Authors Note: Sorry to leave you guys with no explanations, to anything, and a cliffhanger. It is nearly three am and I wanted to update tonight/this morning because I had a good writing streak, hope you all enjoy it! 
Chapter Seventeen: Dreamer Previously on Eyes of An Angel; She then skipped her way back into the Great Hall with Albus by her side and noticed that Septimus was talking with Jamie already, and Jamie was rather close to Septimus, immediately Lily began to rewrite her route and head towards them, but halfway there; Jamie reached up and pulled Septimus' head down, planting her lips on his.
Septimus shoved Jamie away instantly. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" He yelled at her, taking two long steps back, Lily had stopped dead in her tracks, not sure what to do.
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you! Dating that stupid Potter girl!" Jamie screamed right back at him, the Great Hall was extremely quiet, you could have literally heard a pin drop at that time. "Ever since I got back like an hour ago, it's all been 'Septimus and Lily did that' 'Septimus and Lily did this' 'have you heard about Septimus and Lily'; and I am so sick of hearing about you guys, because you're mine!"
"I have never been, nor will I ever be yours Jamie, stop making pointless drama just for the sake of attention, Lily and I are together, stop trying to break us apart." Septimus glared darkly at Jamie then turned sharply on his heel, finally noticing that Lily was in the room. "Lils," he murmured nearly running to her side. "Hey, sorry that you had to see that, I didn't think she was going to try and... Yeah, Lily, I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault Sep, stop apologizing." Lily nearly laughed, giving him a quick peck on his cheek. "By the way, thanks for sticking up for us like that, it was really cute."
She felt like she was floating off into the distance almost, and then there was a cave, wait, she was in the cave, she had never left it, there was a reappearing food source, there was water, lots and lots of water, and there was a little island with a large bowl shaped object, there was an invisible boat only detected by magic, but there were two people, a couple, one with raven black hair, and the other with flaming red hair.
Wait, Lily's mind did a somersault briefly, was that her? Where was she? But the laugh that came out of the woman's lips was not her laugh, but it was oh so familiar.
"Harry, I can't believe you've never told me that before, it's hysterical, Ron's jealousy when he was a teenager..." The woman trailed off, shaking her soft mane of hair a little.
"I could have sworn that I did Ginny, and it wasn't just when he was a teenager, actually-" Harry paused for a second then looked around. "Ginny did you hear that?"
"Hear what Harry?" Ginny sat up alert.
Lily tried to control her sobs as she realized who it was, but she couldn't. She stood on the water in her trance, watching them so happy together, and crying.
"Crying, I-I can hear someone crying." Harry continued to look around for the source of the sound.
"Harry, I can't hear any-" Ginny cut across herself in mid sentence. "Harry, over there, over the water." Her words were spoken in fear, her whole body trembling.
The two of them saw the faint outline of their daughter, all grown up, and crying, then in a blink of an eye, she vanished.
Lily awoke with a start, she had been crying in her sleep, that much was apparent from her blotchy red face and wet pillow. But none of that mattered now, she had seen her parents, and she knew where they were. Jumping out of her bed, barely remembering to grab her wand, she ran out of the girls dormitories and straight into the boys.
"Septimus!" She cried out, not caring if she looked insane and woke everyone else up.
"Lils?" Septimus mumbled sleepily, sitting up and rubbing his eyes, his fellow roommates doing the same.
"Dude, what the hell is your girlfriend doing in here?" One of them yawned.
"Septimus, I know where they are, you've got to come with me, I saw them, Septimus, I SAW THEM!" Lily felt like she was going to cry once more, this time out of joy.
"Lily, calm down, I'm coming, let me grab my wand." Septimus reassured her, getting out of his bed, but nowhere near as awake as Lily was.
As the two of them left he could hear Isaac mutter "what is with girls these days?" and almost laughed.