Thread: Harry Potter: The Way the Wind Blows - Sa13+
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Old 10-02-2011, 04:27 PM   #170 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Enya Mayberry
Fourth Year
Workaholic || HOGwart | iloveyou. || SnowQueenEviee.

Thank You Maura

The noise of the Great Hall rose suddenly as the shock of the last name that came out of the goblet finally emerged. Some names I wasn't surprised to hear (like Ginny's - though I'd much rather she'd stayed clear ) and I was happy for them all…well, maybe not Malfoy. A half empty plate sat in front of me, a goblet of pumpkin juice sat to its side. I made no indication I wanted to touch either; instead I was eagerly listening to the conversation that was flying all around me:

"Can you believe the contestants?..."

"Congratulations! You'll do fine..."

"Can you imagine the tasks you'll have to do? ..."

a voice said beside me. I turned to my best friend. The one and only Ronald Weasley.

"Yeah, mate?" I responded, finally taking hold of my drink.

"You've been staring into space for five minutes." I heard Ron say matter-of-factly before carrying on as if he'd said nothing. "Can you believe the list of contestants? Malfoy!" He laughed before leaning against the table.

"Oi! Ginny!" Ron shouted as his sister at which she responded with a "What?" and a glare

"Make sure you beat Malfoy." With a grin, Ron attacked his food once more, with a smile at the thought of Ginny beating Malfoy. I replaced my drink to the table and turned to offically congratulate Ginny myself, the Harry Potter way, but I was interrupted once more.

"Hey what about me? I can beat Malfoy any day!" Neville Longbottom, with far more confidence than he once had, looked both innocent and peeved at being forgotten again.

"You get him Neville!" I called over before laughing, everyone around me joining in.

"I'll show you Harry. I'm not some scared kid anymore," Neville responded, looking more annoyed. Ah I felt sorry for him.

"I don't think you are, I think you’re very brave." Dreamy Luna sat down next to Neville and gave him a peck on the check making Neville turn bright red. I laughed again, happy that everything seemed so light hearted these days like they once were.

"Anyway mate," Ron started in between mouthfuls of food so his words actually came out muffled (Hermione, hearing this, rolled her eyes,) "The way you killed that snake, Malfoy has no chance!" He finished, taking a sip of his drink.

He has a point, I thought. I looked from Ron to Neville. Everyone had gone quiet like me and thought back to the battle in which they had all fought for their lives. Everyone had been brave, including Neville with the way he had wielded that sword and killed the snake. I could see it clearly in my memories.

"You'll never believe what some of the Slytherins are doing!" A disgusted looking George Weasley, followed by Angela Johnson, said, sitting down on the other side of Ginny.

"What?" I heard Ginny ask impatiently.

"Betting on which one of us is going to lose first…" was his reply. We all cast looks towards the remaining Slytherins that were laughing and joking between them. Some things never change.

"If it's Malfoy again I swear I will..." Ron started to say, a few of us nodded our agreement.

"No it's not Malfoy, it's Nott and that lot," George explained as he pulled a plate towards himself. That was off, Malfoy was always the first to bet.

"He looks scared…" Hermione stated, talking for the first time in a while. I looked towards where she was looking. Malfoy did indeed look scared; then again with Pansy trying to kiss him every five minutes, it was no wonder...

"...If I ever turn out like Pansy, kill me!" The statement was directed at me but everyone laughed.

"You won’t, I promise," I told Ginny taking her hand and taking my eyes away from the Slytherin table, I gave Ginny a smile before giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

"I wonder what the first task is?" Dean said looking around, possibly for the answer.

"Hopefully not dragons," Lavender chimed in, as Parvati sat next to her nodding. I watched as Ginny rolled her eyes at me, and I fought back a laugh although it was hard.

"It won’t be anything like it was in the Tri-Wizard Tournment," Hermione piped up, sounding smart, I watched as Lavender glared her way. The tension around the table suddenly got worse. No one knew what to say.

"We better watch out for the Nargles…" Luna suddenly said breaking the silence.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Nargles, they're all around us you know."

"That's stupid and you know it!"

Zoning out I turned towards Ginny once more and went to strike up a conversation but once again I was interrupted. Professor McGonagall, standing now, faced us all.

"I believe it's time for bed," was all she said before sitting down and striking up a conversation with Madam Pomfrey. I stood from my seat and waited till Ginny did the same. Putting my arm around her shoulders, we made our way out of the hall with our friends all around us.
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

___________________Look Who's Back.
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