Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God Zap Pre Hogwarts Little six year old Amy ran around her garden with her cousin, waving two sticks at each other “ZAP ZAP ZAP ZAP!” Amy squealed, jabbing the twig towards Ben “ZOOOOOOM!”
“ZAAAAP....OOOOWWW!” Amy screamed as she fell over. “OWWW IT HURTS!” She cried again, being pulled up by Ben “Shush Amy, you’ll get me into trouble” the nine year-old snapped at her, lightly tapping her toe “If you were a wizard you could make me better” Amy pouted “If I were a wizard I could zap you away”
“Don’t be mean!” Amy snapped, walking away into the house prissily |