Chapter 5- The Black storm DivaDivaDiva ||Candy Cane Mama||
Dinner was a festive event after the sorting. There were 10 of them, Slytherin first years. Bellatrix and Rita were 2 of the five girls and the rest were boys. Not a pleasant looking lot Rita thought to herself. But if she had a great big pimple waving at people at the High Table like the boy sitting next to her she would look sullen too.
“Still going to act snooty with me?” Rita asked Bellatrix as she picked up her chicken leg with her hands and bit into it. Her fingers were already slick with grease as this was her third piece of chicken.
Bellatrix scowled at her fingers, “I wonder where it all goes.” she commented.
Rita gave her a raised eyebrow, being proud that the expression was becoming easier and easier to achieve. “What are you talking about? Do you always speak in riddles?” she asked around a mouthful of chicken.
Bellatrix wiped her hands on a napkin and fixed Rita with a stare, “You have shoveled every available morsel of food within your reach into your awaiting maw. I was just wondering where it all went.” she told Rita.
Rita's face went bright red and she was treated with a nasty smirk from Bellatrix. Bellatrix was drawn into a conversation with another Slytherin and Rita got to sulk in her shame in peace.
The Headmaster made a speech that Rita wasn't even listening to. But she was pulled out of the warm pit of self pity when one of the older boys stood up and clapped for everyone's attention. “Alright let's get a move on. I've got better things to do than give you lot a guided tour.” He told them all. Another girl leaned over and whispered something quickly into his ear. “Yes, yes of course.” he blew out exasperated sigh and rolled his eyes. “I'm Lucius Malfoy your prefect.” he told them in bored tone. Rita stood up from the bench and got in line with her fellow first years.
Her eyes found Hiccup who was deep in conversation with another Gryffindor and he wasn't paying Rita any attention. That brought hot tears to her eyes, that she was not going to let fall. She shook her head and focused her attention on the line of silver and green snaking out of the Great Hall. They turned away from where the other houses were heading toward. While they went up Rita and Slytherins went down a winding flight of stairs.
She wanted to ask where they were going but Bellatrix was behind her and she wasn't up for another verbal spanking from the girl with entirely too much eyebrow.
Rita found they were in a darkened corridor that reminded her of the dungeons she read about in her witch tales. Lucius stopped at an expanse of wall. “This is our common room.” he turned around. “Ambition.” the wall slid open to reveal a cozy sitting room with a roaring green fire leaping in the grate. They all spilled in trying to take in every detail. “When you aren't in class or wiping your noses or crying to your mums this where you will spend most of your time. Try not to get anything on the carpet. And if you know what's best for your health you will stay out of my chair.” He pointed to a high back chair wrapped in all black resting against the far wall. Many of them nodded, Bellatrix rolled her eyes and Rita just stared.
Really they were marking out furniture territory in Slytherin? “So the boys are up and to the left and girls are up and right. Classes start tomorrow so try not to miss any classes. Slytherin won the House Cup last year and I intend to do it again this year.” With a swish of his silver blonde hair he was gone. The boys broke off and milled around the common room, but Rita and the girls nipped off to see their room.
They followed Lucius instructions up and to the right to locate their room. It was marking with a coiled snake medallion on the door. Its open mouth holding a golden number 1. Bellatrix was first in line so she pushed open the door and stepped in. It was a collection of five, four poster beds draped in a deep forest green. Their trunks were at the foots of the beds they were supposed to sleep in. Rita found her bed second from the left and she frowned when she saw Bellatrix's bed was right next to hers.
“So what is your surname Little piggy?” Bellatrix asked as she proceeded to undress for don her night clothes. Some of the other girls snickered and Rita's face flushed.
“Skeeter.” Rita said proudly.
Bellatrix roared with laughter. “Is that even a real surname? I've never heard of it. Are you a mudblood perhaps?” she sat down delicately on the edge of her bed and crossed her legs. Rita's face was burning with embarrassment. “Or maybe your daddy is a muggle who fell in love with a dowdy, dumpy little witch.” she went on as the laughter increased.
“Both of my parents are wizards you ugly cow.” Rita snapped.
The other girls stopped laughing and Bellatrix leaned up to give Rita a good look. “Well, well well. Our little piggy has some fight in her. How muggle of you.” she sneered standing up to fish out her brush from the bottom of her trunk. She was done playing with Rita for now.
Rita didn't bother undressing or even taking her shoes off. She climbed into the bed drawing her curtains closed around her. She didn't even want to see the faces of any of her other housemates. And she didn't want them to see her crying either.
Rita hated Hogwarts and she wanted to go home.
__________________ ♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣ 
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣ |