Thread: Harry Potter: Confessions of a Death Eater - Sa13+
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Old 10-19-2011, 09:29 PM   #18 (permalink)
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quill Part 6

With the Andromeda situation taken care of, I went back to doing what I do best. Don’t think I need to remind you of what that is…

By the time Harry Potter was born, I was the Death Eater that the others looked up to. Anytime the Dark Lord wanted to teach something, he left the teaching, and enforcing, to me. You probably remember hearing that my husband, his brother Rabastan, Barty Crouch Jr. and I had a little “fun” with Alice and Frank Longbottom. Combining all our powers, we used the Cruciatus Curse on them until they were barking mad. They couldn’t remember anything about their past, including their son, Neville. I think we would’ve just killed them all, if the Ministry hadn’t caught up with us first.

If you’ve followed my actions over the last two decades, you know that this is when I was put on trial and sent to Azkaban. I don’t have much to say about my time there, since I was alone in my cell, save for the Dementors. There was nobody to talk to. For thirteen years, all I did was eat, sleep, and patiently wait for the Dark Lord to rise again and rescue me. Really boring, if you ask anyone who’s spent time in the prison. How could I've known that it would take so long? The only bad memory Dementors could bring out of me was the incident with the Muggle woman when I was twelve. Every time they floated up to me, I could hear her terrible voice again: “In the future, you need to keep that freakish behavior to yourself!”

“I’m not a freak!” I’d shout manically at the hooded demons. “Will you just let me be?” For the most part, they did just that.

The day I escaped feels like it was only yesterday. Well, it wasn’t just me, you know. Nine other Death Eaters were also freed. Who did we have to thank for that? The very things that were supposed to be guarding us: the Dementors. Somehow, the Dark Lord managed to get on their good side (Don’t ask me what their good side is, because I haven’t seen it). Out of nowhere, my cell door flew open. I jumped to my feet anxiously and strolled to the door. A little hesitation came over me. This looks easy, I thought. Too easy. I waited a few more minutes, but no one arrived to close my cell. The Dementors weren’t forcing me back inside. That’s what the Ministry gets for not using human guards! Taking in the fresh air, I stepped out to feel a powerful wind. The Dark Mark glowed against the night sky, and I cackled with happiness. This could only mean one thing: the Dark Lord had returned, and he was calling us home. SWEET FREEDOM!!!

Last edited by LoonyLupin99; 11-14-2011 at 06:39 PM.
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