Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions
Hey Guy's, welcome, and thank you for taking the time to read my ff. I realize my chapters are long, and I feel honored that you give me your time. I hope I don't disappoint you. This chapter isn't quite as long, so I hope that helps out some with time. Next weeks chapter 10 is, 'A Jig Saw Puzzle Of Sorts"
Miss Evi3e <3; Hey Eviee, thanks for sharing your time by reading and commenting. Please take your time reading and commenting here. I'm glad you liked these chapters.
ashfig; Hey Ashley, yeah, poor Ron just can't keep his foot out of his mouth sometimes, but you have to love him for it. I don't think anyone realizes his true feelings in these matters, but he has his shining moments in the next ff I'm writing.  Thanks for reading and commenting Ashley.
narnia_potter; Hey Rachel, welcome to my ff. I'm thrilled you are here and that you love it! Quote:
There's a few spots where I am confused, but they are working themselves out.
If you ever need answers to anything, message or PM me, and I'll be more than happy to answer your questions. Sometimes there are referrences to my other 2 ff's written before this one. Quote:
I love what you've done with Snape. He seems so much more caring now. And the visual of him with a mohawk and earrings is quite the image!
I think JK wrote him as being a bad man, and he was. He sided with Dumbledore to give his concience a break. His guilt drives him throughout his life, and when Harrry comes along at school, he takes everything out on Harry. Now Harry has given him a chance to redeem himself so to speak. Harry did warn him about playing nice though, and Snape didn't take him at his word. I would loved to have seen Snape with a smile, Mohawk, and earrings for Harry's vengence.  They do become quite close after that incident. Quote:
And now Ron's just being an absolute git in not wanting to admit his feelings for Hermione and that he truly does love her. But it's also quite funny. He's just being overly nervous and a worry wart.
Great job!
I'm thinking that Hermione has had confirmation on how much he loves her, but for some reason he's dragging his feet. If there wasn't any confirmation at all, I think Hermione would have given up on him becoming her husband. He probably gives her little glimmers of hope here and there to keep her. But as I told Eviee ^ Ron does have his shining moments in the next ff.
Thanks for coming on board and commenting Rachel, and I hope you keep coming back.
Chapter 9
Trouble Buzzing At The Burrow
George, Percy and Charlie came in laughing and being very loud and boisterous. George took a second to look at Ron with his violently red face, and Hermione with her arms folded across her chest and a look of anger and abhorrence on her face.
“So, nothing new at home I see.” George mocked, looking serious for a second then laughing loudly with Charlie and Percy. “Hey everybody! You’ll never believe…” George started stridently before Ron gave him a straight-armed shove to the chest.
“Cut it out!” he said under his breath, and jerking his head over his shoulder. “You’ll wake him!” Ron wanted them to be quiet, but he was more upset with George’s comment.
They all glanced where Ron indicated, and George with a soft voice said, “Who’s the nude guy on the couch Ginny’s all gaga over?” Then with realization of who it was, they each at the same time said, “HARRY,” as quietly as they could and still be exceptionally happy.
“No way you can come in here and with just a glance know that’s Harry!” Exclaimed Ron indignantly.
“Rita Skeeter” said Percy as he entered the living room and looked closely at Harry unconscious on the couch. He handed his dad a flyer. She is putting out a follow-up report in the Daily Profit in the morning. This was going to be a Special Addition tonight. George and Charlie made there way over to see Harry also.
“What happened to his head?” Percy asked as he turned to the kitchen to get some sandwiches.
“It’s a long story.” interjected Mr. Weasley suddenly.
“He looks so different, all muscled and hairy! What did happen to him, and how did he get here? Charlie stated.
“Daddy smashed his head in with a big rock.” put in Ginny. Then becoming ashamed she said, “I’m sorry Daddy. It wasn’t your fault. You thought he was that nutter you told us about who threatened to end our world as we know it tonight.”
“They caught him and he’s being held at the Ministry for questioning first thing in the morning.” George said casually. “Love his little outfit. Looks comfy, I’m sure he didn’t get that around here. Wonder if he’ll get me…”
Suddenly there was a swift movement and with a swish and a plop, Hermione had a jar turned upside down and on the table. She tapped it and muttered a little spell.
“Not Rita Skeeter again!” gasped Ron. Everyone but Ginny went over and peered down in the jar at the beetle.
“When you all went over to look at Harry I saw something fly from Percy to Charlie when he went out to get his sandwich. Then when George said the nutter was caught and being held it flew off and was headed toward the door.”
“Clearly something is amiss here,” said the smooth waspish voice of Snape.” “I quite agree.” said Dumbledore.
The three newcomers drew in there breaths and whirled around to see the portrait’s they hadn’t noticed when they came in.
“Oh hello!” They all said at once.
“We didn’t know we had distinguished guests visiting; you two, and Tarzan over there. Did we interrupt something going on here?” inquired George.
“As a matter of fact you did.” answered McGonagall.
“Oh hello there Professor McGonagall, and you too Kingsley.” The boys found a seat and got serious.
“Miss Granger, is Rita’s temporary prison sound proof?”
“Yes, Professor Snape.” she draped a dark dish towel over it and said, “She can’t see us either.”
Dumbledore asked Arthur if he would please read the flyer.
“For these past four years now, people have been asking where their beloved hero, Harry Potter, The Chosen One, is. He seemed to simply disappear, after he single handedly killed the dark wizard, Lord Voldemort. No longer a mystery; as this reporter has it on good authority that he is now at this very moment in hiding at the Weasley’s home. (You will remember the Weasley’s from just a couple years back when Mr. Arthur Weasley faced fines and near dismissal from the Ministry, for charming a Muggle car to fly.) This is new information from a very reliable source. It is a known fact of this reporter that he has followers from all over the world now, and this past year and a half has been, believe it or not, living with and recruiting Zombies from the United States. It is regrettably a truth that our beloved Harry Potter has indeed let the notoriety of his accomplishment go to his head and turned evil wizard himself, even more terrifying than his predecessor he killed. This picture of Harry Potter brutally murdering twenty-seven men somewhere in Dark Africa and stealing a diamond mine is the terrible proof. One other question to consider is; how much is the Weasley family supporting him? I will learn the answer to this question tonight, as I have a faithful reporter standing by to interview the Weasley Patriarch when he gets home from work this evening. All this and more will be ready to read first thing with your morning coffee. Remember friends, you heard it first from Rita Skeeter, your favorite news reporter.”
“Well that’s it then. Pictures do not lie, and that is Harry Potter shooting the killing curse at that defenseless man. He does not have a wand, he is probably a Muggle, and he has his hands before him as if he’s begging Harry to stop. Moreover, it is obvious the man is terrified. It looks like you did the right thing bashing in Potter’s head Father.” Percy said it all in a proud voice as though he was an official who witnessed the complete scene and declared Harry guilty. Then he shook his head sorrowfully and announced he was sorry. “Something is wrong with the photo. Harry would die before he went to the dark side.”
Molly smiled a small reassuring smile at her son, but everyone else was a little slow to forgive his unjust remarks against Harry. “Do you notice anything about the photo? Snape asked the group.
Hermione spoke without even thinking. “It doesn’t have any movement to it, and it is in black and white.”
“That is exactly right. Pictures can lie such as this one is doing.” Dumbledore explained. “If it was a moving picture and in color, you would see a purple haze in the form of a giant anaconda about to swallow that man. That is the reason he is terrified. In addition, you would see that blurry spot in front of Harry, was indeed a man knifing him. They assumed that Harry died, because as he lay dieing from the knife wound, the man cursed him with the Cruciatus Curse. Since Harry did not respond to it, he assumed Harry was dead. However, as you all know now, Narcissus Malfoy injected him with an antidote to protect him from that Curse. It incapacitates for a short while, just as if death had occurred. This picture is trying to make it seem Harry is murdering an innocent man. Harry did kill a man, but it was not him, and he was not innocent. The man here is actually fine. They captured him and he is now in prison. One of the men in Harry’s group shot the man in the neck with a dart full of a hallucinative drug. It is old Voo Doo magic. The victim is merely suggested to, that he is seeing whatever the magician wants him to see.”
“How could Harry let that man get close enough to him to knife him?” Charlie wanted to know.
“Ah, well you see, Harry was seeking refuge behind him. He was at that moment not a man, but a tree. Harry killed a man who was shooting killing curses at village people. Then he shot a binding curse on the man, who happened to be the leader of the band of outlaws, who was at that moment, thinking he was about to be eaten by a great snake. Harry stepped behind this tree to look around and see who needed help next when the tree transfigured back into a man, and simply knifed him.”
“That’s bloody dirty!” Ron said outraged.
“The Chief of the tribe himself carried Harry to his tent where he knew Harry had a large cabinet of medicines. He got Harry to come around, and asked him what he needed to get him. Harry looked upon Fawkes and wanted desperately to call on him to heal him. Instead, he managed to tell what medicine to use, and the chief applied it. It kept him alive until everyone was asleep, and then Harry called for Fawkes to heal him. He rested for a few days letting his blood re-supply, and strength rebuild.”
“When he was completely mended the chief gave him the diamond mine.” Snape added, “Harry tried to refuse, but you don’t refuse a Tribal Chief. He graciously accepted the gift, and said his good-byes for his wand had pointed to a mountain in the state of Washington in the United States."
Last edited by Connie; 02-27-2015 at 05:55 PM.