall oak tree. In complete silence, Ella felt at peace. Leaning back he caught her. Looking at him, she nuzzled her head in the curve of his shoulder.

“Why can’t I control my feelings when I am around you”

“Do you think it is easy for me.” He murmured.

“I always thought I was the one, that couldn’t control myself.”

“Its never been easy, Ella.”

Ella smiled. “I could stay like this forever.”

And they did , for what seemed like a lifetime, they sat together , staring at
the moonlight

“We better go.” He said whispering in her ear
Sighing Ella got up.

“I wont speak to you , unless it is about school, and I wont talk to Skeeter.”

“Promise?” Ella said.

“I promise.”

Following him to the castle, was the hardest thing Ella had to do. Though weak, she stood her ground with him.

They couldn’t be together and she was glad he finally understood why.
Making there way up to the large doorway they met face to face with Severus Snape.

“Where have you two been.”

“We missed the carriages, and had to walk back.” Malfoy spoke first.

“It doesn’t take an hour.” Snape said gruffly.

“I am sorry, we got behind.” Ella said.

“Fifty points from Slytherin and 50 points from Gryffindor.”

“Severus, I see that you are punishing these students.” Ella moved to get a
better view of the shrill voice.

“Who you are?” Ella asked.
Snape glared at Ella.

“Yes, they have been punished for being late, I am sending them to eat dinner.”

“Dinner?” The women began to giggle.

“Yes, Dinner.” Snape seemed agitated.

“Its obvious , that these students do not care about eating. Therefore …” She paused to giggle. “ In my professional opinion, think they should be sent to their rooms without supper.”

Ella’s eyes widened.

“My name is Dolores Umbridge , and I will be your Professor of Defensive against the Dark arts. I see Hogwarts, needs my help.” Eyeing Ella, she walked away. Only to be heard was the clicking of her heals.

“ I am starving. Ella pleaded with Snape. “Both of you, come to my office. I will see if I can get one of the elves to bring something.”

“Don’t do this again.” Snape directed his response directly at Ella.
“I can see already I am going to have issues with this Umbridge.” Ella said to Malfoy. Finishing her pudding, Ella sat back and allowed it to all settle in her stomach.

“Yeah, she isn’t pleasant.” “ She works for the ministry, I’ve met her a few times.”

Sitting in silence , Ella noticed Snape looked at the closed door every five minutes, as if he was worried someone would come in.

“Finish up and then go strait to your common rooms. Do not make any random stops.”

They nodded.

Ella went her separate ways with Malfoy, and she hoped it would be for good. He enticed her, and knew it and that wasn’t a good combination. Although the start of the new term was rocky, she was hoping it would be a good one.

“Excuse me, Why are you not in your room?” Ella turned to see Dolores
Umbridge standing directly behind her.

“ I am sorry, I am looking for a professor, I have a question.”

“I am a professor, ask me.”

“It’s personal, and I don’t know you.”


“It was a shame your sister died, but I mean when you marry a mass murderer….”

“Do not talk about my sister that way.”

“You are a student, and you do not speak to me in that manner.” “Your sister, died giving birth. Such a shame. She should have died in Azkaban.”

Ella froze.

The anger consumed her. She pulled her wand swiftly and quickly and fired the first curse that came to her mind.

Umbridge reared back for her wand, but was not fast enough and took a curse directly to the chest. Flying back into the wall, she grabbed her wand and fired curses back to Ella.
Angry, Ella opened fire, with everything she knew and was taught. Ella was not herself. The only feeling she had was the feeling of pure euphoria. She was met for this, she needed no one. Unaware of the growing crowd that circled them, both ladies fought with strong intensity. Unlike Umbridge, Ella’s face was emotionless. She stared directly ahead, and was much focused. On the other hand, Umbridge face contorted to each strike and blow. She was pure evil, and her face showed it.

For Ella, their battle was for revenge, for Umbridge it was sport. When the crowds of students overcame the shock of seeing a professor and student battle, they bellowed and called out to Ella, distracting Umbridge and making her frustrated and angry. Finally the much older and experienced dueler began to Block each blow Ella through at her, as she gained more confidence, she knew Ella was no match. For the final blow, Umbridge stopped and smiled.

It wasn’t long before Ella saw complete darkness. Not even her thoughts were active. Everything was just blank.
“Ella, wake up!”

“ Ella!”

“ Ella!”

Suddenly everything she knew flooded her. “Where am I?”

“Your in the hospital wing.”


“You were hit with the cruciatus cruse.”

“You screamed for about three minutes, until peeves, came and got me.”
Snape sat beside her with worry and guilt all over his face.

“ I did something very bad.” Ella said

“You attacked a teacher, the worst part is , she works for the ministry…”

“ I am expelled.”

“ Yes.”

“ Where will I go?”

“ Dumbledore contacted your parents, but they seem to think…”
Finishing his sentence , Ella sighed and said“ That I am not their family.”
Snape didn’t respond.

“ Molly Weasley offered, but Dumbledore didn’t want her to have to deal with another child, along with being a member of the order.”

“ So where will I go?”

“ You will stay at the three broomsticks, I will pay your rent.” “ Madam Rosmerta, agreed, but she said you must work for her during the days.”

“ Are you telling me, that have to work, and live where my sister died.”

“ Yes.” “ There are no other options.” Snape said.


“ Ella, they wont put you in the same room.”

“I wasn’t here, but a few hours and I am kicked out” Staring ahead , Ella couldn’t believe what she had done.

“I know that vile woman provoked you, but…”

“ I shouldn’t of done it! I regret it!” Ella began to cry. “ I wanted a new year, where I can show everyone, that I can excel, and not just in potions.”

“You have to move forward, That reminds me. Here is your new schedule.”

“ Umm.. How long have I been out.”

“ A half hour.”

“ Okay ,so your telling me in that half hour, you guys have already planed out my whole year.”

“ Yes.”

“ Wow, I really have messed things up.”

“ Yes.”

“ Quit saying yes.”

“ I only speak the truth. “Shrugging his shoulders snape, poured Ella a drink of water.

“ Madame Pomfrey, wants you to stay here overnight. At six, you will meet with Dumbledore, the other staff and the governors of Hogwarts, for meeting regarding your suspension. Then you will be escorted off the grounds, and into Hogsmeade.”

“ What about my stuff.”

“ Its at the inn.”

“ Ive never had a job before.”

“ Well, now you will.” Turning to leave, Ella stopped him.

“ I am so scared.”

“ Why”

“ Hogwarts at night freaks me out!” “ There are ghosts, and peeves and who knows what else!”

“See down the corridor, that light.”


“Madame Pomfrey, keeps it on all night. She will check on you.”

“ I was hoping you would give me that sleeping potion.” Ella said

“ I think you deserve a night to think about the severity of your actions”

“ Fair enough”

Ella swore she heard him chuckle.
The night was long. Ella’s eyes scanned the entire wing, making sure nothing was in her sight. By morning, Ella had not only slept an hour.

“Time to get up!”

“ But I didn’t sleep!”

“ Up you go!”

“ Get dressed. I have direct orders you are to be escorted to Dumbledore’s office and then to Hogsmeade.”

“ Who’s escorting?”

“ Us!”

“ Harry, Ron and Hermione!” Ella smiled

“ Ella Rae Greene, what have you done. “Hermione said giving Ella a scolding look.

“ Please don’t lecture, I know I messed up.”

“ I think its bloody brilliant!” Ron said still sleepy eyed. “ You were just amazing, well until the end.”

“ Are you ok?” Harry said.

“ Yes, I am fine.”

“ Why did you go with Malfoy.” Harry asked.

“ I froze. He actually helped me. I don’t know what came over me. I just froze.”

“ He might of helped you, but Malfoy has his reasons” Ron said
Ella didn’t want to argue.

“ Your not with him are you.” Hermione asked the question with such distaste, that she could barely speak the words.

“ No, and I told him its going to never happen, so don’t worry about it.” Ella said gathering her things.

“ Ok, off to Dumbledore’s office.”
“ Ella Rae Greene, you have attacked a teacher, therefore by Hogwart’s law and by the governors of this school , we expel you for one year. You are permitted to attend Hogwarts after one year pending a review.”

The words were hissed out of the mouth of Lucious Malfoy.

“ Do you agree to the terms.”

“ Yes.” Ella said shaking her head in agreement.

“ Good.”

“You must be off Hogwarts Grounds, in one hour.”

Ella slumped in the chair. She was to look at Hogwarts from a far.

“ Its nice to see, that you haven’t changed one bit.” Lucius sad to Ella .

“The governors approved your enrollment, and now we wish we didn’t.”

“ I am sorry.”

“ Well, I don’t understand what my sons sees in you.” Walking out of the office, with the others, Ella took a deep breath.

“ I am glad that is over.”

“ Its far from being over.” Dumbledore walked over to Ella and handed her the mornings Daily Prophet. Ella read her name In three different headlines on the front page.

“ The Infamous Miss. Greene”

“ Ella Greene, sister to Sirius Black, did she learn from him?”


Out of all the headlines, the one that read “ The Infamous Miss. Greene , bothered her the most.

“ Come, lets go.”

“ Hogwarts is my home.” Ella said with tears forming in her eyes.

“ The greatest attribute about Hogwarts, is that it will always be here. You will be back, and the halls will welcome you.”

Ella mustered enough strength to smile.

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