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Kurumi didn't really mind playing the messenger since it was Carter who had asked her. Anything for one of her big brothers, right? Upon entering the armor gallery, Kurumi had to cover her mouth from bursting into a fit of laughter. People were drenched, apples in their mouths, but at least it looked like everyone was having fun.
She smiled at each person as she walked by, but her attention was more on Arya and Jai than anywhere else. "How is everything going here?" she asked, taking another glance over her shoulder. Seemed like everything was going swimmingly. "Carter and Evelyn," well, mostly Carter. "...wanted me to tell you that they are all set up and ready for anyone who has their five apples." She glanced at Arya with a knowing nod.
As Kurumi began to walk through the crowd that had gathered, Kurumi remembered Carter's request: an apple. Merlin that boy and his appetite was going to get him into trouble. Kurumi was just about to nonchalantly drop her hand into a barrel and grab an apple, but that wouldn't be fair to the others. Shrugging her shoulders, Kurumi laughed. "When in Hogwarts..."
She quickly dunked her head into the nearest barrel and flailed around a bit until her teeth connected with an apple and she removed her head from the barrel with a slightly dramatic hair flip a la Little Mermaid - it had been unintentional, but her hair WAS really long.
Saluting Jai and Arya, Kurumi removed the apple from her mouth and scampered off to deliver Carter his apple.
The Puff prefect was keeping track of how many students had already captured their five apples while she cleaned up the mess they were making. They were all doing so well! She was proud.
Shifting on her stool, her eyes turned to the young lion prefect when she walked over.
"Heh. They're doing great! Havin so much fun they wanted me to join in." Arya grinned. She would join in later.
Oh! They were ready?
"I'll send some over now." She returned the knowing nod with one of her own, and while Kurumi went over to snag an apple, her's was in her pocket, she stood up on her stool for all the students to see.
"Hey guys!!" That should get their attention, but she waited all of five seconds just in case.
"For those who have all five of their very much needed apples, I have the next clue!"
The prefects reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of
parchement, handing those who had their five apples duplicates when they came up to her. And of course they got smiles and congrats.
"Have fun at the next clue guys! And keep up the good work those who don't have all five yet. Almost there!" OOC: For all that RPed getting all five apples, the next clue is here! Take it and run to find the next task!! You don't need to wait for me to respond, just play as if Arya's giving you the clue when you come up to her. The rest, keep going, your almost finished with this task!!