Alyssa Potter HufflePuff Journal Entry Post#8 There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa really needed a good long soak after working in Greenhouse but she knew that unless she was a Prefect she wouldn’t have the luxury of a nice long soak in their beautiful tub. She heard from some other students that it was a nice big tub too. But Alyssa had to settle for the next best thing, the Girl’s Bathroom.
After washing up, Alyssa decided to visit the toilet. She pulled out a magazine to read while doing her ‘business’. As she pulled out the magazine from her bag, it snagged something and accidentally pulled it out at the same time. It was the woolen sock. Alyssa leaned forward and grabbed it but in the process something came flying out from it. Everything then moved in slow motion, well at least to Alyssa it looked like it. The metallic egg flew out of the sock, over her head and landed in the toilet bowl behind her. 'Oh gross!!,'Alyssa thought to herself. 'Thank goodness I was doing Number One.' Alyssa quickly redressed and turned to look inside the toilet bowl.
Taking out her wand, Alyssa pointed it at the egg and said,”Accio Egg”. The egg quickly flew out of the toilet bowl and landed in the palm of her hand. “Yech!", Alyssa said to herself looking at the egg. “I definitely need to wash you up.” In a twirling motion, she pointed her wand, and tapping it on the egg, said “Ar-gent-um Humid-us”. Water started seeping from the egg. Using the water dripping from the egg, Alyssa quickly washed the egg all over making sure that it was thoroughly cleaned. Then she dried it up by doing the same wand motions, only this time she said, “Ar-gent-um Sik-us”. Immediately the egg’s metallic shell started to dry up and soon the water had totally evaporated from it. “Now to make sure that its fall into the toilet bowl water mix didn’t affect the shell in any way,” Alyssa said to herself. She used the Excolo charm to polish it up. Waving her wand all over the egg, while tracing every inch of it, she said “Ex-CO-Lo”. Like before, a bright yellow light engulfed the egg and when it disappeared, a shiny egg lay in her hands.
“Sorry about that,”Alyssa whispered to the egg. “I’ll make sure that you don’t get to see the inside of another toilet bowl again.” Alyssa quickly placed the egg back into the woolen sock, and tucked it safely in her bag. Then she went and washed her hands thoroughly before leaving the girl’s bathroom.
Last edited by FireboltAvis88; 11-12-2011 at 07:23 AM.