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Old 10-18-2011, 03:51 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Iowa , United States
Posts: 141
Second Year

Hello Everyone, I have been doing ok! I have been sick for two weeks! Ok, I am not going to cry about it.....WAH...... Ok, really I am not. I am in my somphore year of College, and it is tough! Sorry I havent been responding to everyone,but I do hope everyone is well!

Everything Harry Potter, belongs to JK Rowling

Chapter 9

My dear friend Jennifer Greene and the secret she kept.
By Rita Skeeter.

Upon hearing of my good friends passing, I wept for hours. She was my little protégé. Not yet, at the status of my level of journalism, but she could in a decade or two get there. She was young and pretty, and she emulated me. Although there were times, I disagreed with her fluff pieces, she boldly stood by them, and I respected that.

Her youngest sister is currently enrolled at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. American, she caused many problems and broke the heart of young Draco Malfoy. Malfoy is quoted in saying “She was my first love, and if she reads this I hope we can still be together.”

At the funeral, her family broke my heart. Silently weeping for there eldest child, I got a sense of what good people Edward and Deborah Greene were. Sensible, nice and they believed in the institution of the ministry. Its hard to believe Ella Greene, even came from the same family.

The whole thing was a sad affair. Even Albus Dumbledore came to make a speech, on honesty and love. It was sweet and all, but the real truth came out at the funeral. Instead of one grave, there were two. Yes, a baby! The readers might be wondering how the best journalist in the country missed that about her co worker. Well, Jennifer went on many assignments, as I did. I was at Hogwarts most of the year, getting the scoop for the Tri Wizard tournament.

I couldn’t believe what I saw. Miss Jennifer Greene hid a dark secret. This was indeed a scandal. After I quietly made my rounds, meeting with all the family and friends, I decided to take a look at the grave closely.
Now readers, you are going to be in shock. Instead of Jennifer Greene. It said Jennifer Black. In shock I stood back. One thought came to my mind, notorious mass murderer Sirius Black. Jennifer Greene, was not the innocent fluff piece writer, I had known. She was married to Sirius Black and had a child. Of course I instantly grabbed my photographer and he took many pictures which can be seen on page 10 A. I am in total shock, and expect the ministry to make a statement any day now.

Please Readers, lets not loose to much respect for Miss. Jennifer Greene. Let’s try to understand why she would ruin herself with that monster. I know I will try. Will you? Please send me an owl, with your responses and I will post them in next weeks Prophet.

Rita Skeeter.

Ella crumbled up the article and threw it away. It disgusted her. “That vile human being.” “You shouldn’t have read that.” Lupin said walking into the kitchen.

Why not? Ella said out loud.

“Because , Rita Skeeter, doesn’t understand tact or love, or anything remotely happy. She is a blood sucker of a human being, and she has no remorse in doing what she is doing. “

“Then why does she still have a job.”

“Because people like you, read her work. You get agitated, but keep reading.”

Ella sighed. “How’s Sirius.”

“Doing horribly, which is understandable.”

Ella nodded.

“And how are you.”

“I am doing better, Jenny was a great sister, and I will miss her so much.”
Lupin reached for the paper. “School starts in a few days, are your ready.”

“No.” Ella said laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

“I forgot about School, I am not even ready!” Ella jumped up and ran to the upstairs bedroom.

“Ok, Ella your scaring me. Your starting to act like Hermione.” Ginny said lying on the bed watching an obsessive Ella record all of her belongings.

“I didn’t forget one thing , last year at school. There is a reason for that.”
Ella said checking each item on her list.

“Oh jeez”

“Don’t oh jeez me missy!”

“I want a drama free year. I need to get my grades up, and make more friends.”

“What’s wrong with us?” Ginny said getting defensive.

“Oh come yourself! There are people at school I don’t even know!” “I should give them a chance too.”

“Well, I suppose.” Ginny said rolling her eyes.

“You know, not everyone can be popular, like you!” Ella said laughing.

“Oh shut it!”

“I cant wait to hear, who you will be dating next! I wonder if it will be Harry!”

“Now you have done it! Ginny threw the pillow right at Ella.”
Laughing uncontrollably, Ella felt at ease.
“ I don’t know if I like Tonks.”

“Ella, your crazy.” Harry said laughing.”

“ Everyone,likes Tonks.” Harry said

“ I know, maybe that’s why she bothers me.”

“ Oh jeez.”

“Why does everyone keep using that phrase?”
“Mrs. Weasley , if I could eat your lunch everyday I would.”

“Why, thank you Ella.”

Hungrily, eating her sandwich, Ella wished for such normalcy in her family.

“Are you excited for school dear?”

“Yes and No” Ella said.

“I am sure you will do fine.”

“I cant believe it, 5th years!” Mrs. Weasley mumbled.

Ella went back to slurping her soup and taking a bite of her sandwich. Her only worry was that Sirius had been gone since Jenny had died. She worried he might to something brash.
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