Hey everybody, hello and thanks for coming by to read the next chapter. Next week's chapter is, Chapter 11 'Wake Up Call For Harry' I hope you enjoy this chapter.
narnia_potter; Hey Rachel, thanks for reading and commenting.
Just wondering, but I thought Rita Skeeter was a black beetle, not a lady bug. Or is the ladybug someone else?
No, it is Rita; my mistake.

Thanks for pointing that out for me. JK called it a water beetle at first, then it's called a black beetle, then she has it having markings and details. The last always puts a Ladybug image in my head.

I'm glad you're reading the other ff's and this one is coming together for you.
Uh-oh is all I can say
You're 100% correct! Thanks for reading and commenting Rachel.
ashfig; Hey Ashley, thanks for reading and commenting.
So you should post your friday chapter tomorrow. yeah. that's a good idea. *nods*
Thank you I appreciate your compliment, but my chapters are so long I think it would be unfair to those who are very limited on time to have to deal with reading two chapters in the same week. But thank you for saying that.
Anyway, I really liked it, and hope harry wakes up soon. well, it's not actually necessary--he's doing a good job of sleeping anyway...

Too cute. Harry does need his sleep, but as the chapter title for next Friday implies, Harry wakes up next week. Thanks for your sweetness Ashley, I hope my ff never disappoints you.
Droo; Hey Droo, I'm glad you think the chapter is great; it means a lot to me for you to say that. I know you have a lot of obligations, and I appreciate you reading and commenting. Thank you
Chapter 10
A Jig Saw Puzzle Of Sorts
Mr. Weasley sat looking at the flier his sons brought home. “How does Rita get all her information? I mean to say she knows so much. I think she knows more than she lets on, and I think she puts out stories like this hoping to stir up trouble. What could be her gain?”
Professor Dumbledore looked at Snape and said they were also wondering about some things. Kingsley asked if there was any
other times Harry’s life was threatened.
“Everywhere we went there was always someone showing up who tried to kill him for one reason or another. The first place we went was Australia. He was alone for the first month and a half. He said it would clear his head of the past and see if he would be able to get along on his own. He had many trials and hardships during that time, but he said he decided that he would be fine, and could get on with his quest. We didn’t witness the first attacks because they were during that period of time when he was alone. He told us about them though. The first time was when he was just setting up his camp, right after he arrived. Some men came and threw a noose around his neck. They said he was going to hang for stealing horses. Harry told them they had the wrong person, because he just got there. They knocked him unconscious and when he awoke, they were lowering him into a pit full of snakes by a rope tied around his neck. They bound his hands behind him, and both legs were broken. He saw the snakes and told them not to bite him, and he would set them all free. The men tied off the rope taut enough for him to lie down with his head pulled off the ground. Snakes slithered all over him, but did not bite. They said he would soon suffocate and then they would bite him for getting their hopes up for freedom. He couldn’t get the ropes off him, so he caused the ropes to smolder, and when he was finally free, he was able to get out his wand and started sending the snakes up and away from the pit. Soon he heard screaming from the men above. All the men died as the snakes overwhelmed and poisoned them. Harry apparated out of the hole and back to his campsite, and then mended his broken bones. Although he recovered from the incident, he will carry scars of a thief the rest of his life and he has horrible nightmares of the snakes in the pit all over him. Furthermore, he hasn’t shaved since then, and he wears his hair long for the same reason, to cover the dishonorable scar around his neck.”
“But he didn’t steal any horses. He shouldn’t worry about that.”
“A man that walks around with a scar around his neck from hanging tells a story without words Hermione,” explained Kinsley.
“You say everywhere you went there were always incidents that Harry nearly died or was bad enough to give the appearance of death? The reason I ask is because as I was telling Minerva, there have been rumors of his death these past four years, and Rita Skeeter was always the one who heard these rumors. Every time these rumors surfaced, she wanted to print his obituary.”
“Yes, Kingsley, I see your point. Harry leaves here, and doesn’t even get to set up his camp when he is attacked and ever since then too.”
“And don’t forget he was attacked when he arrived here; by someone other than me that is to say. However, he did tell us he killed a man that attacked him, and then buried him. We’ll need to recover that body in the morning, and find out who he was.”
Kingsley asked the boys how they got a hold of the flier.
Charlie explained, “We set a trap and caught the guy who threatened our family. We took him to the Ministry, and Rita Skeeter was just coming out of The Daily Profit. She was bragging on herself over something that made her very happy. We asked her what was she doing and she said she had news about Harry Potter and gave a special report to be printed and sent out tonight, and that she was on her way to get the rest of the news she needed to complete her story. She laughed and walked around the corner and disappeared. We ran inside and there on the Editors desk was her special edition she wanted printed tonight.”
“You should’ve seen Percy! I didn’t think he had it in him to be so brilliant,” laughed George as he proceeded to tell all. “He walked right up to the Editor and started boring him with a lot of gibberish about how he thinks there needs to be a special alert in the Daily Profit each day on the growing concerns of Black-market items being sold to our good and decent citizens. He says to warn the community not to wonder down Knockturn Alley where it seems to be the place these items are being sold.”
“Then, while Percy had the poor man’s attention, I swiftly and discreetly lifted Rita’s bulletin off of the desk without the editor even noticing.” chimed in Charlie very much proud of himself. The three boys laughed jubilantly at their sneaky adventure.
Then Percy stopped laughing abruptly. “Now hold on a minute! That was not gibberish I’ll have you know.” His back was straight and his head high.
Dumbledore smiled at the boys and then said, “It’s fortunate for Harry you were able to get this before it went to print. Let’s not speak of this to anyone outside of these walls, and see if we can collect the missing puzzle pieces.”
Ginny quietly spoke saying she doesn’t understand why everyone can’t leave him alone. She had not budged since Harry took hold of the top of her hand, and held it resting peacefully.
“Well, I can’t see how Zombies fit in any puzzle. I’d sure like to hear about what she had in mind telling about that.” George shook his head smirking at the idea. “And people say I’m the one who comes up with the craziest notions.”
“Awe come on George. That’s just her way of besmirching my best mates name and honor. Harry wouldn’t seek out and live with Zombies even if they were real. It’s just all Rita being wonky in the head.” The whole thing fueled the heat in Ron’s anger.
“Now listen here though. Harry came to my office the day he left. He had just the day before gone out to challenge a lake full of Inferi. He thought if he faced his greatest fear that it would make him feel better about what was confusing him about his life. He stirred them up and they overwhelmed him before he was ready. They drug him over sharp jagged rocks and into the lake. He was able at last to bring on the fire and drove them away from him. Then he burnt all of them in the lake. It didn’t help him feel any differently. The next day, which was the day he left, he borrowed a book from my office about folklore of the Dark Continent, and said he had Zombies to find. So, he obviously believes they exist.”
Ron listened to Professor McGonagall and shook his head. “How can he not feel different after killing Voldemort? I know he was afraid of him. He has mental issues if he has something scarier than that he’s afraid of.”
“Remus told me Harry’s worst fear is the Dementors.” Bill offered.
“And yet he’s faced hundred’s of them.” Hermione added quickly.
“Excuse me if you please.” Dumbledore waited until he had their attention. “It seems we are working two different puzzles here. I was speaking not of finding out Harry’s worst nightmares, but of the occurrences that has been happening since he left. Men showed up every time he went somewhere new and tried to kill him. There were always accusations against his reputation, and things of this nature.” Also, where and how does Rita Skeeter fit in? These are the puzzle pieces we need to sort out so we can see the picture of the puzzle. And to put a cap on Harry’s worst fears, Harry only thought at first his quest was to find and face his worst fear. However, it wasn’t until later on when he was well into his fourth year that he found out what it truly was.”
Molly suggested they wake him up, and take him to St. Mungo’s. “I’m sure he has a concussion and needs treatment better than what we’ve done for him here.”
“Can we ask him about the Zombies?” George asked hopeful. “I’d sure like to hear about them.”
“Let’s see what Harry has on his mind to tell us first,” put in Snape.
“I hope it’s on his mind to tell us how long he was outside waiting for us, and why didn’t he just come in when he arrived home.”
“I can answer that for you Ginny,” answered both Snape and Dumbledore. Snape nodded his head towards Dumbledore and remained quiet.
“Harry wanted to wait for the head of the house to come home, and enter with him. He thought anything else would be disrespectful and unfair to Arthur. Ginny, sense you are right there, how about you wake him for us.”