Thread: Harry Potter: Confessions of a Death Eater - Sa13+
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Old 10-02-2011, 08:49 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Posts: 97
quill Part 3

A year later, Mum and Dad were beginning to show me the world of the Dark Arts. You shouldn’t be surprised to find out that I began with the Unforgivable Curses. They led me into a small forest for some privacy.

“The first animal you see out here,” my dad said, “will be the object of your lesson today.”

I was astonished. “You want me to perform these spells on an innocent animal?” The idea seemed pretty barbaric.

“Well, don’t act so stunned.” Dad looked as though he was meeting me for the first time.

Mum interjected: “What did you think you’d be practicing on? A cabinet?” She laughed.

I didn’t answer. In truth, I hadn’t prepared myself for this. Moments later, a tawny cat came into view, the leaves crackling underneath his paws.

Dad put a hand on my shoulder. “Ok, Bella. It’s time. Use the Body-Bind Curse to make him stay.”

I took a deep breath. At least they weren’t asking me to kill the cat… yet.

Petrificus Totalus!

The cat froze where he stood and fell over.

“Next, we’ll attempt the Imperius Curse,” Mum said. “You know the spell already, and you know that it will cause the cat to come under your full control. The trick is to put all your focus on what you want it to do. Use your imagination.”

I decided to make the cat jump. Once again, I pointed my wand at him.


He actually did as I commanded. I saw how frightened the cat looked, but at the same time, for some reason, I enjoyed watching him being thrown into the air. Maybe I was more like my parents than I previously thought.

“That was incredible for your first try!” my father cheered. “Now, do you remember which Unforgivable Curse comes after that?”

“The Cruciatus Curse. Doesn’t it cause your victim pain?”

He nodded. “And when you perform the curse... you really have to mean it.”

“But the cat hasn’t done anything to me," I argued. How can I hurt it?”

“Have you never been so angry or upset with someone that you wanted to cause them pain?” Mum asked incredulously. “Has nobody ever done wrong to you?”

I answered yes meekly, looking down at the forest ground. I hadn’t been the same since my encounter with the Muggle woman, when I found out that Muggles really were as bad as Mum and Dad said they were. It was time for some payback.

Mum brought me back to the present. “Of course there is someone! You just have to pretend that this cat is that person.”

With my anger boiling, I didn’t hesitate a second longer, shouting, “Crucio!” He wriggled in agony. Before I knew was I was doing, I repeated the spell. How I loved to see that cat squirm. A sly grin spread upon my face. I was already thriving on the curse that would become my signature.

“You sure are learning fast,” said Dad. “I don’t believe I need to tell you the final Unforgivable Curse.”

“No, sir,” I replied. There was an edge to my voice, sharp as a razor. My wand arm shot up, and I cried, for the first time, “Avada Kedavra!” It struck the cat’s heart, killing him instantly.

As of that moment, the old Bellatrix was gone. Soon, I’d think nothing of doing this every single day.

Last edited by LoonyLupin99; 12-28-2011 at 02:12 AM.
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